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1、四岁幼儿语言的语义中文语义语法学理论强调,人类语言的本质属性是语义性,自然语言系统是建立 在认知符号的范畴化和关联化基础上的语义网络。个体语言习得,本质上是基于 认知经验的语义网络自建构过程。幼儿(五岁前)语言是成人语言的内核。基于 自然语料库,立足于幼儿认知经验和语感特点,以语义语法学理论为指导,建立 不同于以往基于成人的语形语法学理论的新型儿童语言学,其价值不仅在于探寻 个体语言习得的特点和规律,而且在于依据内核模型揭示自然语言的理解生成 机制。作为幼儿语义网络建构的核心,幼儿词汇系统的建立与幼儿语义句法的习 得研究,是幼儿句法结构生成和理解的关键,这一选题具有重要学术价值。本研 究的总体

2、思路是:从自然语料库的研制、基于统计的基本词汇提取、基于元语言 理论的基本词元的提炼、基于义征分析的义场建构等方面研究汉语幼儿(四岁段) 的语义系统;以典型动词“拿”和“给”为样例,从语义角色的习得轨迹和语义 网络的建构等方面研究汉语幼儿(2-4 岁段)语义句法的习得。具体技术线路为: 1.研制四岁段幼儿自然语料库。2.研制四岁段幼儿基本词汇表;3.构建幼儿基 本词汇的语义分类系统,并通过多维比对,探寻四岁段幼儿基本词汇的习得特点; 4.进行义征分析和义场建构,完善幼儿词元语义系统,探寻四岁段幼儿词元语义 系统的发展特点;5.以幼儿最常用的动作核心词“拿”和“给”为典型,描写 2-4 岁段幼儿

3、语义网络的形成,探寻幼儿语义句法的习得轨迹。本研究的具体结论包 括:1.归纳出 2083 个词汇的四岁段幼儿基本词汇表。通过与三岁幼儿基本 词汇表(祁文慧 2008)的比对发现:指称类词汇中事物类词汇占总比下降;陈 述类中动作类词汇占总比下降;修饰限制类中,属性和时空类占总比下降;情态 功能类中,语助和语气类占总比下降。通过与现有较完整平行词表的比对发现: 个案研究较群案研究的不足之处在于词汇覆盖面较小;词汇表具有明显的时代性 和地区性;自然跟踪语料较 特定场合下采集的语料,更真 实地反映了幼儿在自然状态下的语言使用情况;幼儿语言水平与词表含词量成正 比。2.归纳出 1956 个词元的四岁段

4、幼儿基本词元表,并建成四岁段幼儿词元 语义分类论文系统,其中包括,一级4类,二级15类,三级42类,四级172 类,五级208类等,最深层级为9级。指称、陈述、修饰限制、情态功能四大类 词元中增幅居首位的分别是人类能力类、心理活动类、方式类、时体类。3.幼儿 动核句的语义网络具有成长性,二岁段幼儿以只含有基本角色的基干型语义网络 为主,三岁段幼儿增加了情态范畴和附加角色,形成了扩展型语义网络。四岁段 幼儿各角色范畴共现情形呈复杂化趋势,由此形成了延伸型语义复网。 4.幼儿语 义句法的习得经历了“体态伴随性语音表达”、“复综型词句表达”、“分析型事 件图式的简单结构化表达”、“分析型事件图式的复

5、杂结构化表达”四个阶段。本 研究的总结论为:词汇语义系统的建构和句法语义网络的建构是同步关系。幼儿 词汇语义系统中的词元越多,句法语义角色才会逐步丰化,语义句模才会越复杂。 句法语义网络的成长是以词汇语义系统的逐步丰化为前提的,语义系统中词元的 数量逐步增加是语义网络复杂化的基础。幼儿在词元义场建构的同时习得语义缠 绕机制,通过实体范畴化和实体关联化掌握相关的语义句法。本研究的创新之处 在于发展了基于语义语法学理论的新型儿童语言学研究理论和方法。理论上,基 于自然语料库所提取的四岁基本词汇表,完善了元语言研究的层级理论;通过 “拿”核句和“给”核句成长性语义网络建构过程的研究,完善了语义网络的

6、自 建构理论;方法上,采用义征分析义场建构互动的方法,建构了幼儿四岁词元 义场,不仅为汉语词汇语义系统提供了内核模型,而且为词典释义元语言的提取 提供了坚实基础;采用典型研究的方法,寻绎了“拿”核句和“给”核句等语义 句法的习得轨迹,为语言生成理解研究提供了样例。译文The theory of semantic grammar argues that the essence of human language is reflected in its meaning, and that natural-language system is in itself a meaning network

7、constructed on the generalization and the relevancy of cognitive symbols. It follows that the language acquisition of individuals is in fact a process of the building of their own semantic network based on experience. Language of young children under age 5 forms the core of adult language. The prese

8、nt study attempts to develop a new type of child linguistics which is different from previous studies on adults characterized by traditional formal grammatical theories. It follows the theory of semantic grammar, attaching great importance to natural-language corpuses and young childrens cognitive e

9、xperience and their distinctive sense of language. The study aims not only at exploring into the features and rules of individual language acquisition and but also at revealing the comprehension-production mechanism of natural language based on the core modeling. The construction of young childrens

10、lexical system and the study of their semantic grammar, as the kernel of their semantic network, are crucial to the study of the production and comprehension of childrens syntactic structure. Thus, the present study is of great significance. The study is aimed to fulfill two general tasks: to explor

11、e four year- old childrens semantic system from multiple dimensionsto build a natural-language corpus, to define four-year-olds basic vocabulary based on statistics, to extract basic meta-semantemes based on the meta-language theory, and to construct semantic fields based on the analysis of semantic

12、 features. To be specific, five steps are involves. First, to construct a four-year-old Chinese childrens natural-language corpus; second, to work out The Basic Vocabulary of Four-Year-Olds; third, to categorize their basic vocabulary and then describe the characteristics of their vocabulary acquisi

13、tion through comparisons from different perspectives; fourth, to complete the basic meta-semanteme semantic system of young children based on the analysis of semantic features and the construction of semantic fields of children at this particular age, and then to explore the developmental trends of

14、the childrens semantic system; finally, to depict the development of the semantic network of children between 2 and 4 years of age based on the analysis of two key verbs with highest frequency of occurrence, “take” and “give”, and further to trace young childrens acquisition of semantics and syntax.

15、 The four major findings are reported as follows. Firstly, the study found out majordifferences in vocabulary acquisition between four-year-olds and three-year-olds. It first worked out The Basic Vocabulary of Four-Year-Olds including 2,083 words, and then compared it with The Basic Vocabulary of Fo

16、ur-Year-Olds (Qi Wenhui 2008). The comparison indicates that four-year-olds begin to significantly slow down their development in the following word categories: nouns denoting physical objects; action verbs in the predication category; words of modification denoting property and time and space; and modal particles. A comparisonwith relatively complete parallelword lists from previous studies culminates in a number of generalizations: a weakness o



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