老友记英文剧本 第一季09

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1、六人行 1-9The One Where Underdog Gets AwayScene: Central Perk, Rachel is confronting her boss, Terry.Rachel: Terry, I, I, I know that I havent worked here very long, but I was wondering, do you think it would be possible if I got a $100 advance in my salary?Terry: An advance?Rachel: Its so that I can s

2、pend Thanksgiving with my family. See, every year we go skiing in Vail, and normally my father pays for my ticket, but I sort of started the whole independence thing, you know, which is actually why I took this job.Terry: Rachel, Rachel, sweetheart. Youre a terrible, terrible waitress. Really, reall

3、y awful.Rachel: Ok, I, I hear what youre sayin. Im with you. Um, but I, but Im trying really hard. And I think Im doing better. I really do. Does anybody need coffee? (everyone in the place raises their hand) Oh, look at that.Opening CreditsScene: Central Perk, Rachel is approaching a customer.Rache

4、l: Excuse me, sir. Hi, you come in here all time. I was just wondering, do you think theres a possibility that you could give me an advance on my tips?Guy: Huh?Rachel: Ok, ok, thats fine. Fine. Hey, Im sorry about that spill before. (picks up the tip he leaves) Only $98.50 to go.(Monica enters.)Moni

5、ca: Hey. Ross, did you know Mom and Dad are going to Puerto Rico for Thanksgiving?Ross: No, theyre not.Monica: Yes, they are. The Blymens invited them.Ross: Youre wrong.Monica: I am not wrong.Ross: Youre wrong.Monica: No, I just talked to them.Ross: (getting up, upset) Im calling Mom.(Joey enters. H

6、is face looks abnormally colorful.)Joey: Hey, hey.Chandler: Hey.Phoebe: Hey.Chandler: And this from the cry-for-help department. Are you wearing makeup?Joey: Yes, I am. As of today, I am officially Joey Tribbiani, actor slash model.Chandler: Thats so funny, cause I was thinking you look more like Jo

7、ey Tribbiani, man slash woman.Phoebe: What were you modeling for?Joey: You know those posters for the city free clinic?Monica: Oh, wow, so youre gonna be one of those healthy, healthy, healthy guys?Phoebe: You know, the asthma guy was really cute.Chandler: Do you know which one youre gonna be?Joey:

8、No, but I hear lyme disease is open, so. (crosses fingers)Chandler: Good luck, man. I hope you get it.Joey: Thanks.(Ross comes back to the couch.)Ross: (to Monica) Well, you were right. How can they do this to us, huh? Its Thanksgiving.Monica: Ok, Ill tell you what. How about I cook dinner at my pla

9、ce? Ill make it just like Moms.Ross: Will you make the mashed potatoes with the lumps?Monica: You know, theyre not actually supposed to have. (Ross looks at her sheepishly) Ill work on the lumps. Joey, youre going home, right?Joey: Yeah.Monica: And I assume, Chandler, you are still boycotting all th

10、e pilgrim holidays.Chandler: Yes, every single one of them.Monica: Phoebe, youre gonna be with your grandma?Phoebe: Yes, and her boyfriend. But were celebrating Thanksgiving in December cause he is lunar.Monica: So youre free Thursday, then.Phoebe: Yeah. Oh, can I come?Monica: Yeah. Rach, are you th

11、inking youre gonna make it to Vail?Rachel: Absolutely. Shoop, shoop, shoop. Only a hundred and two dollars to go.Chandler: I thought it was $98.50.Rachel: Yeah, well it was. I, I broke a cup.Ross: Well, Im off to Carols.Phoebe: Ooh, ooh! Why dont we invite her?Ross: (mimicking) Ooh, ooh. Because she

12、s my ex-wife, and will probably want to bring her, ooh, ooh, lesbian life partner.Scene: Carol and Susans apartment, Susan is there. Ross enters.Ross: Hi, is uh, is Carol here?Susan: No, shes at a faculty meeting.Ross: Oh, I uh, just came by to pick up my skull. Well, not mine, but.Susan: Come in.Ro

13、ss: Thanks. Yeah, Carol borrowed it for a class, and I have to get it back to the museum.Susan: Whats it look like?Ross: Kinda like a big face without skin.Susan: Yes, Im familiar with the concept. We can just look for it.Ross: Ok. (browsing the apartment) Wow, you guys sure have a lot of books abou

14、t bein a lesbian.Susan: Well, you know, you have to take a course. Otherwise, they dont let you do it.Ross: (picking up a book) Hey, hey, Yertle the Turtle. A classic.Susan: Actually, Im reading it to the baby.Ross: The uh, the baby that hasnt been born yet? Wouldnt that mean youre. crazy?Susan: Wha

15、t, you dont think they can hear sounds in there?Ross: Youre not serious, I mean, you really. you really talk to it?Susan: Yeah, all the time. I want the baby to know my voice.Ross: Do you uh, do you talk about me?Susan: Yeah, yeah, all the time.Ross: Really?Susan: But um, we just refer to you as Bobo the Sperm Guy.Scene: Monica and Rachels, everyone is there but Rachel.Ross: Look, if shes talking to it, I just think that I should get some belly time too. Not that I believe any of this.Phoebe: Oh, I believe it. I think the baby can totally hear everything. I can show you.


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