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1、Unit 1 M3 Vocabularies1. 发生 take place 最近几年我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。In the past few years, great changes have taken place in my hometown. 某人突然想起 It occurs to sb that 碰巧发生 It happens that./ sb happens to do sth (战争)突然爆发 break out2. 饿死 starve sb to death/ die of starvation3. 盛装打扮dress up : 穿衣 dress sb./oneself in

2、= sb be dressed in4. 允许(某人)做 permit sb to do/permit doing未经许可 without ones permission请求允许 ask for permission5. 调大音量 出现 到场turn up 调小音量;拒绝 turn down 打开turn on 关上turn off 上交turn in/ hand in 轮流in turn 结果是turn out to be转向某人寻求帮助turn to sb. for help6. 溺水的孩子 a drowning child 被淹死 get drowned 7. 出发;使 爆炸set of

3、f 回家 set off for home 动身出发set out 着手做 set out to do / set about doing写下set down 把放置一旁, 不理会, 留出 set aside 8. 收获 harvest sth 大丰收 have a good harvest9. 庆祝( 动词) celebrate (名词) celebration10. 的起源 the origin of11. 宗教的religious 宗教 religion12. 纪念,追念 in memory of13. 我坚信 I hold a strong/ firm belief in sth. /

4、that 或 I strongly/ firmly believe that14. 恶搞 play a trick on 15. 你一到济南,就给我打电话。 On your arrival in Jinan, please call me.16. 获得独立 gain ones independence 不劳无获No pains, no gains.17. 搜集信息 gather/collect information 18. N 奖品 vt 授予 award19. 因。钦佩某人 admire sb for sth20. 充满活力的be energetic / be full of energy

5、21. 期待早来信I am looking forward to your early reply.22. 日夜 day and night23. 玩的开心 have fun (with) 多开心 what fun it is!24. N 习惯,风俗 custom25. 守诺言keep ones word26. 屏住呼吸Hold ones breath27. 很显然It is obvious that28. 提醒某人某事remind sb of sth/to do/ that29. v原谅 forgive,(forgave,forgiven)30. 哭泣 weep (wept , wept)U

6、nit2 Vocabularies1. N 你要重视日常饮食You must pay attention to your daily diet.节食go on a diet/ be on a diet vt. 寻求平衡strike a balance between A and B.保持平衡 keep ones balance 失去平衡 lose ones balance均衡的balanced: adj. a balanced diet2. 苗条的 slim 3. 减肥 lose (ones) weight 增肥 gain weight/ put on weight4. 出于好奇 out of

7、 curiosity 对。好奇 be curious about 5 生的, 未加工的 raw 6. 被放过,做坏事不受惩罚 get away with sth/ doing sth.7. 打折 discount: n. 打折扣at a discount8. 撒谎 tell a lie/lies9. 顾客们 customers10. 赢回winback11. 长处和弱点strengths and weaknesses12. 咨询: vt. consult 查字典 consult a dictionary/ look up a word in the dictionary13. 消化v n di

8、gest 读者文摘Readers Digest14. 谋生earn ones living / make ones living/ make a living 15. 欠债in debt ;run into debt 还清债务 pay off the debts16. 怒目而视glare at: 瞥一眼glance at/ take a glance at盯着看stare at: 17. 暗中监视spy on:a) 把。限定在一定范围 limit sth./sb. to 时间、速度限制the time limit/ speed limit 有限的limited18. 有益于(三种表达) ben

9、efit sb/sth ; be of great benefit to sth/doing ; be beneficial to sth19. 叹息 v n sigh20. 把理论与实践结合 combine theory with practice 21. 消减 cut down 降低成本/花销 the cost/ expenses 砍树 cut down trees22. 不久之后before long 23. 不久,他就回来了。It wont be long before he comes back.24. 感到沮丧feel frustrated25. 我们被鼓励锻炼,平衡膳食,并享受生

10、活,这对健康有益无害。We are e encouraged to take exercise and eat balanced diets, which does more good than harm to our health.26. 自此以后( 完成时)ever since ever after 搭一般过去式27. 自此以后他过着艰难的生活。 He has had a hard life ever since./ He lived a hard life ever after.Unit 3 Vocabulary1. bring up children 抚养孩子 提出问题 bring u

11、p a question2. n 小说 I like reading novels. adj 新颖的 novel 3. 冒险 探险 adventure He lives a life full of adventure4. (戏剧)一场scene 犯罪现场 the crime scene 美丽的风景 the beautiful scenery(不可数)5. 闲逛wander around/about 跑题wander from the point6. 好奇 wonder 难怪 It is no wonder that7. 一个因公出行的商人 a businessman travelling o

12、n business8. 前进; (祈使句)可以,往下说go ahead 一直往前走 go straight aheadMay I go now? Yes, go ahead. Dont stop, go ahead with your story.9. 过错,缺点 fault 是我的错 Its my fault. 吹毛求疵 find fault with10. 他不易相处,总是对别人吹毛求疵。He is not easy to get along with, he always likes to find faults with others.11. Vt 认出 发现n 污点spot(spo

13、tted, spotted)当场 on the spot.12. 通道,文章passage: 13. 导致,作出解释account for: 因为 on account of 因为天气不好我们推迟外出。We delayed our outing on account of the bad weather.14 报道n. The policeman gave an account of the traffic accident. 说明 Can you give the teacher a full account for your absence. 账户open an account/ clos

14、e an account15寻求seek(sought, sought)16. 寻求帮助/建议 seek help/ ones advice from 追求成功seek for/after success17. 耐心 patience 有耐心 be patient with18. 与此相反on the contrary 19. 在。对立面adj: be contrary to: 20. 大量的(修饰不可数名词)an amount of:/ a large amount of: 。的数量the amount of:21. 信封envelope22. 难以置信 unbelievable23. 冒险

15、take a chance 24. 礼貌举止manner25. 粗鲁的方式in the rude manner 就餐礼仪table manners: When you eat, mind your table manners.26有礼貌 Its good manners /good manners to do: 打扰别人无礼貌。It is bad manners to interrupt others.27 尖叫v scream28 真诚的,真的genuine29 发布命令, 发行,出版 issue (an order)30 indeed: adv.真正的 A friend in need is a friend indeed.31 衣衫褴褛 in rags32 至于你 as for you 33 关于as to There is some doubt as to whether the proposal is practicable至于上次来信你提到的问题As to t



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