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1、初中二年级上册Module 10:Lao She Teahouse Unit 2教案设计一、 教案背景1,面向学生: 中学 小学 2,学科:英语2,课时:13,学生课前准备:一、要求学生阅读老舍、茶馆等相关信息。二、熟悉本模块单词和相关词汇,预习课文。二、 教学课题语言知识方面: Key Vocabulary take place , audience, customer, twentieth, waiter, lose Main phrases welcome to sb between and tell us the story of see as bringto the end of 。

2、语言技能方面:1、通过阅读文章了解有关老舍生平和他的话剧茶馆以及老舍茶馆。2、利用所学知识,就一部戏剧或电影进行写作或表演。学生情感方面:通过了解老舍及老舍茶馆的相关信息,培养学生对戏剧、老舍先生乃至中国文学的兴趣,提高文学素养,弘扬我国优秀文化。在了解中国优秀文学作品同时,增强民族自豪感,激发爱国热情,并学会结合具体实际,表达自己对话剧或电影及其作者的看法。三、 教材分析本课选自外研社英语初中二年级上册Module 10:Lao She Teahouse Unit 2一课, 课型为读写课。教材内容是阅读与词汇,是书面表达组成。教材分析:本课围绕老舍先生及其作品茶馆展开话题,介绍了作家老舍、老

3、舍茶馆以及话剧茶馆等相关内容,借此让学生了解这位在中国文坛中有着重要影响的作家。学生对本单元有关话剧和电影的活动内容有浓厚的学习兴趣,能较大限度地发挥自己的主观能动性,促进学生综合语言运用能力的提高。教学重难点1)动词不定式做宾语:plan/decide/hope/want/agree/offer/try/like/love to do sth.2) 双宾语: give/bring/lend/hand/send/show/leave/teach sb. sth., buy/cook/read sb. sth. 2. 难点:动词不定式做宾语的用法以及双宾语结构。教学准备:搜索Lao She Te

4、ahouse的相关教学资料,确定本课的教学重点和难点,设计可行的教学方法。同时配以大量的图片和视频资料,在课堂上给同学们充分的演示,让学生的视觉和听觉都有直观的感受。四、 教学方法多层阅读法:将课文部分的阅读分三层设计,完成一读、二读和三读的要求。讲授法:针对语法“双宾结构”,进行必要的知识补充和讲解小组合作学习:利用百度视频搜索影视,要求学生小组合作完成写作。五、 教学过程【课前延伸】阅读以下单词和词汇,组长领读,交叉检查。Waiter, customer, performance, audience, continue, neighborhoodtake place, Anti-Japan

5、ese War, acrobatics, folk music【课内探究】多媒体展示图片:通过让学生欣赏茶馆中的部分故事情节,引出作者老舍及其作品介绍。I. Warming-up: Lets see some pictures about teahouse. Lead-in: Do you know Lao She and his most famous play?设计说明:借助图片引出本课话题,激活相关背景知识,这样的导入既能激发学生的求知欲和好奇心,又能创设宽松和活跃的课堂气氛,鼓励学生大胆开口, 为下一步教学做铺垫。II. Reading:1.Fast-reading.一层阅读:让学生整

6、体感知课文内容,从整体上理解段落大意。the passage and find the best heading for each paragraph.A The story of TeahouseB Lao Shes TeahouseC The play TeahouseD Lao She1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _设计说明:本活动的目的是让学生通过快速阅读概括每段的中心意思,以此培养学生对文章的整体把握的能力。2. Read in details one by one paragraph. 精读课文:根据每段内容完成相应问题解答。Paragraph 1When to writeWh

7、at to showWhere to take placeWhose story to tellParagraph 2 Read and match1. Lao She wrote Teahouse in 1945. 2. The story starts in 1916.3. Finally it ends in 1898.4. It continues in 1957 Paragraph 3 answer the questions BornStudyWorkWroteBe NamedStatus(身份、地位)Paragraph 4 Answer the questionWhat can

8、people do in Lao She Teahouse today? ( ) A. drink tea B. have Chinese food C. listen to folk music D. watch magic show E. watch cross talK F. watch acrobatics G. enjoy Beijing Opera H. watch game show设计说明:本活动的目的是让学生通过精细阅读,训练学生运用不同的阅读策略,有目的阅读文章,正确回答问题。掌握每段的中心意思,以此锻炼学生对文章的细节的把握和理解能力,培养学生的逻辑推理能力。3. Rea

9、d the passage again and retell the story 三层阅读:细读课文,细节考查,然后默读文章。Lao She _ _ in 1957. The play shows the _ _ between 1898 and 1945. His story _ _ in a teahouse in Beijing. Its the story of _and_ _. Finally, Wang _ _ _ and he dies. The teahouse says _ _ old Beijing and its people.His parents _ _ _the T

10、eachers School. From 1924 to 1929 he _ _ _the English in London. He _ _a Peoples Artist. In Lao Teahouse waiters _ _ _the customers and_ _delicious Chinese food. It _ _ _ _to everyone from China and all over the world.设计说明:本活动的目的是让学生通过三层阅读,并通过小组合作,以此培养学生对文章的整体把握的能力和语言的应用能力。III. 知识点拨:教师可板书双宾语。双宾语1)gi

11、ve sb. sth.=give sth. to sb. 4) teach sb. sth.= teach sth. to sb.2) bring sb. sth.=bring sth. to sb. 5) tell sb. sth.= tell sth to sb.3) sell sb. sth.=sell sth. Sb. 6) show sb. sth.= show sth to sbIV. Interview time and writing.Match the words and expressions with their meanings: audience continue c

12、ustomer neighborhood take place warpart of a town where people liveto star doing something again after stoppingfighting between countriesto happena person buying tingspeople watching a play or filmWrite a passage about the film or play.NameHarry PorterWhenIn 2000CharactersHarry and His friendsPlaceM

13、agic School StoryHarry Porter and his friends fightai with the bad peopleWriterJ.K. RowlingOpinion a glorious animation(极好的影片)NameThe Lion King Characters(人物)Simba and his friendsPlaceOn the big grasslandStory Simba kills his bad uncle and becomes the king of the animals.Opinion (评价)Interesting and wonderfulWhen In 1994Hello, everyone! Come and watch this great film. The name of it is _. Its the story of _. It takes place _. In the story, _. The writer is_. Its ver


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