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1、中考补全对话常用语80条 -英才学校九年级备课组 (注意:严禁外传其他学校)1. Where are you going? 你要去哪儿?Im going to the hospital /post office (后接一个地名)。我打算去医院/邮局.2. Where have you been?你刚去哪儿了?(注意:对方就在你面前,你问他此前去哪儿了)Ive been to the library.(或一个地名) 我刚刚去了3. Where is Jim? -He/She has gone to . 吉姆现在哪里?他或她已经去了某地,(可能已到达目的地,可能在前去的途中,反正不在说话的现场)4

2、. Where is it made? 它是哪里生产出来的?Its made in.(地名)5.Where is she from?=Where does she come from?她来自哪里?/她是哪里人?6.Where did you go last summer?你去年夏天去哪儿了? -I went to Hainan.Where/When did you buy it?-In Huanggang/Last Sunday. 你在哪里或何时买的?7.What are you going to do ? 你打算做什么?Im going to (play soccer) 我打算踢足球。(做某

3、件事)What did you do there? 你在那里做什么了?(回答的事情已做)8. Whats up? = What happened? 怎么了?发生了什么事吗?(问事情)9. Whats wrong with you?=Whats the matter.?=Whats the trouble?你怎么了?(问病情)10. What happened to you/him/her? 你/他/她发生了什么事?11. What size / color do you want/wear? (你想要/穿 什么尺寸或颜色?)12. What do you think of? (of后面不能接t

4、here.) Its beautiful(形容词)(相当于How do you like?你觉得什么怎么样?-I like it a lot/very much)13. What about you ?= How about you ? (你呢?询问对方的情况)14. Whats the weather like there?=How is the weather there? 那儿现在天气怎样?(问现在) What was the weather like there?=How was the weather there? 那儿当时天气怎么样?(问过去)15. Whats it used f

5、or? Its used for doing sth.它是用来做什么的?它是用来.16. Whats it made of?它是由什么制成的?-Its made of cotton(棉)/plastic(塑料)/silk(丝绸).17. Whats it about? -Its about.它是关于什么的?(指上文中提到的文章,报道等)18. What are you doing (talking about)?你们正在干什么/谈论什么?19.Whats the population of China? (或某国名或地名)?某某国家(某地方)有多少人?-Its about 1.3 billio

6、n. (大约是13亿/数字)20. Whats your plan for it(your vacation)? =What will you do?=What are you going to do?你准备干什么? I havent decided it yet.我还没决定呢。21. What does he look like?他长什么样子?(这是问一个人的外貌、外表特征)He is tall/thin/of medium height.他是高的、瘦的、中等身材的。22. Whats your friend like?(有时也可用于问外貌、身材)-He is kind/outgoing/s

7、hy.你的朋友性格(为人)如何? 他善良/外向/腼腆。23.What does he/she do?-She/He is a teacher. 询问某人的职业?24.What day is it today?-It is Sunday. 今天星期几? -星期天。Whats the date today?-It is April 1st. 今天几号? -4月1号。25.How long have you been/felt like this? 你像这样有多久了?(医生常问病人的话)26. How are you feeling now? -Im feeling much better./Not

8、 so good.你现在感觉如何?(当你看望生病的朋友时说)-我现在感觉好多了/不太好。27. How long does it take? 它通常要花多长时间?(询问乘某种交通工具去某地所花的时间)28. How long did you stay there? -I stayed there for one week. 你在那里呆了多久?-我呆在那里有一周了 ( 已经回来了,是问过去发生的事,用一般过去时态)How long has your sister worked there? -For 3 years.你姐姐在那儿工作多久了? -三年了(你姐姐还在那里工作,要用现在完成时)How

9、long will you stay there? -Ill stay there for 2months.你将在那里呆多久?-我将在那里呆2个月。(对方还没有去,要用一般将来时态。)29.How far is it from here? 它离这儿有多远? Its about 15 minutes walk/two hours ride.30. How much is it? 它要多少钱?(问单个物品的价钱)-Its 120 yuan.31. How much are they? 它们要多少钱?(问成双或多个物品)-Theyre 120 dollars.32. Whats the price

10、of (单数或复数名词)? 某物的价格是多少? (这个句式尽量少用)33. How was your trip? - It was pretty good/ wonderful/great.你的旅行怎样?(当你的朋友从外的度假归来时)-它很好。34. How is it going?近来可好?你最近过得怎么样?(Its)Pretty good./Not bad./Just so-so/Great.(朋友之间问候或寒暄语)35. How long will you be away? -Ill be away for two weeks.你将离开多久? -我将离开2周。36. How can /

11、shall I get there? 我能怎样去那儿呢?37. How will /can you get there?你将/会如何去那儿?(当对方要去外地,你询问对方时)38. How long have you learned English? (相当于How long have you been learning English ?)你已经学英语有多长时间了?39. How do you often learn English? 你经常如何学英语?-By taking lots of notes in class. (通过做大量的课堂笔记)40. When was it invented

12、?它是什么时候被发明的? -It was invented in +某年(1885).41. When did you go there? -I went there last week.你什么时候去过那里? -我上周去那儿的。42. When and where shall we meet? -At the school gate at 7:30am tomorrow.我们将在什么时候,什么地方见面?-在校门口,明天早上7:30.43. When did it start? -Three days ago. 它是什么时候开始的?(询问病情什么时候开始的)44. Who was it inve

13、nted by?(=Who invented it?少用这个句式)它是由谁发明的?45. May I speak to +某人? -(This is) Speaking, please.?请找.接电话,好吗?-我就是,请讲。(打电话时用语)46. Can I help you? - Yes,Id like . 我能帮助你吗?What can I do for you? - Ilike to buy ( 服务员对顾客说的话) 47. Could you please help me.?(事情还没有做)-With pleasure.我乐意。48. Have you taken the medici

14、ne? 你服药了吗? 49. Can I take some medicine ? Do I need to take some medicine ?我需要服药吗?50. Which subject do you like best? =Which is your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的科目是什么?51. Which bus can(should) I take? 我该乘哪一趟车? - No.3 bus will take you there.52. Which places have you been to in Huanggang / there? 你去过黄冈的哪些地方?-I have been to Chibi Park.我去过赤壁公园53. Have you ever been to Sanya before? 你以前曾去过三亚吗?-Yes,I have.54. Would


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