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1、学 士 学 位 论 文系 别: 外 语 系 学科专业: 英 语 姓 名: 2013年5月A Study into the Application of Multimedia in Junior High School English Teaching多媒体技术在初中英语教学中的应用研究系 别: 外 语 系 学科专业: 英 语 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 2013 年5 月教学gContentsAbstracti摘要ii1. Introduction12. Literature Review22.1 Definition of Multimedia Teaching22.2 Advantag

2、es of Multimedia Teaching22.3 The Theoretical Bases62.3.1 Constructivism Theory62.3.2 Cognitive Psychology72.4 Related Research at Home and Abroad82.4.1 Related Research at Abroad82.4.2 Related Research at Home103. Research113.1 Purpose113.2 Subjects123.3 Instruments123.4 Data Collection124. Results

3、 and Discussion124.1 Data Analysis and Results124.1.1The Students Attitude towards Multimedia Teaching124.1.2 The Effect of the Application of Multimedia in English Teaching134.1.3 The Problems in Multimedia Teaching144.1.4 Students Suggestion on Multimedia Teaching144.2 Discussion155. Conclusion17A

4、cknowledgments19Bibliography20Appendix21A Study into the Application of Multimedia in Junior High School English TeachingAbstract: With the continuous development of modern technology, multimedia is applied to teaching more and more widely, which has contributed a lot to higher teaching quality. Thi

5、s is of special significance to English teaching. The development of multimedia technology urges the educational reforms. Through the survey to teachers and students in Hejin No. 2 middle school, we find out that application of the multimedia in English teaching has a practical guiding significance.

6、Multimedia aided English teaching increases classroom capacity, arouses students learning interest and enthusiasm,and guides the students to active learning. It has very important significance for their life-long learning and development. The thesis firstly explains the research reason and the relat

7、ed literature review. Secondly it analyzes and discusses the research results of multimedia aided English teaching in junior high schoo1. At last it comes to a conclusion and puts forward the effective methods of implementation to achieve the best teaching effect.The specific implementation of study

8、 is analysis results of questionnaires to know the change of teaching effect after using multimedia technology in English teaching. It includes: 1) The students attitude towards multimedia-aided teaching; 2) The effect of the application of multimedia in English teaching; 3) The main problems in mul

9、timedia teaching; 4) Students suggestions on multimedia teaching.The conclusion of research is: the use of multimedia technology can create situations to improve students learning interest and enthusiasm; English teachers use multimedia technology to improve the effect of teaching.Key words:English

10、teaching; learning interests; multimedia多媒体技术在初中英语教学中的应用研究摘要:随着现代教育技术的发展,多媒体技术进入课堂辅助教学也日渐普遍,在很大程度上提高了教学质量。这尤其对你英语教学有特殊意义,多媒体技术的发展推动着教学改革。本文通过对河津第二中学初中学生进行调查,验证了多媒体教学理论应用在英语教学中具有实践指导意义。多媒体教学提高了课堂容量使课堂内容充实,激发学生的学习兴趣和热情,引导学生主动学习,使所学语言材料能够在运用中获得巩固和提高,对提高师生的信息素养,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础具有十分重要的意义。 本文首先说明论文选题来源及


12、兴趣;多媒体教学g1. IntroductionIt is universally known that English is the most widely used language in the world. Owing to the globalization, the English language is taught as the foreign language or the second language in most non-English-speaking countries all over the world. The 21st century is an info

13、rmation age and an era of knowledge-based economy. As the information explosion and education reforming, traditional education is facing more and more tremendous challenges, education means and teaching methods of reform is imperative (Ye Lan, 2001). In todays world,with the rapid development of sci

14、ence and technology and information technology emerge in an endless stream,multimedia and network technology as the representative of modern information technology has infiltrated into all aspects of education.At present many schools of most cities in China have established campus network, multimedi

15、a classrooms, network classrooms, teachers of some schools are also equipped with computers and even the laptop, some schools classrooms are also mounted on the projector, school education normalization process change rapidly, the modern information technology in education and teaching has been used more and more widely. At the same time, it is also the needs of basic education curriculum reform and deeply developing innovation education (Yuan Zhenguo, 1990).The repr



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