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1、年 级初二学 科英语版 本人教版(新目标)课程标题初二英语人教版(新目标)上学期期中复习编稿老师康文岗一校林卉二校黄楠审核王宝丹一、学习目标:1、知识目标:掌握本讲的词汇、短语和句型。2、情感目标:帮助同学们在英语学习中认识自我,建立自信心,沉着迎接考试。二、知能提升:(一)重点单词单词复习1. exercise用作动词,意为“锻炼,运动”。用作不可数名词,表示“锻炼,运动”,如do/take exercise(做运动/锻炼身体)。表示“练习,体操”时,是可数名词,用复数形式,如do morning exercises(做早操),do eye exercises(做眼保健操)等。即学即练My

2、sister (exercise)in the park every morning.2. different 形容词,意为“不同的,有区别的”。常用短语be different from表示“与不同”,其名词形式为difference,意为“不同,差异,区别”。即学即练Theres only one (different) between these two hats. 3. famous形容词,意为“著名的,出名的”。常用短语be famous for表示“因而出(著)名”。即学即练Guilin is famous its mountains and rivers. 4. although

3、连词,意为“虽然,即使,纵然”,引导状语从句,相当于though。注意句子中用了though或although,就不再用连词but。即学即练I have a bike, but I often walk to work. (同义句转换) I have a bike, I often walk to work. 5. make使役动词(make, let, have等)的宾语补足语都不带to,要用动词原形。即学即练1) How do you feel when you watch the national flag go up?It makes me very proud.A. felt B.

4、to feel C. feeling D. feel 2)Every time I feel sad, he can always make me (laugh). 6. help help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事。在help之后作宾语补足语的动词不定式有to无to均可。同义短语为help sb. with sth.。即学即练My healthy lifestyle helps me (get) good grades.7. keep动词,意为“保持”,其后可接形容词作表语。如keep busy/healthy/calm等。即学即练If you want to kee

5、p (健康), you should eat more fruit and vegetables. 8. 情态动词must, should, have to 即学即练1) You must (wear) the seat belt when you are driving.2) Mike has a sore throat. I think he should (drink) some hot tea with honey.3) The students have to (walk) there, though its a bit far. 9. take, pay, cost, spendt

6、ake作“需要,花费”解时,常用于时间和金钱,主语一般是“It”。pay 作“花费,付”解时,只用于“钱”,用“人”作主语,其后接“钱”作宾语。常以payfor形式出现。cost作“花费”解时,常用于“时间和钱”。主语一般是“物”。spend作“花费”解时,常用于“时间和钱”。主语通常是“人”。它有spendon和spend(in) doing两种形式,而spendon常用于“花钱”,spend(in) doing则常用于“花时间”。即学即练1) How much did you for the doll?It me thirty yuan.A. pay; cost B. pay; paid

7、C. cost; cost D. cost; pay2) Lily likes fashionable things. She lots of time new clothes.A. takes; buying B. spend; buying C. take; to buy D. spends; buying 3) How long does it you to go to the post office? A. take B. cost C. pay D. spend4) I spend about an hour doing my homework every day.(同义句转换)It

8、 about an hour my homework every day. 10. 动词宾语在英语中,有些动词后面必须接动词不定式(to do),有些必须接动名词(v-ing),还有些既可接动名词又可接不定式。这些较特殊的用法,同学们必须牢牢记住:practice, finish, enjoy等动词后必须接动名词作宾语。want, would like, hope, decide, plan 等动词后必须接不定式作宾语。接动词不定式(to do)的意义接动名词(doing)的意义forget忘记要做某事忘记曾经做过某事remember记得要去做某事记得做过某事stop停下来去做另一件事停止正在

9、做的事try努力去做某事试着去做某事go on接着做另一件事继续做同一件事like喜欢做某事(特定的或某一具体的行动)喜欢做某事,即长期的爱好和兴趣即学即练1) The boys of Class Two are going to the seaside this weekend.Ur, remember them in the sea alone. Its dangerous.A. to tell; not to swim B. telling; swimming C. to tell; swimming D. telling; to not swim 2) If you feel tire

10、d, you may stop .A. have a rest B. to have a rest C. having a rest 3) I enjoy my bike in the mountains. Its not always easy, but exciting.A. ride B. rode C. to ride D. riding4)Linda, when shall we take a walk?After I finish the dishes.A. wash B. washed C. to wash D. washing5) We practiced (唱)English

11、 songs for one and a half hours today.6) Does he want (go)to America with you? 7) Jack hopes (get) an autograph(亲笔签名)from Liu Xiang. 8) What do they plan (do)? 9) Her daughter likes (sing) very much. 10) I forgot (call) Alan! He must be waiting for my call the whole day. (二)重点短语短语复习动词短语1. look after

12、 照顾,照看;look for 寻找;look at看;look like 看起来像即学即练My little dog is lost. My parents and I are looking it everywhere.Larrys mother is ill. He has to look her at home. 2. go sightseeing观光,go camping去野营,go swimming 去游泳等即学即练Lets go (fish) tomorrow. 3. get to=arrive in/at reach到达即学即练1)What time can we get th

13、e town if we take this train?2)My brother is arriving Beijing next Tuesday. 3)Every morning I arrive at the hospital at about seven. (同义句转换)Every morning I the hospital at about seven. 4)How did you get to Tokyo, Japan?(选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项)A. reach to B. arrive at C. arrive in D. get 4. think about 思考,考虑即学即练My father thinks about (go) to Japan this summer. 5. Thanks for 为而感谢即学即练Thank you for (send) me this beautiful card. 6. leave for 动身去/leave for离开去即学即练Im leaving Shanghai Sydney tomorrow. 7. be good for


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