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1、听力部分:一 . 将听到的单词圈起来(5)1. orange banana2.tomatoespotatoes3.sixeight4.purplepink5.flowersmall二、按听到句子的顺序标序号.(5分)三、 听句子,选择正确答案打对号(10 分)bear ?1)What color is the crab ?2)Yes, it is.pear?Is that aNo, it isnt.3)black.The fish isred.four.4)Howmany birds? five.There are5)AreYes,they are.beans?theseYes, it is.

2、笔试部分一、按字母顺序填出所缺字母大小写。 (10 分)Aa CcEeHhIiKkLlNnOoPpRrSsTtVvXx Zz二、读单词,看图片,把图片序号写在相应的括号里(20 分)1. a mouse2. a bird3.a tiger4.a lion5. a dress ()()()()()()()()()()A.B.C.D.E.F.G.HI.J.三、读一读,选择正确的图片打。(8 分)1. two cats()()2. eight pencils()()3. five tomatoes()()4. three carrots()()四、 选择字母将单词补充完整。 (16 分)五、试一试,

3、连一连(5 分)1. Is it a pear?2. Good morning, Tim.3. Whats your name ?4. Good bye!Bye !My name is Lulu.Yes, it is .Yes , they are .2 / 45.Are these tomatoes ?Good morning .六、找出下面单词中不是一类的那个词,并把它圈起来。(10 分)1. father mother dog 2.sunmoon lemen3. two ten duck4. bag book car5. watch pearapple七读句子、看图,在正确的句子后打“”

4、(6 分 )1.Whats this ?Its a banana.()Its a strawberry. ()2.Whats this ?Its a kiwi fruit.()Its an orange.()3.Whats this ?Its a pineapple.()Its a strawberry. ()4.Is this a lemon ?Yes, it is.()No, it isnt.()5.Is this a pear ?Yes, it is.()No, it isnt.()6.Is this a banana ?Yes, it is.()No, it isnt.()八读一读,选

5、一选。把序号填在括号内。(5 分)() 1. Whats this?A. Its abanana.B. Theyarelemons.() 2. Is it a nut?A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, they are.() 3. Whatarethese?A. Itismushroom.B. Theyaremushrooms.() 4. Arethosebirds?3 / 4A. Yes, they arent.B. Yes, theyare .() 5. Howmanyapplesarethere?A. Thereisone.B. Therearenine.二年级听力材料一 .

6、将听到的单词圈起来 .1. orange2.potatoes3.eight4.pink5.flower二、按听到句子的顺序标序号.1. These tomatoes are red.2. These carrots are orange.3. The bird is yellow.4. The dog is brown.5. These beans are green.三、听句子,选择正确答案打对号.1. What color is the crab?2. Is that a pear? No, it isnt.3. The fish is red.4. How many birds?There are four.5. Are these beans? Yes, they are.4 / 4



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