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1、关注phoenics上海飞熠软件技术有限公司 TUTORIAL- Simulation of a Labyri nth Flow.FLAIR Tutorial 1: In vestigati ng library case 1203 FLAIR Tutorial 2: A room with two radiators Tutorial 3 Comfort in dex in a roomFLAIR Tutorial 4: Fire in a room关注phoenics上海飞熠软件技术有限公司 TUTORIAL- Simulation of a Labyri nth Flow.This tu

2、torial shows how to set up and run the simulation of steady turbulent flow of air with heat exchange. The geometry is 2-dimensional, of (y-direction) depth 1.0m, with the other dime nsions show n in the figurebelow: wherei n:? INLET is an aperture through which air at 20 degrees C en ters at a presc

3、ribed velocity of 0.5m/s, givi ng an in let Reyno Ids Number of 15000; OUTLET is a fixed-pressure aperture, where the pressure is held close to 0.0 Pa, relative to the exter nal pressure;WALL-W is an adiabatic boundary wall; WALL-E is an adiabatic boundary wall; INPLATE is an internal plate, the onl

4、y function of which is to obstruct the flow; INBLOCK is a block of copper; H-BLOCK is a block of alumi nium; L-BLOCK is a block of aluminium, supplied uniformly with 100 watts of electrical heat.Prelimi nary remarks1. The tutorial must therefore explain how to:o introduce objects comprising blocks o

5、f different materials;关注phoenics上海飞熠软件技术有限公司 o provide them with heat sources, if required;o introduce also objects (iniets, outlets, plates) having no volume, which however affect the flow in prescribedways;o prescribe the sizes and positi ons of each object.2. In additi on to physically-mea nin gf

6、ul data of the above kind, all CFD codes, and therefore PHOENICS also, requirenon-physical in puts such as:o a grid of computati onal cells;o in structio ns about how many iterati ons to make of the trial-a nd-error soluti on process; o how much data to print.3. The non-physical setti ngs suggested

7、below are such as to make the calculati ons rapid rather tha n accurate.4. Other tutorials will be provided which will en able you to explore the in flue nces of the sett ings on accuracy and speed ofcalculati on.Starting the tutorialFirst close any wi ndows which are already running PHOENICS module

8、s.Then activate the PHOENICS Satellite module, in its VR-Editor mode, by either:1. clicking on the PHOENICS VR icon on the desktop; or2. entering the Run Modules panel of the PHOENICS Comma nder, and then clicki ng the VRE butto n; or3. typ ing vre at the Comma nd prompt.Your working directory, i.e.

9、 the folder in which will appear all the files which the tutorial creates, will be, according to the method which you have used:1. /PHOENICS/d_priv1 You can cha nge this, if you wish, by click ing the optio ns butt on at the top of the satellite pan el;or2. that which appears after: set globdata(cwd

10、) in the file: /PHOENICS/d_pc/userpref/pcprefs . You can cha nge this, ifyou wish, by clicking the Customise button of the PHOENICS Commander Top Page; or3. that of the prompt itself.In PHOENICS-VR Editor? When the Editor starts executionwhat it shows on the screen at first will depend on what happe

11、 ns to be in your work ing directory. You can disregard this. If you see the words: Display From Current Q1, click the top-right X so as to close the panel Make a fresh start by:o click ing first on File;o then on Start New Case;o the n on Core;o then on OK to confirm the resetting.You are now ready

12、 to begi n. ?关注phoenics上海飞熠软件技术有限公司 Set the doma in size? Click on Me nu or M (accordi ng to whether the Gbn trol panel is visible) If it is not, you can make it so by clicking on View. Set Simulation of a Labyrinth Flow as the Title. Click on Geometry.Note that click ing on ? at the top right of an

13、y panel and the n on a menu butt on will provide help.? Change the XDomain Size to 2.0 m. Click OK to close the Grid mesh settings dialog. Select the work ing fluid? Click on Properties which will elicit a page like this:? Note that关注phoenics上海飞熠软件技术有限公司 o the properties are already those of Air at

14、20 deg C, 1 atm by default.o The ambient (external) temperature is 20 degC, and the ambient pressure is 0 Pa relative to 1atm.? Since these corresp ond to the prese nt case, there is no sett in griake. Click on Top menu to accept.Indicate for which variables solution is required? Click on Models. Le

15、ave the solution for velocities and pressure ON. Click on energy equation, and select Temperature. Click on OK. Leave the turbulence mo setti ng as KECHEN. This in dicates that the KE and EP (ki netic en ergy and dissipation rate of turbulence) are to be solved by the CHEN method. Click on Top me nu, then on OK to exit the Main Menu.Re-siz ing the doma inThe domai n no Ion ger fits the scree n; to resize, click on the pull-dow n arrow R icon on the toolbar; then Fit to window.



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