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1、带解析2015年中考英语专项突破-名词易错题汇编满分:班级:姓名:考号:一、单选题(共45小题)1 What can I do for you?I d like two.A. box of apple B. boxes of applesC. box of apples D . boxes of apple2 . Help yourself to.A . some chickens B. a chickenC. some chickenD . any chicken3 . it is today!A . What fine weather B . What a fine weatherC .

2、How a fine weather D . How fine a weather4 . Which is the way to the?A . shoe factory B . shoes factoryC . shoe s factory D. shoes factory5 . This classnow. Miss Gao teaches them.A . are study ingB . is study ingC . be study ingD . study ing6 . We will have aholiday after the exam.A . two month B. t

3、wo-mo nthC. two month s D . two-m on ths7 . There is no eno ughin the corner to put the table.A. place B. room C. floor D. ground8 . Excuse me, are you?No, we are.A . America n, En glishma nB . America ns. Germa nsC . America n, Germe nD . En glishma n, America n9 . Lily has a silk. Listen, she is s

4、inging in the next room!How ni ce!A . look B . noise C . voice D . sound10 . How manycan you see in the picture?Only one.A. dog B .sheep C . child D. cat11.1 don t think look ing after childre n is justwork.A. womanB . woman sC . womenD. women s12 . Well, you look so happy! Because I got a good.A .

5、work B . news C . job D. advice13 . mothers can t go to the meeting , because they have gone to New York on bus in ess .A . Alice and Lily sB. Alice s and Lily sC. Alice s and Lily14 . How far is your home from school?It s about twowalk.A. hour sB. hoursC. hours 15 . Whose computer does nt work? , I

6、 think.A . John has B. John doesC. John D . Johns16 . How far is it from the railway station to the hotel?It s aboutwalk.A . ten minute s B. ten -minutesC. ten minutes D . ten minutes17 .一 What do you havefor Paul?一 I think he should study harder than before.A . news B . adviceC . help D . informati

7、on18 . rm so hungry. Please give meto eatA. three bread B. three pieces of breadC. three pieces of breads D . three piece of bread19 . Toms watch is the same as his.A. brotherB. brothersC . brothers20 . - Can I help you, sir? I d like to have 100. I want my stude nts to draw pictures.A . piece of pa

8、perB . pieces of paperC . pieces of papers21 . How many teachers are there in your school? themover two hun dred.A . woma n; The nu mber of; is B . wome n; The nu mber of; isC . woma n; A nu mber of; isD . wome n; A nu mber of; are22 . Our hospital needs twodoctors, Mrs Li. You can ask your son to h

9、ave a try.A . women B . man C . men D . woman23 . For my homework I have to write a(n)about the wonders of the world.A . music B . pictureC . composition D . exam24 . Please pick up the. Don t keep it on the floor.C. books D. bottles25 . Could you please tell me something about the two? . They arc e

10、xcha nge stude nts of No. 1 Middle School.A . Frenchmen; Yes, please B. Frenchmans; Come onC. Germe n; Not at all D . Germa ns; All right26 . Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest bus stop?Go dow n this road. Its aboutwalkA . five mi nu tesB . five mi nu tesC . five-minu tes27 . We have only one E

11、arth. Its our com mon.A . family B . house C . home D . room28 . What s in the icebox?A few, but little.A . apple,milk B . apple,milksC . apples,milks D . apples,milk29 . Mazys skirt is the same as her.A . sisters B . brotherC . brother s D . sister s30 . Where s Jack?He s left asaying that he will

12、be back in a minute.B. n ewsC. information31 . As young adults, it is ourto try our best to deal with each challenge in oureducation with the help of our teacher.A. work B. job C. duty D. task32 . You look so healthy! Yeah, I like eat ing apples. An apple a day keeps theaway.A . teacher B . workerC

13、. farmer D . doctor33 . Peter regards Liaocheng as his second because he has lived here for tenyears.A . family B . house C . home D . room34 . The sin ger felt very sorry and decided he would n ever drive aga in after drinking.The traffic accide nt was really ato him.A . game B . pleasureC . skill

14、D . less on35 . -Mrs Black, could you give me some advice on how to write an application letter?-With pleasure. Remember that the letter should be writte n in the formal.A . value B . style C . effect D . mood36 . I am tired after the long walk.1 want to have a _.37 I m sorry I went out for a smoke.

15、 I was very tired.There s nofor this while you are at work.A. causeB. excuseC. matter D. choiceA. cause B. excuse C. matter D. choice38 . Mrs. Wang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year.She said she would n ever forget some pleasa ntwhile work ing there.A . experimentsB. expressionsC. experiences D . emotions39 . There are millions of



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