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1、Unit 1 Getting along with others (Module 5)【考点释析】1. I feel betrayed by my friend, Hannah. (P2) betray vt. 出卖, 背叛;无意中显示; betrayal n 出卖, 背叛常用结构:betray toHe would rather die than betray his country. 他宁愿死也不愿意出卖他的国家。The expression on her face betrays that she is angry. 她脸上的表情显示她在生气。He felt sorry for betr

2、aying his friends to the enemy. 把朋友出卖给敌人让他感到很抱歉。 2. I didnt feel like I was overlooking my studies, but maybe I could work harder in Maths. (P2)overlook vt. 忽略,忽视,不追究;俯瞰overlook a valley from a hill 从山上俯视山谷 overlook a persons fault 不追究(某人的)过错 overlook a mistake 忽略了一个错误Located /Sitting on the hill, t

3、he house overlooks a river. 那个房子位于山上,俯瞰一条河。3. We went to wash our hands in the girls toilets before lunch and I admitted how badly I had done. (P2)admit vt. 承认;允许进入,接纳,允许参加;可容纳(= hold) 常用结构: admit sth / admit doing sth / admit having done sth / admit + that-clause (承认) admit to /into (接纳进入)He admitt

4、ed having stolen / stealing the car. = He admitted that he had stolen the car.他承认自己偷了车。Many students are admitted to the key universities every year in our school.每年我校都有许多学生被重点大学录取。The theatre is small and admits only 300 people.该剧院很小,只能容纳300人。 To our great joy, she has been admitted into Beijing Un

5、iversity. 令我们非常高兴地是,她被北大录取了。 Open the window to admit some fresh air. 打开窗子让新鲜空气进入。 He opened the door and admitted the guests into the house.他打开门让客人进入屋子。4. keep ones word 守信,遵守诺言 (P 2) break ones word 失信,失言 word用单数形式,不用复数形式。 They failed to keep their word.他们没有遵守诺言 Ill manage to keep my word to her t

6、hat Ill give her a hand if necessary. 我会对她守信,在必要时给她帮助。【拓展】Word came that he won the first place.消息传来,他得了一等奖。 She left word to us that she would not come back until next Sunday. 她给我们留下话,她直到下个星期天才会回来。5. She was really upset and swore that she hadnt told anyone, but I know that the only people who see

7、marks are the teacher and the student. (P2)swear vt./vi. 宣誓,发誓;断言,发誓说 (swore, sworn)They swear eternal(永恒的)friendship. 他们宣誓友情不渝。He swore never to drink. = He swore that he would never drink. 他发誓再不喝酒。6. I dont think I can ever forgive her. (P2) forgive vt. 原谅,饶恕,宽恕 (forgave, forgiven) 常用结构: forgive s

8、b./sth. forgive sbs sth. forgive sb. for sth./doing sth. If you apologize, the teacher may forgive you / your carelessness.如果你道歉,老师会原谅你/你的粗心。 He forgave me for breaking his glass.他原谅我打坏了他的杯子。7. , but I cant stand seeing our team lose. (P3) stand vt. 忍受,忍耐;常用于否定句、疑问句中,后接名词,代词或动名词作宾语。I wont stand your

9、 talking to me like that. 我不会忍受你象那样对我讲话。 I cant stand it when you do that. 你那样做,我受不了。 Though hes a brave man, he just cant stand the sight of blood. 尽管他是个勇敢的人,但他不能看见血。【拓展】同样意义的有:tolerate, bear, put up with 后接名词,代词或动名词。I wont tolerate/bear/put up with your selfishness/ your doing that.我不能容许你那么自私/你做那件

10、事。【注意】bear后也可接不定式。She cant bear to be laughed at. = She cant bear being laughed at. 她不能忍受被取笑。8. Though they get along well, there are some things about Amanda and her friends that puzzle Robert . (P18) puzzle v. 使迷惑,困惑; n. 难题,难解之事 puzzling adj. 令人困惑的; puzzled 对感到困惑的He asked a puzzling question which

11、 made everyone puzzled. 他问了一个令人困惑的问题,弄得人人困惑。His puzzled expression suggested that he was puzzled by what I said.他迷惑的表情表明他不懂我说的话。9. When he comes back three and a half hours later, theyre still sitting on the sofa, absorbed in conversation! (P18) absorb vt. 吸引;使全神贯注;吸收;理解; be absorbed in 沉浸在之中 Black

12、cloth absorbs a lot of heat during the day. 黑布白天吸收大量的热量。 He was too young to absorb what you said. 他太小了;理解不了你说的话。 Every time I saw you, you were absorbed in math homework. 每此见到你,你总是忙着做数学作业。Absorbed in thought, he overlooked me. 因为在沉思,他不理我。10. When asked they usually hesitate before responding,. resp

13、ond to sb/ sth 回答;回应 ; respond to sth 对有效果,见起色 make a response/ responses to 对响应/作答When asked, he made no response. 当他被问时,他不回答。.The illness quickly responded to treatment. 病经过治疗后很快就有起色。 【拓展】同样意义的词/短语有: reply to sb/sth, answers sb/sth in reply/response/answer to 作为对.的回应What did he say in reply to you

14、r letter? 他是怎么回你信的?11. Regardless of what these friendships are based upon,. regardless of 不管,不顾 (介词短语,引导状语)We went to the concert regardless of the bad weather.不顾坏天气,我们还是去了音乐会。 He still stuck to his decision regardless of what we said.不管我们说什么,他还是坚持自己的决定。【短语记忆】1. feel betrayed by ones friend感到被朋友背叛2. be proud of /take pride in oneself为自己感到骄傲3. be sure to do sth / of sth对某事确定的4. score the lowest marks得了最低分5. be ashamed of (doing) sth对(做)感到羞愧/不要意思 be ashamed to do sth/ be ashamed that6. be determined to do sth下决心做7. admit sb into 允许/接收某人进入



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