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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1. 社会热点类:两代关系:2003 年真题Directions: Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay about 200 words based on the following1. describe the set of drawings and interpret its meaning2. point out its implications in our life.The set of drawings above vividly depict the destiny of a

2、flower in different circumstances. As is shown in the first cartoon, the flower is growing in full bloom in a comfortable greenhouse that shelters it from the threatening lightning and storm. On the contrary, when removed from the greenhouse and exposed to the driving rain, the flower soon fades and

3、 withers, with the petals scattered on the ground.上述这组图生动描述了一朵鲜花在不同环境中的命运。如第一幅漫画所示,这朵鲜花正在舒适的温室里充分绽放,温室保护它免于可怕的闪电和风雨。相反,当被搬出温室并暴露在风雨之下时,鲜花很快就凋谢枯萎了,花瓣散落一地。To begin with, the purpose of the drawings is to show us that the flower growing in the green house cannot withstand the test of the storm, yet the

4、 symbolic meanings subtly conveyed should be taken more seriously. The delicate flower is naturally associated with young people, to be specific, the only children in our current society; the greenhouse epitomizes parents doting care and abundant material supplies that can shield the children from t

5、he storms, or the harsh reality. Once the young people begin to seek independence and accept challenges from the real world, they are found too spoiled to be strong enough in the face of difficulties.首先,这些图画的目的是告诉我们温室花朵经不起风雨,然而我们应该认真对待它们所微妙传达的象征含义。这朵娇弱的鲜花自然和我们的年轻人联系起来,具体而言,就是当代社会的独生子女。温室是保护孩子免受风雨的父母

6、溺爱和优越物质条件的缩影,而风雨就是严峻的现实。一旦年轻人开始寻求独立并且接受来自现实世界的挑战,人们发现他们已经被惯坏了,在困难面前无法足够坚强。Accordingly, it is vital for us to derive positive implications from these thought-provoking drawings. On the one hand, we can frequently use them to enlighten the youth to be more independent in life. On the other hand, paren

7、ts should be sensible enough to give their children more freedom to deal with troubles and problems. Only by undergoing more challenges and toils in adversity can young people cultivate strong personality and ability, and only in this way can they become winners in this competitive world. (261 words

8、)总之,我们很有必要从这些发人深思的图画中得出积极的含义。一方面,我们可以经常利用它们来启发年轻人在生活中更加独立。另一方面,父母们应该充满理智给孩子们更多自由来处理困难和问题。只有经历更多的挑战和磨练,年轻人才能培养强大的个性和能力,而且只有这样他们才能成为这个竞争世界中的强者。2.社会热点类:两代关系:2014 年英语(一)大作文 Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing brief

9、ly, 2) interpret its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)相携In the first cartoon, three decades ago, along the road walked a young and vigorous mother, leading her beloved daughter hand in hand, with a sweet smile on her beautiful face.

10、 On the contrary, nowadays the daughter in the prime of her life is supporting her aged mother with her firm arm in the second portrayal. And below the drawing, there is a topic which says: “mutual support”.在图一中,三十年前,一位年轻活力的母亲走在路上,手拉手领着她心爱的女儿,美丽的脸上带着甜美的微笑。相反,在图二中,现在正值青春的女儿正在用坚定的臂膀搀扶着年迈的母亲。图画下方小标题显示:

11、“相携”。The aim of the picture is to illustrate that practicing filial piety is of great importance in our current society. For one thing, we have inherited this world from our parents and grandparents. If not for the hard work of the past generations, including the aged among us, the modern society th

12、at we enjoy today would not be possible. For another, the senior citizens have worked hard to provide for their families, for society and for younger generations. The majority of them have led struggles to create better living and working conditions for posterity.这幅漫画的目的是告诉我们奉行孝道在我们当代社会中非常重要。首先,我们从父

13、母和祖父母那里继承了这个世界。如果没有包括我们老人在内的过去几代人的努力工作,我们今天不可能享受这个现代社会。此外,老年人努力工作来养活他们的家庭、社会以及年轻一代。他们中的大多数人努力奋斗来为下一代创造更好的生活和工作条件。To sum up, it is tradition in China to respect the elderly and to take care of the young. It can be exemplified by giving up our seats on the bus for someone older, by inviting our parent

14、s to live with us once they retire, and listening to their advice about personal or work problems. Although some of the Chinese traditions are disappearing, one tradition should never fade away is that of looking after the elderly. (237 words)总之,尊老爱幼是中国人的传统。我们可以在公交车上把座位让给老年人,父母退休之后邀请他们和我们同住,并且聆听他们关于

15、个人或工作问题的建议。尽管一些中国的传统正在消失,但一个传统永远不应消失:那就是照顾老人。3. 社会热点类:社会公德/爱心DIRECTIONS: a) Title: The “Project Hope” b) Time limit: 40 minutes c) Word limit: 120-150 words (not including the given opening sentence) d) Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sen

16、tence:“ Education plays a very important role in the modernization of our country.”e) Your composition must be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.OUTLINE: 1. Present situation 2.Necessity of the project3. My suggestionEducation plays a very important role in the modernization of our country. Yet according to recent statistics, there are over 2 million school-age children who have d



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