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1、2019高三英语寒假功课(一)根据以下各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,在答题卡指定区域的横线上写出对应单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。检测题之一Ol.Tom tried to ( 劝说)his father to give up smok ing, but hefailed.02.There is too much 暴力on TV.O3.We all 爆发出into wild laughter.04. They 装饰the room with flowers and balloons.O5.He walked along in the shadows, hop ing no one would(

2、 认出)him.06.The island originally 属于to India is occupied by Britainnow.07.The students in our class should be关心about each other.08.How long have youfrom忍受a headache?09.When he was a child, he 更喜欢)to swim.10. As is known to all, the news from CCTV is the most ( 可信赖的).检测题之二01. If you want to sell this

3、product well, I advise you to ait in the n ewspaper or on TV.02. The project should be(完成)with in a year.03. Nearly all the ato the palace were guarded by the soldiers.04. Group A gave( 有说服力的)opinion and won the debate.05. The writer traveled throughout the country to phis latestno vel.06. The food

4、was good but the( 服务)was slow.07. What she has in mi nd is bey ond想象力.No one can tell whatshe will do n ext.08. Every one s fin gerpri nts are u.09. If you ca crime, you will never escape being punished.10. Whenhe woke up, Tomfound himself 躺in the farmer s house.11. The supermarket 声称that they have

5、the freshest food.12. Our compa ny always thi nks for( 消费者).13. We must be aof our prese nt situati on.14. The company has over 500 stores(全国性的).15. After the war, a mto the dead was raised in TiananmenSquare.16. Years of fight ing have left Iraq in r.17. You can go out to play on cthat you finish y

6、our home work.18. U, she didn t pass the driving test though she tried hard.19. Bin the book, the mother didn t heard the girl crying.20. Sha nghai as well as Guan gzhou is a( 商业的)city of China.检测题之三OI.He made an道歉to his manager for his being latE、O2.They walked because they couldn t ( 付得起)a taxi.03

7、. Tomorrow will be my mother s ( 四十)birthday.O4.Winning the support of the majority requires (耐心),energy anddevotio n.05.The girl walked (自信地)on to the stage, ready for her firstspeech.06.They cannot leave the country without (允许)07.Heari ng the funny story, we burst out 大笑、008. Smith went to Chicag

8、o for 技术training.09.Usually childre n are( 好奇的)about everythi ng they see andmeet.10.ln order to reduce the toll of death and disease from tobacco, they have ( 限制)its production.检测题之四01. Professor Li is very (热 心) about his teaching.01.02. Her teachingis not like that of my(以前)teacher.02.03. The( 表现

9、)of the students in class shows they like her.03.04. The (少年)feltunhappy because their team failed.04.05. Your liste ning( 理解)n eeds impro ving.05.06. They looked at the car un til it(了肖失)in the dark ness.06.07.包含)seven years.07. History is not an( 学术)subject.08. Secon dary school in the US usually(

10、08.09. His( 厌倦)speech made us sleepy.09.10. He always(鼓励)us when we failed.10.检测题之五单词拼写共10小题;每题1分,总分值10分01.Usually the fpoi nt of the water is 0C02.ln the fire, 060 perce nt of the houses were d.s time03.Weather experts have fano ther san dstorm in a week there.04.We are all cabout his safety.05.It

11、is all agreed that the pige on is the sof peace.06.The exchange program between the UKand China mayaffect various school, ( 变化)from kindergartens to high school.07.The气氛over dinner was warm and friendly.08.It 想起to him that he had left his laptop in the hotel.09.He has no 以前的experienee of this kind o

12、f job.1O.He n eeds a high( 收入)to support such a large family.检测题之六 单词拼写根据汉语提示用正确的词的适当形式填空1. I m slowly ( 恢复 ) my strength after being ill.2. I can t ( 忽视 ) his rudeness any longer.3. He has a good ( 掌握) of the French language.4. My little sister can speak (流利的) Russian.5. The manager needs a ( 可信赖的

13、) assistant.6. Tom offered me his (祝贺) on my success.7. My mother ( 更喜欢 ) staying at home to going shopping when Iwas young.8. The aircraft crashed and (爆发) into flames.9. She is always confident and she is always (决定的) to succeed.10. The smoke rose ( 笔直地 ) up.试卷答案一1-1O :persuade violence burst deco

14、rated recognize belonging concerned suffered preferred reliable二O6.service7.imaginationOmit1O.lying11. claims12.customers13.aware14.nationwide15.memorial 1O6.ruins17.condition1O8.Unfortunately19.Buried2O.commercial三1-1O : apologyaffordfortiethpatienceconfidently permissionlaughingtechnicalcuriousLimited四1-1O : enthusiasticpreviousbehaviourteenagerscomprehension disappearedacademiccoversboringencouraged五1-1O :freezingdamagedforecast concernedsymbolranging atmosphereoccurredprevious85.income六mand4.fluent5.reliable6.congratulations7.preferred8.burst9.determined1O.straight



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