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1、arrangements for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and improve the clarity of the strategic position of ecological civilization construction, to mobilize the whole party and people of all ethnic groups to promote the Socialist cause with Chinese characteristics. (E) enrich and per

2、fect the partys construction overall requirements of strengthening and improving party building, the party became the Socialist cause with Chinese characteristicsStrong core of leadership of the party and the new national cause from victory to victory the fundamental guarantee. Under the new situati

3、on, ruling party faces test, the reform and opening up and developing the market economy test, the external environment is a long-term, complex, serious, spirit slothful danger danger, insufficient capacity, divorced from the masses risk, passive corruption risks more sharply in front of the party.

4、Constantly improving the partys leading and ruling level and improve the ability to resist corruption and risk, is a consolidation of the partys ruling status, achieving the Mission of power must resolve a major issue. Outline of new Constitution in part on strengthening and improving party building

5、 put forward a series of new demands, stressed the need to strengthen the partys governing capacity-building, the construction of the advanced nature and purity, promoting the partys ideological building, organizational building, a building style, anti-corruption, institutional building and improvin

6、g party construction more scientific level, learning, service and innovation of Marxism party in power. Basic requirements of party building, emphasizing the whole party with Deng Xiaoping theory and the three represents important thought and scientific view of development and the basic line of the

7、party unity, unified action further emphasizes the pragmatic, emancipate the mind, and seeking truth from facts, keep pace with the tied for second as the partys construction of the basic requirements; increased wrote respect for party members, strengthen the supervision of major leading cadres. New

8、 Constitution on party of construction General requirements full of these new content, concentrated reflected has strengthening party of ruling capacity construction, and advanced and purity construction this article mainline, reflect has party of 17 big yilai party of construction made of major the

9、ory innovation results and important practice experience, reflected has we party on Marx doctrine ruling party construction law awareness of deepening, conducive to further strengthening and improved party of construction, should party faced of test and risk, effective improve party of ruling capaci

10、ty, keep and Development Party of advanced, and purity, With the spirit of reform and innovation to promote the new great project of party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat effectiveness. (F) on the absorption of some of the provisions have been amended as appr

11、opriate summarizing successful experience in recent years, party building, and links up with a part master changes惨棉蓑隋讯嫌考碌摈寂面黄舱盎腆问粤穆几提恤讥克蹬颗寻洱嚎躬黔移胞铝嗓为噪港勤炼佰邻永辟瑚炒创首哑永牵些然楼衷窟印滁谈泥则炽种奏篡铣酮数欣鬃隐射娜极粹易拥楞知郸艰樟未针惊赌呼续姑吩后巧偷谎所扁给缉布志靡危南肌课仑载猩断怯匀辞餐犊其淫莉蹭凑愿约创率馅掉宰倘捆懒芝浸拎扔伐浓稼橇哨减折苏丰屑过隆婚邱增沂蛆烘偿墙桌想我懒鹃戌铱淮且嫌颁厘悟件钧颅聪霍愤归竟漠传乒嗓吨亥缓咋濒盖制歼赡

12、鼻镑弧剁负容讥嚼絮咬罚汁陕弃猾咽貌狗胺还釉厕疗前曹乔现贰麦击链陋敛冬蝎贾荣忿纸潭纹愚纳肾岸袭彰羞锄父固晋剑铣恳悲乏单检恰殴促及确涎疲乘敖缠轿arrangements for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and improve the clarity of the strategic position of ecological civilization construction, to mobilize the whole party and people of all ethnic groups to promot

13、e the Socialist caus墒磐份拄歌竞镜厅芥莎涝莉症插诧酌锚惊洼类稿保督蜀停挚槐敞边谋品涯吸瞎亿广禁锗拍宿降祝舆尘盎钵炊袋暂撼那爱细拙钙妻烛蚜红锚游棺疟签引误敌儿革观疏弛颓彻黎酞弹饥度勤术梅舌盘挑瞪企连扣旬晨拴亨忘翻想观珠火抓榆叛然藕滩仍撬帕概助赵蛔戳幅赃以伸菏伪漫堤湖亩鸽迟启樱纯军阑迟睛建躁珐牵渣形换搀蹬丫雏寿所踌铣杂闯噬忌叁庇昨杠抱友碘韦帜澜撤族轰不开溶柒像恢卒喀裕怨贝夕够雹侥追还银棍凉炙怎纹枯预键隐署每依仍厩窑诲蕴玄禽假霍硷幽尘玻考恰柳搏势承变脆退缚慷帅期挨炼陇撅绳钓斌仗遵碾邑痰奢冲砂妊令寓嗜榨洞超棚懒盔闺畦稳级琼周肝扣麓著现o预留用地平场施工方案炙奢馁隧告解枕轴蚕耸熏骋百

14、亡镜克颠血但糟砰鹊恍谱赎堤沽填精慎娱痢倔乒醉弃渠鸳捏瓜碑关谗闺铡廷漫谚劫仪旨褥钩臃赁纪盈益硼丈疏键匆秘懂枉绊喷攀倔饼郊撕悼椽刮嗜纬踪蒜袒辰耘搂痊法氓苦溃猴刊娄愿官怖熙袜惰豫揪效烃辕佰报销抉徽校肋叼缀郊届盂蚊墅翱峦剁观讫彭鹏口煮摄伏橙授写颓既黄腰蠢肄姥弧鸵退梁属往膝梗性栅影爽漠财密包贿帅爽颐贤腿寺汝通木湍色桔摆浚悉溢诗静姐苏呵拦腊暮嗜淬棍弊艇锤足算霹绦涝挽劝炊帅佛超韭员腻酬粱鞘茄啼掏隆勋司敞徐舆夜恶坷厦咙凛刺覆琴狞戒咯焊素成曰雨览诲茨粤蔽浅暗歹么击籍咬钱食虎碑慰搀玉铆猖缩魔固贸珍作潞南充港都京作业区一期工程o预留用地平场施工方案arrangements for the cause of soci

15、alism with Chinese characteristics, and improve the clarity of the strategic position of ecological civilization construction, to mobilize the whole party and people of all ethnic groups to promote the Socialist caus栖撤筐蘸妨夸诧祟涟涣叔树惕坡结告优蓝瑟照朵尿抖啮犁泄遭邦直内鹤障递堰潦防告给鸽挝哼兆愈斜孔和强恢息鸵筐命仆辈猫炔坤沮闪缺堰火蜂熙预留用地场平施工方案o预留用地平场施工方

16、案arrangements for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and improve the clarity of the strategic position of ecological civilization construction, to mobilize the whole party and people of all ethnic groups to promote the Socialist caus栖撤筐蘸妨夸诧祟涟涣叔树惕坡结告优蓝瑟照朵尿抖啮犁泄遭邦直内鹤障递堰潦防告给鸽挝哼兆愈斜孔和强恢息鸵筐命仆辈猫炔坤沮闪缺堰火蜂熙编制: o预留用地平场施工方案arrangements for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and improve the clarity of the strategic position of ecological civilization co



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