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1、模块词汇综合学与练Book5Module 1 British and American English一. 内容:纲要篇 词汇篇 综合篇二.资源库1、教学内容一、教学内容、目的和要求题材内容与学习目的简绍英语和美语的区别,帮助学生进行英语语言异同的比较,从而学会辨认不同类别和英语语言知识目标语音能读出课文中不同话语的语音、语调、了解英美英语在语音方面的不同特点。词汇考试说明范围内的单词:accent, obvious, underground, flashlight, queue, compare, variety, differ, satellite, switch, add present

2、, attempt, simplify, look, standard, reference考试大纲中含有的非考试说明中的单词:settler, remark, edition其他应掌握单词:motorway, subway, confusing, steadily, rapidly, announcement, combination, distinctive, criticize语法1 复习动词的一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时和将来时。2 复习带有for和since短词的现在完成时。功能简绍“理由”话题英国英语和美国英语语言技能目标听识别所学词语和结构,听懂他们在句子中和段落中的意思并

3、获取信息;辨别动词一般现在是、现在进行时、现在完成时和将来时的用法并获取信息;听懂有关英美英语的区别的简绍并获取信息;听懂本模块简绍的日常用语。说流利地说出含有本模块词语的结构的句子、段落;无误地说出包含Everyday English所简绍的日常用语;熟练的和同学进行本模块中的讨论,区别英语和美语并简绍不同类型的英语。读理解含有本模块所学词语和结构的句子、段落;理解本模块提供的和来自同学及其他有关英美英语比较的材料并获取信息。写熟练地写出包含所学单词和结构的句子、段落;熟练地写出含有一般现在时、现在将来时、现在完成时和表示将来用法的句子和段落;完成模块所要去的各种书面练习。表达与展示介绍自己

4、所了解的英美英语的区别,讨论对“world Englishes”的看法;根据已有信息,对汉字的简化进行探讨;统计班级中对英语变体的不同看法并制作表格;就相关内容出一期墙报或黑板报。学习策略认知策略正确运用一般现在时等各种动词时态表达意思;灵活运用本模块介绍的语言结构;利用现有知识和通过查读、略读等手段对语言材料进行分析、综合,获取信息,加深理解;辨别不同变体的英语,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。调控策略利用本模块提供的语言材料锻炼和查读技能,加强对思维方向的自觉控制;主要运用本模块所复习的动词时态和各种结构。交际策略学习Everyday English中的表达方式,并运用于实际交流中。资源策略

5、通过其他资源(特别是Internet)获取更多英语变体的信息。文化意识学习用英美英语的不同表达方式进行交谈;通过对英美英语的对比,了解两种不同英语形成的原因;借此对汉语进行思考,讨论“简化汉字是适应社会快速发展的一种进步。情感态度对英国英语、美国英语、澳大利亚英语甚至世界各地的英语抱有一种开放和接受的态度,参加各种英语活动,克服困难学好英语,进一步认识自己的母语,激发对祖国语言的热爱。任 务尽可能多从网上寻找资源,辨别不同变体的英语。英文释义:Accent: n. a way of pronouncing the words of a language that shows which cou

6、ntry, area or social class a person comes from.Obvious: a. easy to see or understand.Motorway: n. (in Britain ) a wide road, with at least two lanes in each direction, where traffic can travel fast for long distances between large towns, you can only enter and leave motorways at special JUNCTIONS.Un

7、derground: n. (BrE.) an underground railway/railroad system in a city.Subway: n. (NAmE.) an underground railway/railroad system in a city.Flashlight: n. (especially NAmE) a small electric a lamp that uses batteries and that you can hold in your hand.Queue: v. to wait in a line of people, wehicles et

8、c. in order to do sth, get sth. or go somewhere. Confusing: a. difficult to understand, not clearCompare: v. to examine people or things to see how they are similar and how they are differentVariety: n. several different sorts of the same thing,Differ: v. to be different from sb or sthSteadily-stead

9、y: adv. a. developing, growing etc. gradually in an even and regular waySwitch: n. a small device that you press or move up and down in order to turn a light or piece of electrical equipment.Announcement: n. a spoken or written statement that informs people about sth.Edition: n. the form in which a

10、book is publishedAdd: v. to put sth together with sth else so as to increase the size, number, amount etc.Present: v. (formal) to offer or express sth in speech or writingAttempt: n. an act of trying to do sth especially sth difficult, or with no successSimplify: v. to make sth easier to do or under

11、standCombination: n. the actof joining or mixing together two or more things to form a single unitDistinctive: a. having a quality or characteristic that makes sth different and easily noticedLook: n. the way sb/sth looks; the appearance of sb/sthCriticize: v. to say that you disapprove of sb/sth; t

12、o say what you do not like or think is wrong about sb/sthStandard: n. average or normal rather than having special or unusual features.Reference: n. the act of looking at sth for informationRapidly-rapid: adv. a. done or happening very quicklySatellite: n. a natural object that moves around a larger

13、 natural object in space.语法资源一般现在时:一般现在时还用来表示主语的特征或状态,如:1. They work very hard.2. She looks much healthier than she used to be.一般现在时还能表明主语特征的一个动作,这个动作不是指现在正在发生的动作,而是指包括过去,现在和将来的一般时间内发生的动作,可以不加时间状语,也可加表示频度的时间状语:1. She often plays badminton with them.2. He works hard and earns a lot.现在进行时:现在进行时还有以下用法:

14、1) 一些非延续性动作,可以用现在进行时表示很快将发生的事情:1. We are finishing the class.(表示正在把该结束的事情一件件做完,并且将很快全部结束。)2. The bus is stopping.(表示渐渐地停下来,很快将全部停住。)2)有些动词即可表示状态又可表示动作,表示状态时没有进行时态,表示动作时有进行时态:1. We feel very happy now.2. She id feeling the soft Chinese silk. She likes it.3. You see?(你明白吗?)4. Whom are you seeing when

15、you get there?3). 现在进行时可以表示按计划,安排将要发生的动作:(将来指代)1. Were going to London the day after tomorrow.2. Are you meeting them when you arrive there?4) 一般现在时和现在进行时的区别: 一般现在时表示经常性的动作,想着进行时表示暂时性的动作:1. My brother lives in Wuxi. (经常性)2. My brother is living in Wuxi.(暂时性)一般现在时不带感情色彩,现在进行时带有感情色彩:1. She speaks fluent English.(表示事实)2. She is always speaking fluent English.(表示赞赏)3. We live in a big house.(表示事实)4. We are living in a big house now.(表示高兴)现在完成时现在完成时还有以下用法:1) 在时间和状语从句中表示将来某一时刻已经完成的动作:1. They will leave i



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