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1、2022年考博英语-福建师范大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 问答题In spite of (A) his aged (B) appearance, his movements were as spirited (C) as a young man(D).【答案】试题答案:D; a young mans【解析】考查比较级。as.as意为“与一样”,his movements(他的动作)不能与a young man(年轻人)进行比较,应与a young mans movements比较,为了避免重复,此处可将a young mans movements中的movements省略,改为a

2、young mans。2. 单选题Scientists have long argued whether hypocrisy is driven by emotion or by reason. In other moral judgments, brain imaging shows, regions involved in feeling, not thinking, rule the role of emotion in moral judgments has overturned the Enlightenment notion that our ethical sense is ba

3、sed on high-minded philosophy and cognition. That brings us to hypocrisy, which is almost ridiculously easy to bring out in people.In a new study, psychologist David DeSteno instructed 94 people to assign themselves and stranger one of two tasks: an easy one or a hard one. Then everyone was asked, h

4、ow fairly did you act from “extremely unfairly” (1) to “extremely fairly” (7). Next they watched someone else make the assignments, and judged that persons ethics. Selflessness was a virtual no-show: 87 out of 94 people opted for the easy task and gave the next guy the difficult one. Hypocrisy, howe

5、ver, showed up with bells on: every single person who made the selfish choice judged his own behavior less strictly on average, 4.5 vs. 3.1 than that of someone else who grabbed the easy task for himself.The gap suggests how hypocrisy is possible. When we judge our own misbehaviors less harshly, DeS

6、teno said, it may be because “we have this automatic, gut-level (本能)instinct to preserve our self-image. In our heart, maybe were just not as sensitive to our own immoral behaviors. People have learned that it pays to seem moral, since it lets you avoid criticism and guilt. But even better is appear

7、ing moral without having to pay the cost of actually being moral such as assigning yourself the tough job.”To test the role of cognition in hypocrisy, DeSteno had volunteers again assign themselves an easy task and a stranger a difficult one. But before judging the fairness of their actions, they ha

8、d to memorize seven numbers. This tactic keeps the brains thinking regions too tied up to think much about anything else, and it worked: hypocrisy vanished. People judged their own (selfish) behavior as harshly as they did others,strong evidence that moral hypocrisy requires a high-order cognitive p

9、rocess. When the thinking part of the brain is otherwise engaged, were left with gut-level reactions, and we intuitively and equally condemn bad behavior by ourselves as well as others.If our gut knows when we have erred and judges our misbehaviors harshly, moral hypocrisy might not be as inevitable

10、 as if it were the child of emotions and instincts, which are tougher to change than thinking. “Since its a cognitive process, we have volitional (意志的)control over it, argues DeSteno. The way to change hearts and minds is to focus on the former: appeal to our better angels in the brains emotion area

11、s, and tell circuits that are going through cognitive distortions to excuse in ourselves what we condemn in others to just shut up.1.According to paragraph 1, brain imaging is proof of ( ).2.The conclusion drawn from the first experiment is that people( ).3.DeSteno attributes the subjects behaviors

12、to the fact that they( ).4.The second experiment proves that( ).问题1选项A.emotional basis of moral judgmentsB.emotion-driven hypocrisyC.reason-driven hypocrisyD.the Enlightenment notion问题2选项A.prefer easy tasksB.like picking faults of othersC.demand both benefits and reputationD.are hypocritical in natu

13、re问题3选项A.are self-centeredB.are insensitive to misbehaviorsC.have realized that it costs to be moralD.have reasoned that hypocrisy is beneficial问题4选项A.selfishness is the result of cognitionB.human are moral and fair by natureC.moral judgments are made by cognitionD.judgments by intuition are reliabl


15、,人们对自己的自私行为比对别人的自私行为更为宽容。因此从第一个实验得出的结论是人们既要利益又要维护形象,选C。3.推理判断题。由文章第三段中的People have learned that it pays to seem moral, since it lets you avoid criticism and guilt. But even better is appearing moral without having to pay the cost of actually being moral such as assigning yourself the tough job(人们已经认识到,看起来道德是值得的,因为它可以让你避免批评和内疚。但更好的是,在不付出实际道德代价的情况下,表现得很有道德比如给自己分配一份艰苦的工作)可知D选项“有理由认为伪善是有益的”符合题意。4.推理判断题。由文章倒数第二段中的People judged their own (selfish) behavior as harshly as they did others. and we intuitively and equally condemn bad behavior by ourselves as well as others(人们像对待别人一样严厉地判断自己(自私的)行为我们


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