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1、课外阅读材料:Tourist desti nati onsGreat Barrier Reef 大堡礁This is the world Sargest coral reef ecosystem (珊瑚礁生态系统).It is one of the top beautiful places to visit in the world. You can see it fromouter space and it is the world s largest single structure miadegoorganisms (生物体).The reef supports 10,000 speci

2、es of life which consists of 1,500 types of fishes and over 200 kinds of birds. Its beauty in spires many travelers to visit there every year.Syd ney 悉尼As one of the most beautiful places in the world, Sydney is the economic powerhouse (发电站 )of Australia. It s-dteocsed (阳光普照的)n atural attract ions,d

3、ari ng restaura nts,dizzy ing skyscrapers (摩天楼),frien dly people and won derful shopp ing malls, so most travel addicts (上瘾的人)want to visit this city. You can take a trip to Sydney at any time of the year.Hong Kong 香港One of the most beautiful places in the world, Hong Kong is simply amazing. It will

4、 be very hard for you to find a more exciting city than Hong Kong. The most interesting thing about being in Hong Kong is gett ing con fused and amazed by the con flue nces (融合) and contradictions (矛盾)of a Chinese city with multi-Asian and Western eleme nts.The best time to take a vacatio n to Hong

5、Kong is duri ng the mon ths ofOctober, November and most of December.Grand Canyon 大峡谷One of the most beautiful places in the world, the Grand Canyon is a steep-sided ( 陡峭的)canyon in Arizona State of the United States carved (雕刻)by the Colorado River.Nearly 5 million people visit the one-mile-deep Gr

6、and Canyon every year.Having a vacati on to the Grand Canyon Nati onal Park will provide great joy for you and your family.The best time to visit the Grand Canyon is during the summer, fall andspri ng, but most locals agree that win ter is a great time to visit.Taj Mahal泰姬陵The Taj Mahal, the most be

7、autiful building in India, is one of the greatwon ders of the world. This is a hybrid ( 混合)of many artistic styles. When you visit the Taj Mahal, you can enjoy various places near it.The river behind the Taj Mahal provides a wonderfulenvironmenttorelax and enjoy yourself. You and your family will lo

8、ve it.Cape Tow n 开普敦Cape Town is situated at the tip of the African Continent. The only way to un dersta nd and enjoy Cape Town is by experie ncing the unique range of multicultural ( 多文化的)lifestyles and scenic surroundings for yourself.During the summer seas on, Cape Tow n is filled with holiday ma

9、kersenjoying the hot weather, sunny beaches and beautiful scenery. So, if youwant to spe nd your time there duri ng the holiday seas on, it is better to make reservati ons (预定)in adva nee. Before gett ing there, have a roughidea about the places around Cape T own that you want to visit.The Pyramids

10、金字塔The Pyramids and won derful temples are great places to enjoy in Egypt.Traveling to Egypt offers you desert treks (徒步旅行),fishing, golfing, scuba diving and birdi ng groups. You can choose the places like Mount Sinai and the Red Sea to relax.Win ter is the best seas on to go for a vacati on to Egy

11、pt. March-May andSeptember - November are the best time to enjoy the warm days of Egypt.Niagara Falls 尼加拉瓜瀑布Niagara Falls can be accessed (进入)from both the AmericanandCanadian side, but the best view facing the falls is completely from theCanadian side. When you take a trip to Niagara Falls, donforg

12、et to ttake a ride on the famous maid-of-the-mist (“雾中少女”号boats. Youwon t get the entire experience of Niagara Falls until you ride one of these boats.It is the foundation for many interesting places to see and things to do. If充满活力的)you love beautiful la ndscapes, family adve ntures and vibra nt ( n

13、ightlife, then Niagara Falls is a great place to visit.Venice威尼斯Venice is one of Italys beautiful cities. You will be surprised by how thecity is built up. The city is built on 117 small islands and has over 150 canals (运河)which are connected through 409 bridges. During the spri ng time, Ven ice is

14、completely filled with tourists.Maldives马尔代夫The Maldives is a great place to experieneetranquil (安静的)tropicalisla nds, palm trees, white beaches and brillia nt turquoise lago ons (绿松石色的礁湖).The Maldives is a group of 1,190 coral islands. This place is also a great dest in atio n for scuba divers.If you visit the Maldives between December and April, you will be able to experie nee some extra hours of sunshine. Also this is the main seas on for tourism.


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