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1、分类号 学号 M091185 U D C 密级 学 位 论 文 不同棉花品种对棉蚜茧蜂的趋势行为反应及机理研究伏红伟指导教师姓名: 杨益众教授,扬州大学 申请学位级别: 硕 士学科专业名称:农业昆虫与害虫防治论文提交日期: 2012年4月 论文答辩日期: 2012年5月 学位授予单位: 扬 州 大 学 学位授予日期: 答辩委员会主席: 论 文 评 阅 人: 2012年5月MASTER DISSERTATIONYANGZHOU UNIVERSITYThe Behacioral Response and Theroy Investigationof Lysiphlebia japonica Ash

2、mead toThe Different Cotton VarietiesCandidate: Fu HongweiSupervisor: Professor Yang Yizhong Yangzhou UniversityYangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, ChinaMay, 2012本研究得到国家转基因生物新品种培育重大专项课题“转基因生物安全监测技术(2008ZX08012-04)”资助 / 文档可自由编辑打印中文摘要棉蚜茧蜂(Lysiphlebia japonica Ashmead)是蚜虫的主要天敌之一,在生物防治上有重要的应用价值。本文以棉花棉蚜棉蚜茧蜂为研究模式,以




6、相同处理条件下完全相同。而这两个生育期的挥发物组分与七叶期的挥发物组分在相同处理条件下差异较大。仅七叶期能够检测到(E)2已烯醛、(E)2已烯1醇、水芹烯、莰烯和(D) 柠檬酸的释放;而在现蕾前期和现蕾期,能够检测到3甲基丁酸乙酯、1,3二甲基苯、庚醛和十五烷的释放。单个的挥发物成分在棉花植株受害后在不同的棉花品种间表现出不同的反应模式。4. 采用EAG技术筛选出能够引起雌雄棉蚜茧蜂触角电位反应的8种活性物质。棉蚜茧蜂雌成虫对不同浓度的苯甲醛、蒎烯、(Z)3己烯基乙酸酯、2乙基1己醇、3,7二甲基,1,3,6辛三烯、癸醛和十五烷这7种化合物有反应,而雄蜂对不同浓度的庚醛、苯甲醛、蒎烯、(Z)3

7、己烯基乙酸酯、2乙基1己醇、癸醛和十五烷这7种化合物有反应。说明雌雄棉蚜茧蜂对棉花挥发物的组份反应存在一定差异。关键词:棉蚜,棉蚜茧蜂,棉花挥发物,趋性反应, GC-MS,触角电位AbstractLysiphlebia japonica Ashmead is one of the major natural enemies of aphids, which has significant value using in biological control. This paper used cotton-cotton aphid- Lysiphlebia japonica Ashmead as

8、research model and three kinds of transgenic cotton (GK12, Xinmian 33B and SGK321) and respectively their conventional cotton (Simian 3, Xinmian 33 and Shiyuan321) as materials. Three treatments, healthy cotton (A), cotton damaged by aphid (B) and cotton damaged by aphid + aphid (C), were designed i

9、n the experiments. The effects of the three treatments on the induction and on the search host behavior of Lysiphlebia japonica Ashmead was studied by the determination in the Ytube olfactometer. The reaction of Lysiphlebia japonica Ashmead to the volatile matter produced by cotton after being damag

10、ed by aphids was also systematically investigated. The components of cotton volatile matter were analyzed and the bioactive component to Lysiphlebia japonica Ashmead was screened out by EAG. The main results were as follows.1. Lysiphlebia japonica Ashmead could not distinguish the healthy transgenic

11、 and conventional cotton, the selection rates were both about 45%. However, Lysiphlebia japonica Ashmead was tending to the transgenic cotton in treatment B and C, with a selection rate of 60% for the transgenic and 30% for the conventional. Compared with seven-leaf stage, in the early days of buddi

12、ng and the budding period the attraction of transgenic cotton to Lysiphlebia japonica Ashmead was somewhat enhanced.2. The cotton volatile matter in each treatment were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by GC-MS. The results showed that the amount of plant green leaf volatiles such as 3-hexa

13、none, 2-hexanone and 3-hexanol were all declined among the major plant volatiles induced by pest damage. For example, in the seven-leaf stage, among the volatiles of Simian 3 plant, the amount of 3-hexanone was decreased from 276.665.67ng/4h in treatment A to 145.7111.6ng/4h in treatment B, and then

14、 to 73.681.48ng/4h in treatment C; the types and amounts of terpene compounds were obviously increased compared with the control. Insect attack could induce the release of 3,7dimethyl1,3,6octatriene. The amount of -pinene, camphene, -pinene and -myrcene released in the treatment B and C was signific

15、antly higher than the healthy cotton in the control. For example, in the early days of budding, the amount of -pinene in the plant volatiles of GK12 increased to 387.631.26ng/4h in treatment B, and then to 587.171.77ng/4h in treatment C from 178.190.95ng/4h treatment A.3. The components of the volatiles collected were almost same in the transgenic and conv



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