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1、1. Yesterday.Today.AND Tomorrow 昨天,今天,还有明天There are two days in every week that we should not worry about, two days that should be kept free from fear and apprehension.One is Yesterday, with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed, forever beyond ou

2、r control.All the money in the world cannot bring back Yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed. Nor can we erase a single word we said - Yesterday is gone!The other day we shouldnt worry about is Tomorrow with its impossible adversities, its burdens, its large promise and poor performanc

3、e. Tomorrow is beyond our immediate control.Tomorrows sun will rise, either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds - but it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in Tomorrow, for it is yet unborn.This leaves only one day - Today. Any man can fight the battlesof just one day; it is only when you

4、 or I add the burdens of those two awful eternities- Yesterday and Tomorrow- that we break down.It is not the experience of Today that drives man mad - It is remorse or bitterness for something which happened Yesterday, and the dread of what Tomorrow may bring. Let us, therefore, live One Day at a T


6、。使一个人发疯的不是今天的遭遇,而是昨天的悲伤或痛苦和对明天的恐惧。因此,让我们过好生活中的每一天。授课:XXX2. Confidence Every day is a new day in our life. There is much to do today.The early morning sun inspires us to start things freshly and put back our past. Only a handful of us make use of this fresh bunch of energy. In various wills of life t

7、his affects the way we behave and our confidence level. Confidence is a key to survive in this world. It is the only key tool to win the rat race in every walk of life. Confidence in ones owns capabilities combined with sincere efforts help one to achieve unthinkable heights. But many times we see t

8、hat this basic element of confidence is missing in us. As a result of lack of confidence we perform well below our caliber.Be it in a public speech, proposing your beloved, visas for your college or in an interview or say even on the eve before your exams. This can be due to fear of being rejected o

9、r any other reason. If we look into our hearts and think, we will come to know that fear inside us I going to get us nowhere. The confidence inside us is going to take us places. This is because with confidence we can put our thoughts into words in a better and pleasing way. So we have to get out of

10、 that shell where we think whether people will accept us as we are? Instead of living in these unending moments of fear and thoughtless analysis, it is better if we project ourselves with the skills we have with the gloss of confidence. With confidence we can portray the finer points of our personal

11、ity in such a way that the places where we do lack are never highlighted. 授课:XXXConfidence should glow in us only till the point where our personality is boosted. Above this it leads to over-confidence that is harmful. Over-confidence results in unsatisfied performance levels as the seed of ego grow

12、s into a plant into our mind. We then imagine and make big talks just to maintain our ego. So guys dont let the seed of ego to germinate in your mind, as this seed should be used only for you to live up to your expectations. Confidence is all about being cool, calm and composed. So guys do you have

13、it in you?If you think you dont, boost up yourselves as your mind is your greatest mentor. You are your greatest helper.3. Mistakes Mistakes and errors are the disciplined true which we advance in life. Mistakes are great teachers. Success comes to those who are willing to risk making mistakes in th

14、e pursuit of their goals and aspirations, and who are able to learn from those mistakes. And in order to learn from mistakes you must be willing to pay for them.Mistakes can be enormously valuable, but when you try to get others to pay for your mistakes, then you deprive yourself of the opportunity

15、to learn from them. When something goes wrong, its usually very easy to find someone else to blame, but what does that really accomplish?Much of the value of mistakes comes from the fact that they demand a cost that must be paid. The person who learns the most from a mistake is the person who pays the price for that mistake.When you make a mistake, the last thing you want to do is run away from it. You need to accept it because you can learn a lot from it. The mistake has been made, so make the most of it. Pay the price, learn the lesson, and gr


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