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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑【初一竖版英语手抄报内容】端午节手抄报竖版 英语是国际经济、技术、信息等沟通中应用最广泛的语言,也是我国基础训练中最主要的外语课程。英语手抄报也是学习英语的一种途径。我为大家带来的初一竖版英语手抄报内容,供大家学习参考。 初一竖版英语手抄报的图片观赏 初一竖版英语手抄报图片(1) 初一竖版英语手抄报图片(2) 初一竖版英语手抄报图片(3) 初一竖版英语手抄报图片(4) 初一竖版英语手抄报图片(5) 初一竖版英语手抄报的内容:英语笑话 A man wrote a letter to a small hotel he planned to visit on hi

2、s vacation: I would very much like to bring my dog with me. He is well-groomed and very well behaved. Would you be willing to permit me to keep him in my room with me at night? An immediate reply came from the hotel owner, who said, Ive been operating this hotel for many years. In all that time, Ive

3、 never had a dog steal towels, bedclothes, silverware or pictures off the walls. Ive never had to evict a dog in the middle of the night for being drunk and disorderly. And Ive never had a dog run out on a hotel bill. Yes, indeed, your dog is welcome at my hotel. And, if your dog will vouch for you,

4、 youre welcome to stay here, too. 一个人给一家他方案在假期里停留的小旅馆写了封信,我特别盼望带着我的狗,它很洁净很有教养,你能允许它和我睡一间屋子吗? 旅馆仆人马上回了封信,我经营旅馆许多年了,狗从没偷过毛巾,床单, 餐具,或者墙上的画。我也从没有在半夜由于狗喝醉胡闹而赶走它,狗也从不不付帐就跑掉。实际上我们特别欢迎您的狗来我们旅馆,假如它为您担保,也欢迎您来。 初一竖版英语手抄报的资料:简洁英文小故事 An avid duck hunter was in the market for a new bird dog. His search ended when

5、 he found a dog that could actually walk on water to retrieve a duck. Shocked by his find, he was sure none of his friends would believe him. 一位贪欲的鸭子猎手想在市场上买只新的捕鸟的狗。当观察一只狗能在水上走路然后抓住鸭子时,他打算:就是它了。这实在是太新颖了,他觉得应当没有哪个伴侣会信任他吧。 He decided to try to break the news to his most skeptical friend, inviting him

6、to hunt with him and his new dog. As they waited by the shore, a flock of ducks flew by; they fired, and a duck fell. 他首先向一个最简单怀疑的伴侣发布了这个消息,带上狗邀请这位伴侣和他一同打猎。他们在河岸边等待,突然一群鸭子飞过,他们开枪了,于是有一只野鸭掉了下来。 The dog responded. It did not sink, but instead walked across the water to retrieve the bird, never getting

7、 more than his paws wet. 狗动起来了。它没有沉下去,而是走在水上去叼鸭子,连爪子都没湿。 The friend saw everything but did not say a single word. 这位伴侣目睹了这一切,不发一语。 On the drive home the hunter finally broke the silence, asking, Well, what do you think of my new dog? 回家的时候,猎人打破了缄默,问道:你觉得这只狗怎么样啊? The other guy was quiet for a moment, then said, Cant swim, huh? 伴侣缄默了一会,说道:它不会游泳,对吧? 推举其他主题的手抄报资料和图片作为参考: 1.竖版英语手抄报 2.竖着的英语手抄报图片简洁又美丽 3.英语手抄报图片简洁又美丽 竖版 4.关于美丽的七班级英语手抄报内容资料 5.初一上册英语手抄报内容 第 1 页 共 1 页


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