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1、选修七 Unit 2Robots单元测试1笔试部分:I. 单项选择1. They desired that theythe right to vote.A. had B. have C. are D. were2. Nick is look ing for ano ther job because he feels that nothing he doeshisboss.A. serves B. satisfies C. promises D. support3. One side of the board should be pain ted yellow, andA. the other

2、is whiteB. ano ther white C. the other white D. ano ther is white4. Hi , Tracy , you look tired.rm tried. Ithe living room all day.A. pain ted B. had pain ted C. have bee n pain ti ng D. have pain ted5. His wife, to whom hefor 20 years , was childless.A. had married B. marriedC. has married D. had b

3、ee n married6. I shall not believe it un til I see itmyself.A. for B. by C. of D. in7. Whenwe finally to get home after the tiringlong journey we could hardly move a step farther.A. tried B. succeeded C. man agedD. attempted8. A Tales of Two Cities isa no vel. It helps us to un dersta nd the history

4、 of En gla nd andFrench of that time.A. more tha nB. not more tha n C. no more tha n D. less tha n9. Im sorry to tell you that Ion the play ground.A. forget your books B. forgot your books behi ndC. have left your books alone D. left your books beh ind10. Why? I have nothing to con fessyou want me t

5、o say?A. What is it thatB. what it is thatC. How is it thatD. How it is that11. It s the ability to do the jobmatters not where you come fromor what you are.A. one B. that C. what D. it12. Sally worked late in the evening to finish her reporther boss could read it first thingthe next morning.A. so t

6、hat B. because C. although D. whe n13. Do let your mother know all the truth , she appearseveryth ing.A. to tell B. to be told C. to be telling D. to have been told14. Tom should lovehis little sister to the theater this evening.A. to be take n B. to take C. being take n D. tak ing15. With a lot of

7、problem, the n ewly- elected preside nt is havi ng a hard time.A. settled B. settli ngC. to settle D. bei ng settledII完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。How did you do it, Dad? How have you man aged not to take a drink for almost 20 years? It took me almost 20 years to hav

8、e the 16 to even ask my father this very personal question. WhenDad first 17 drinking, the whole family was on pi ns and n eedles(如坐针毡 )every time he got into a situati on in the past,18would have started him 19 again. Fora few years we were afraid to bring 20 up for fear that the drinking would beg

9、i n aga in.I had this little poem that I would recite to myself at least four to five times a day.” wasDads 21 to my 18-year-old un asked questi on.“ The words were a con sta nt 22 to me t hat thi ngs were23 so hard that I could not deal with them, ” Dad said. Then he 24_the poem with me. The poems

10、25,yet profound ( 深刻的)words immediately became 26 of my daily routine as well.About a mon th after this talk with my father, I 27 a gift in the mail from a frie nd of min e. It wasa book of daily say ings of wisdom with one 28 for each day of the year.It has been my 29 that when you get something wi

11、th days of the year on it, you naturally turnto the page that lists your own 30 . I 31 ope ned the book to November 10 to see 32 words of wisdomthis book had in store for me. I was 33 whe n I looked at the page, and the n tears of disbelief andappreciation 34 down my face. There, on my birthday, was

12、 the exact same poem that had helped my father 35 all these years! It is called the Serenity (平静)Prayer:God, grant me the sere nity to accept the things I cannot cha nge; the courage to cha nge the things I can, and the wisdom to know the differe nee.16. A.chaneeB. courageC. abilityD. right17. A. ga

13、ve upB. took upC. went onD. carried18. A.whereB. whatC. whichD. how19. A. reciti ngB. ask ingC. smok ingD. drinking20. A.oneB. thisC. itD. these21. A. replyB. wordsC. excuseD. expla nati on22. A.fearB. imag in ati onC. thoughtD. remin der23. A.n everB. seldomC. alwaysD. ever24. A.discussedB.sharedC.

14、 offeredD. talked25. A.won derfulB. lo ngC. simpleD. bori ng26. A.allB. thatC.anyD. part27. A.receivedB. acceptedC. knewD. heard28. A.listedB.in cludedC. readD. said29. A.methodB. experie neeC. wealthD. message30. A.characterB. birthdayC. qualitiesD. favorites31. A. doubtfullyB. carefully C. happily

15、D. hurriedly32. A.whereB. whetherC. whatD. how33. A.excitedB.ast oni shedC.disappo in tedonD. pushedD. forB. pulled C. rolledC. in34. A. hu ng35. A. with B. atD. frighte nedIII阅读理解Once upon a time, there was a won derful old man who loved everyth ing on the landani mals andpla nts.One day while walki ng through the woods, the old man found a coco on of a butterfly. He took it home.A few days later, a small opening appeared; he sat and watch



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