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1、考研考博-考博英语-南昌大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题Vostok is close to the coldest spot in the world, where an _ minus 128.6 F was recorded in 1983.问题1选项A.unreliableB.extraC.impossibleD.incredible【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。unreliable “不可靠的,靠不住的”;extra “额外的”;impossible “不可能的”;incredible “难以置信的”。句意:Vostok靠近世界上最冷的地方,在1983年的记录中到达了难以置信

2、的零下128.6华摄氏度。选项D符合题意。2. 翻译题There is no end to theories about body shape and personality, and there is no doubt that certain people with certain bodies often have very predictable characters. However, there are some researchers who believe that the many instances in which body and personality go toge

3、ther are due to stereotyping; that is, we expect a certain type of person to have certain traits, so we see those traits whether they are there or not. For example, muscular people are believed to be dominant and forceful, so we treat them as leaders. But sometimes they are actually shy and timiD.Fa

4、t people are supposed to be happy and warmhearted, but in reality they can just as easily be depressed or mean. Sometimes people will even act the way they think others expect them to act. By doing that, people will fill the role in which we picture them.【答案】关于体型和个性的理论层出不穷,毫无疑问,拥有特定身材的某些人往往具有非常可推测的性

5、格。然而,也有一些研究人员认为,身体和人格结合在一起的许多情况是由于刻板印象;也就是说,我们期望特定类型的人有特定的特质,所以不管他们是否存在,我们都能看到这些特质。例如,肌肉发达的人被认为是强势的,所以我们把他们当作领导者。但有时候他们实际上害羞且胆小。人们认为肥胖的人快乐、热情,但实际上,他们很容易沮丧又刻薄。有时候,人们甚至会按照他们认为别人希望他们做的事情去做。通过这样做,人们将会扮演我们想象中的角色。3. 单选题The Forbidden City is the former imperial palace in the center of Beijing, China. A.Con

6、struction began in 1406, and the emperors court officially moved in by 1420. The Forbidden City got its name because most people were barred from entering the 72-hectare site, surrounded by walls. Even government officials and the imperial family were permitted only limited access. Only the emperor

7、could enter any section at will.The architecture of the Forbidden City conforms rigidly to traditional Chinese principles. All buildings within the walls follow a north-south line, and the most important ones face south to honor the sun. The designers arranged the other buildings, and the ceremonial

8、 spaces between them, to impress all visitors with the great power of the Emperor, while reinforcing the insignificance of the individual. This architectural concept was carried out to the smallest detail. For example, the importance of a building was determined not only by its height or width but a

9、lso by the style of its roof and the quantity of statuettes placed on the roofs ridges.In recognition of the importance of its unparalleled architecture, UNESCO added the palace to its World Heritage List in 1987. Today, visitors from all over the world do not wait for an imperial invitation to walk

10、 about this palace, now a museum of imperial art.One of the most impressive landmarks of the Forbidden City is the Meridian Gate, the formal entrance to the southern side of the Forbidden City. The gate, with its auxiliary wings on either side of the entryway, is 38 meters high at its roof ridge. Wh

11、en you stand in front of this majestic structure, you understand how awed people felt when they stood there listening to imperial proclamations.As you walk through the gate, you come into a large courtyard, 140 meters long and 210 meters wide. Running through the courtyard is the Golden River, which

12、 is crossed by five parallel white marble bridges. These bridges lead to the Gate of Supreme Harmony, which, in turn, leads to the heart of the Forbidden City. Its three main halls stand atop a three-tiered marble terrace overlooking an immense plaza. A.The plaza has enough space to hold tens of tho

13、usands of subjects paying homage to the emperor.At the northernmost end of the Forbidden City is the Imperial Garden, which is totally different from the rest of the compound. D.Instead of rigid formality, you see a seeming spontaneous arrangement of trees, fishponds, flowerbeds, and sculpture. Here

14、 is the place of relaxation for the emperor.1. From the passage, it can be inferred that .2. From the passage, it is implied that the main entrance area to the Forbidden City is .3. Which phrase is closest in meaning to the word “proclamations” in paragraph 4?4. According to the passage, what do the

15、 bridges over the Golden River lead to?问题1选项A.Chinese architects borrowed ideas from many different countriesB.the design of the Forbidden City is dull and colorlessC.the architecture of the Forbidden City exemplifies traditional Chinese valuesD.the garden of the Forbidden City was laid out in a str

16、ict, rectangular pattern问题2选项A.surrounded by three tall wallsB.painted gold and greenC.decorated with statuettesD.not very impressive问题3选项A.Music composed for public ceremoniesB.Speeches encouraging soldiers to fightC.Official public announcementsD.Poetry written for the emperor问题4选项A.The Meridian gateB.The Gate of Suprem



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