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1、arrangements for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and improve the clarity of the strategic position of ecological civilization construction, to mobilize the whole party and people of all ethnic groups to promote the Socialist cause with Chinese characteristics. (E) enrich and per

2、fect the partys construction overall requirements of strengthening and improving party building, the party became the Socialist cause with Chinese characteristicsStrong core of leadership of the party and the new national cause from victory to victory the fundamental guarantee. Under the new situati

3、on, ruling party faces test, the reform and opening up and developing the market economy test, the external environment is a long-term, complex, serious, spirit slothful danger danger, insufficient capacity, divorced from the masses risk, passive corruption risks more sharply in front of the party.

4、Constantly improving the partys leading and ruling level and improve the ability to resist corruption and risk, is a consolidation of the partys ruling status, achieving the Mission of power must resolve a major issue. Outline of new Constitution in part on strengthening and improving party building

5、 put forward a series of new demands, stressed the need to strengthen the partys governing capacity-building, the construction of the advanced nature and purity, promoting the partys ideological building, organizational building, a building style, anti-corruption, institutional building and improvin

6、g party construction more scientific level, learning, service and innovation of Marxism party in power. Basic requirements of party building, emphasizing the whole party with Deng Xiaoping theory and the three represents important thought and scientific view of development and the basic line of the

7、party unity, unified action further emphasizes the pragmatic, emancipate the mind, and seeking truth from facts, keep pace with the tied for second as the partys construction of the basic requirements; increased wrote respect for party members, strengthen the supervision of major leading cadres. New

8、 Constitution on party of construction General requirements full of these new content, concentrated reflected has strengthening party of ruling capacity construction, and advanced and purity construction this article mainline, reflect has party of 17 big yilai party of construction made of major the

9、ory innovation results and important practice experience, reflected has we party on Marx doctrine ruling party construction law awareness of deepening, conducive to further strengthening and improved party of construction, should party faced of test and risk, effective improve party of ruling capaci

10、ty, keep and Development Party of advanced, and purity, With the spirit of reform and innovation to promote the new great project of party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat effectiveness. (F) on the absorption of some of the provisions have been amended as appr

11、opriate summarizing successful experience in recent years, party building, and links up with a part master changes锚杆框架梁高边坡施工方案1. 编制依据2. 工程概况3. 施工准备3.1 机械配备拟投入的主要施工机械设备表序号机械或设备名称型号规格数量国别产地制造年份额定功率(KW/台)1钻机平山P2.53重庆2007.842砂浆搅拌机L-2001四川2007.35.53注浆泵BW-1501重庆2007.65.54砼喷射机PZ-52河南2007.57.55电焊机13X1-5002成

12、都2007.2336钢筋切割机401重庆2007.32.57钢筋调直机GT31河北2007.45.58钢筋弯曲机GW6-41河北2007.45.59空压机VY-12/7-22柳州2005.518410清水泵D503自贡2001.6411搅拌机JDY-350A2成都2007.25.512水准仪S31江苏2007.313全站仪TE5001日本2001.814气焊设备氧气、乙炔22008.515风镐5重庆现购16电钻4现购4. 边坡开挖施工工艺4.1 主要施工方法根据现场地形可采取两种开挖方案:平缓地形施工/陡峭地形施工4.1.1平缓地形施工挖方地段沿线纵向相对地形较平缓,可采用挖掘机配自卸汽车从高

13、至低一层一层往下开挖,每层开挖深度控制在3-4m为最佳。沿路线方向开便道,便道纵坡应保证自卸汽车空车在正常情况下能顺利爬到坡顶,同时因地制宜考虑错车处。4.1.2 陡峭地形施工若开挖地段沿线方向相对地形太陡,便道无法成型,则利用挖机开挖。本合同段YK136+180+250段地形陡峭则采用挖机开挖,因临河边滩涂,直接用挖机抛甩碴料至边坡底,再在坡底用出碴车将碴料运走。4.2 石方开挖路堑石方开挖采用松动控制爆破和光面爆破相结合的方案进行施工:半填半挖路段先挖浅地段,再挖深地段;风化层和松软岩部位,先用大马力推土机松动,对于无法松动的部分,实施松动爆破;风化层和松软岩地段的边坡用人工配合挖掘机清刷

14、,岩石地段用预留光爆层实施光面爆破;石方装车用挖掘机或装载机,运输用载重自卸汽车。 4.2.1 路堑石方开挖施工措施4.2.1.1 施工前,将爆破器材的存放地点、数量、警卫、收发、安全措施及施工方案编制报告,并在爆破器进入工地28天前报监理工程师审批,同时将运入路线和时间报有关部门批准。 爆破作业人员必须经指定的部门培训,考试合格后持证上岗。 在确定的爆破危险区边界设置明显的标志,建立警戒线、警戒信号,在危险区入口或附近道路设置标志并派专人看守,防止人、畜、公路设施等受到危害和损失。 对靠近构筑物处的石方爆破要采取松动爆破,同时采取安全防护措施。采用炮

15、被对炮眼进行覆盖防护,炮被用废旧的轮胎剪成条状,编织后用铁丝绑扎。炮被覆盖的方法是:在起爆山体的炮眼表面覆盖炮被,每块炮被四角用粗铁丝拽拉固定在稳定的物体上,防止飞石。 爆破检查:爆破之后,暂不要解除警戒,要到现场查看,发现哑炮应及时处理。 对比较松软的岩石采用推土机、挖掘机松动开挖,对比较坚硬的岩石采用钻爆法施工。 为减小爆破对边坡的振动破坏,控制爆破大块率,路堑石方爆破主要采用硝铵炸药及乳化防水炸药,非电毫秒雷管进行毫秒微差爆破,同时适当调小炮孔孔距。爆破后大石块用手持风钻钻眼、爆破改小,装碴采用挖掘机挖装、自卸车运输至填方地段。 路堑边坡力求平顺光滑,无明显的局部凹凸差,边坡突出的个别欠挖部分,人工浅孔爆破凿除清理。边坡上出现的坑洼凹槽人工清除松动岩石,将基座凿平一定宽度的基座面后砌筑嵌补,要做到嵌体稳定、表面平顺、周边封严。 路基底面用手持风钻钻眼,浅孔爆破开挖、清理至设计标高,对个别凹凸不平处用级配碎石填平。路堑侧沟用小炮爆破开挖成型。 在施工中加强对边坡坡度的检测,随着


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