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1、SECTION 900 - CONCRETE WORKS901 SCOPE OF SECTION5902 DEFINITIONS5903 MATERIALS FOR CONCRETE 材料5A Ge neral5B Ceme nt 水泥6C Gen eral requireme nts for aggregates 一般规格的骨料7D Fi ne aggregate 细集料9E Coarse aggregate粗 骨料9F Testi ng aggregates 骨料试验111) Accepta nee test ing 验收测试112) Complianee testing 顺应性测试10G

2、 Water for concrete and mortar 混凝土和砂浆用水10H Admixtures and cementitious extenders 外加剂和胶凝混合剂10904 THE DESIGN OF CONCRETE MIXES混凝土配合比设计11A Classes of con crete 混凝土等级11B Design of proposed mixes 配合比设计11905 SITE TRIAL MIXES现场试验13906 QUALITY CONTROL OF CONCRETE PRODUCTION混凝土拌和质量控制13A Sampling 取样13B Testin

3、g 试验141) Con siste nee 坍落度142) Water/ceme nt ratio 水灰比143) Air content 孔隙率144) Flaki ness In dex 剥落度145) Crushi ng con crete cubes 抗压强度14C Valid cube results有效立方体试块结果15D Acceptanee criteria for characteristic strength concrete 高强度混凝土验收标准15E Non-compliant test results不符合规范的试验结果15907 MIXING CONCRETE 混

4、凝土16908 TRANSPORT OF CONCRETE混凝土运输18909 PLACING OF CONCRETE现浇混凝土18A Consent for placing 允许浇注条件18B Preparation of surface to receive con crete 表面准备以进行混凝土浇注18C Placi ng procedures 浇注工序19D Placi ng concrete under water 水下混凝土灌注20E Interruptions to placing 灌注中断22F Dimensions of pours 浇筑尺寸22G Placi ng seq

5、ue nee 灌注工序22910 PROTECTION OF CONCRETE FROM THE ENVIRONMENT 保护混凝土避受环境因素的破坏23A Ge neral 概述23B Protection from rain保护混凝土免受雨水影响23C Hot weather precautio ns 夏季防护措施23D Cold weather precautions 冬季防护措施241) Mixing and placing 拌和及浇注242) Initial curing 初期养护253) Placi ng con crete un der water 水下混凝土25E Protec

6、tion from soil or water with high sulphate content 防护混凝土免受高硫酸盐土壤或水的影 响25F Waterproofing Buried Concrete Surfaces 地下混凝土表面防水25911 COMPACTION OF CONCRETE 混凝土抗压强度26912 CURING OF CONCRETE 混凝土养护27A Ge neral 概述27B Materials 材料28C Methods of curing concrete 养护方法281) Formwork in-place method 模板安装282) Water m

7、ethod 浸水法283) Liquid membrane curing compound method 液膜养护化合物法284) Waterproof cover method 防水盖295) Heated hous ing method 温室养护296) Accelerated curing by steam or radia nt heat 通过蒸汽或辐射热加速养护29D Limit ing temperature differe ntials in n ewly placed con crete 限制新摊铺混凝土的温差30913 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS 施工缝30914

8、 EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION JOINTS 伸缩缝32915 WATERSTOPS 止水32916 FINISHES ON UNFORMED SURFACES路面成型33A UF 1 fin ish 类33B UF 2 finish 二类33C UF 3 finish 三类33D Roadway surface finish 路面修整34917 FINISHES ON FORMED SURFACES车道修整35A Ordinary surface finish 普通表面修整35B Rubbed surface finish 磨光面修整36918 FALSEWORK AN

9、D FORMWORK 脚手架和模板37A Falsework 脚手架37B Formwork 模板38C Removal of Falsework and Forms 移除脚手架和模板41919 MORTAR AND GROUT 砂浆和灰浆43A Ge neral 概述43B Mortar for general purposes 一般用途使用的砂浆43C Grouting of pockets and holes 凹穴和洞的灌浆43D Underpinning of baseplates 基板的基础43920 RECORDS OF CONCRETE PLACING混凝土摊铺记录44921 R

10、EMEDIAL WORK TO DEFECTIVE CONCRETE缺陷混凝土的修补工作44922 REINFORCEMENT FOR CONCRETE用于混凝土的钢筋45A Ge neral 概述45B Testi ng Requireme nts 测试要求45C Delivery and Storage of Reinforcement 钢筋的运送和储存45D Bar bending schedules 弯钢筋表45E Fabrication 制造46F Handling and surface condition of reinforcement 钢筋处理及表面条件46G Placi n

11、g and faste ning 摊铺和加固46923 SUBSTITUTION BY BARS OF DIFFERENT SIZES 替换以不同尺寸的钢筋条48924 PRECAST CONCRETE 预制混凝土48A Ge neral 般要求48B Formwork for precast units 预制组件模板48C Reinforcement for precast units 预制组件的钢筋48D Casting of precast units 浇筑预制组件49E Curing precast units 养护预制组件49F Surface finish of precast u

12、nits 预制组件表面抛光49G Ha ndli ng and storage of precast un its 预制组件处理和储藏49H Testi ng precast un its 试验预制组件50I Installation of precast units 预制组件安装50925 WEEPHOLES 排水孑 L50926 PILING 打桩51A Ge neral 般要求51B Precast Con crete Piles 预制混凝土桩51C Pile Tests 桩试验52D Pile Records 桩记录53927 PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE S

13、TAIRS DOWN EMBANKMENT SIDESLOPE AT END OF OVERPASS 在立交桥末端沿路堤边坡预制钢筋混凝土阶梯53901 SCOPE OF SECTION 章节范围This sect ion covers the materials, desig n of mixes, mixing, tran sport, placi ng, compact ion and curi ng of con crete and mortar required in the Works. It also covers formwork and rein forceme nt for

14、 con crete.本章节既包括工程中要求使用的材料,混合料设计,搅拌,运输,摊铺,压实和混凝土及砂浆的养 护,还包括模板以及钢筋。902 DEFINITIONS 定义Structural con crete is any class of con crete which is used in rein forced, prestressed or non-rein forced con crete con struct ion, that is subject to stress. Non-structural con crete shall be Class B20.结构混凝土是加固,预

15、应力,或非钢筋混凝土结构(该结构承受压力)中所用的任何等级混凝土。 非结构混凝土为等级 B20。Non-structural concrete is composed of materials complying with this specification and is used only for filling voids, blinding foundations and similar purposes where it is not subjected to significant stress.非结构混凝土由符合规范的材料组成,并且只用于填补空隙、填塞基础以及类似的不承受主要压力 的地方。A formed surface is a face that has bee n cast aga inst formwork.成型表面是指在模板上已经浇筑完成的面。An un formed surface is a horiz on tal or n earl



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