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1、听力部分(25分I ) |.丨 根据你所听到的句 子,选择正确答语。|(5分) ( )l. A. Yes, | ydu can t. | B.| Of 8口恢 nOt, I hate | | | sMok ing C. No| tha nkS. ( |)2. A. I am sOrrp, | what is it? B. I | | d lOve| to, but I aM busy.CSure, Wh$t ib it? ( )3 A. Thank you | | | fdr your adVic. B It I s very ki|nd| ofydu to say sb. C. What |

2、 s. the us of th|at?()4.A. Oh, Won derful. B.By takingtheN).5bus.C.We had a wDnderful tiime.()5A.Sorry, I d()nt. B.sorry, Iwo)nLt,CYes,I do.II根据丿所斤到句1子选出与其意义相同或相近的选项。丨(5-分()6.A. Iofte n ride |to |schobl. B I oft3 n walk to sChool.C. |l dftdn drive to school. ( ) 7. Please leave me a message at sx .

3、B| Please wakd me up at |siX . C. Please ball Me at six L ( I ) 8.A. Shd looks older thd n she really I is. B. she is Iless than forty years old.| c she looks younger tha n sheIII.根据所听到的对话及对话后的问题reblly is. (I) 9A Tom h|as | vQry weak eVe$. I B.| Tom hQs to We|ar gsSeS whe n he feWdS sdmethi ng. C. T

4、m n eVeH wears glassps| when rebding. (|) l|0.|AMHcbn|finish the bdok in fiVe 山。吋 B. Mafy Cant fini sh| | | th book ih fjvd hdurs. |C. | Mbry wants to | | fihish readiHg the| book M fiVe hours. | | | 选择正确答案。I |(5分)()1|1. | A.| Hes going tb sde a film| B He$ goidg to do some | | | shoppingC. Hes goin

5、g| to| see the doctor.| ()12.A. They 占沽 havihg I a Class. B. T|hey | arb making a plhohe COE C They are tlking. in thb dffiCe. ( )13|. A One yeah | B.| Two ydars. C. Threg ybars. ( )14. A. Because he hds ibst the key to the door. B. Because he has ibst the key to the bike. C. Because his I fathdr is

6、 ill iH b5d. ( )15. A.丨丨 By plane. B. By 詁討.C. By bus. IV. I I根据 所听到的对话及给出的问题,选择正确答案。(5 分)()16.| Whe|re is th bby going? A. A bUs station. B A police statibn. C. A | | clbthes faCtdry. ( )17. DOS the girl knbw thb police|statibn? A. Shd not sure. B | Y 西 she doesC. No, bh* does nt. ( )j8.| | Where i

7、s 垂 poliCe statin? A. At the fGurth turhMg. I B At the fifth |turning. C At the third turlnidg.I( )19. Which bus | should the bby I take? A. No.| 6 bus. B. Nd I l6 bus. C| N|o. |56| bus.| ( )20. How long | | dbes it take the bby? A. Les than 10 | minu tes. B. Mbre |tha n |1O| m|inu tes. C. |10| I m|

8、nutes. V.丨 听一段短文,根据其内容和以下 所给表格的要求在横线止填上有关信息,每空丄 一词。(5分|) 2l Who is t|he| policeman I I talking to? A| . 22 What is | hd doing whbn | | the policdman talks toI hib? He is on thd of a house. 23 Who is helpibg him to det out of the windoW? It 丨 P s . 24 Wh# I I dbesn t he leave by the frbnt door? Hesay

9、sthathecant|find thearid |heisinahurry? 25 Doesthe policema n belieVehim?. 基础知识(25分)I.在空白处填入一个最适当的词,使句子意思完整,语怯正I-确。(5 分) 1. It |s impossible | to | a | stbne with a | fidgelr. 2. Rathdr than stay | | at |home, I td gO shopp |ng. 3 The shop cbn | cUstomers With vgry |ddlidioUs food. 4. | | | -Could y

10、Qu sh6w | me WroUnd the facto|ry | | | ? -With . 5| I hope t| adross the AtlantiC I I . O|cean whed I Igraduaje from college. |llj.用 括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(丨丨51分|) 1. Students should read much books. Illi (educatiod) 2. Shanghai is one of the | cities in ChiHa.| (khow) 3. Hd loves , sQ I I he want to be a

11、. (photo) 4. He b because 6f his djg s death. (happy) 5Mkre and mord pboplel kAow compute诂 the .moder n world. (progralm) III.选择填空:(l5) ( )1. The toy car must belong to . A. IIMary B. Mays C. MdrysD.hers():2.Iw$s angry h& WaS late. A. because B. bQcause Of C So |D. rebsbn ( )3.Don | | tENglish, it S

12、 Very Impo+ta nt. A. stbp B. drOp C. st|udy D go on| ()4.he French bdok be Ali I s.| She IstUdibs French A| cduld B. dan| t C. CSZDneed ()5.She up all her ImGney in he* pocket. A. use| B ujed C. ubing D. to use ( I)6. You have | | giVen me A t6o much B much too C t6o mbny D. Mahy I tob ()7| She| liv

13、es in| a | hQtel Hongxi|ng|. A. calls B. dall up C. I I n ame with D. Hamed ( |)8.| The boy ab6utyQu talked has gbnb home. A. Who B whidh C whose D. | whom ( I )9. The| wbma n bike| w lost is Joh|n s teacher. A. who B. that C.which D. whose ( )10. We are very n the story. A. intdrest, linterdstind B

14、.丨丨丨丨 in terested, interest ing C. i ntgrest, interests D. in terested, intebest ( )11.They com|e VeStefday. |A.| dd B. does C. did D.| done ( )l2 MV teachef hdped pass the exam a me to b we can c. we cous d me cbn ( )13| D|id thgy considef for Sha ngh$i? A.| leave B leapi ng C. (eaVeb D. to leaVe |()14. He IgQve hi dictliodary to the gifl. I A.| away B badk C i n D UpI( )15. Did VoUremember the pWrk wi played last week? A who B whbe C. What D. hoW交际运用 |( |l5分)r i.根对话内容用方框内所斤纟汕的句补全对话Ul。:-中/ 、有一项;是多多余的勺。(5分)Sam:Hbllo, Ginia!G nd:卜li, Sam!1 Sam:YbsWill itIasi:Iong?(引raYs.2?



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