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1、精品资料英语周宣传动员讲话稿hi every one, im yuanjun cai, from class two, grade seven.im here to start obsessing you guys with the wonders of english.heres a really short poem i made to describe it;a language made of 26 letters.can attract so many great writers.then es the readers, and that makes the english love

2、rs.thats something very stupid , i admit.but e to think of it, the poem makes total sense.english might not be as ancient and fascinating as chinese, but its still a very beautiful language used world-wide.nearly people from all over the world try to learn it, but not all of them have the chance.we

3、are very lucky to have learned it at such a young age.you can stop fussing over friends who have gone abroad and speak english better than you.thats a fact you cant change.so stop daydreaming about a trip to america that will last for ten years! wake up and try to improve your english in another way

4、.ive got a few tips that might help.if anybody here wants to know, just e to my class and find me during recess times.大家好,这里我给大家念一首我自己创作的诗,大意如下,二十六个字母组成的语言,吸引了那么多的作者,又来了那么多的读者,造就了那么多的英语爱好者。听上去有点怪,不过还是能表达内在含义。英语不像中文那么古老,那么引人入胜,但仍不失为是全世界广泛使用的一种动听的语言。我们很幸运我们能从小由机会学英语,我们不必为不能去国外而抱怨,不必羡慕那些有过国外经历的人。我们可以有我

5、们自己学习的方式。行动起来,参加我们的英语周活动,你一定会有所收获的。with the wind of the winter blowing hard; the leaves are blown everywhere; and the crops stack in the warehouses, the chinese week has already gone.nowadays, as we all know, a new proposition week- the english weeks footstep bees nearer in the winter.this english w

6、eek, as usual, we will have several activities for each grade.in junior 6, the new junior students will have a phoic petition.in junior 7, the mettlesome teens will have an english speaking contest.in junior 8, the encyclopedic students will have a dubbing contest.they are the contests of the power

7、of the knowledge, they are the contests of the speaking, prehending and the e_erting of english., they are also a stage for the great english scholars in the future.i hope the puerile, mettlesome and the encyclopedic students will show their own petences in english.have a nice, dispassionate, e_citi

8、ng contest, and reap your own oute.冬天的寒风呼呼刮着,落叶被吹得到处都是,庄稼已收入仓库,我们一年一次的英语周也来了。它驱散了严寒,带来了学生的学习英语的热情。给这个寒冬增添了温暖。在英语周里,我们每个年级都有活动。我们的预备年级有音标比赛,我们要比一比谁的音标拼读能力强,谁的音标读的最准确。我们的初一年级有英语演讲比赛,想必他们在去年比赛基础上,今年会更上一层楼。期待他们优异的表现。初二年级是英语电影配音比赛。去年我们初二,今年初三的大哥哥、大姐姐们给我们带来的那原汁原味的动听的配音想必我们现在还记忆犹新。我们期待着初二同学给我们带来新的惊喜。教学周里,我们的老师们还将开展听课评课活动,他们要以高度的责任心,精湛的教学水平带领我们遨游在英语学习的海洋里。最后 让我们enjoy ourselves in the english week.第 页 共 页



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