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1、摘 要船舶优先权制度是海商法所特有的一种古老的制度,它源自英国法,并随着英国海事审判实践的发展而不断得到发展。各国法律规定船舶优先权的主要目的是为了保护特定的债权得以实现,从而促进航运业的发展。但从目前我国有关法律规定和司法实务来看,在船舶优先权的项目及其行使中尚存在不少问题,本文对此进行了一些分析和思考,并提出自己的一些观点和建议。本文采用了比较分析的方法,在对有关国际公约和部分国家地区立法进行比较研究、吸收国内外优秀理论成果的基础上,主要围绕着我国海商法中船舶优先权的项目、标的及受偿顺序进行了比较深入的探讨。对一些存在争议的法律问题阐述了自己的观点,并对我国船舶优先权制度的立法疏漏提出了建

2、议。文章分为引言、正文和结语三个部分,其中正文部分分为四章:第一章主要探讨了船舶优先权的性质,首先介绍了船舶优先权的概念及法律特征,对于争议颇多的船舶优先权的法律性质,作者给出了自己的思考,即认为船舶优先权是法律设定的一种保护特定人并由法律列明的特殊权利。然后对船舶优先权的主体、客体及内容进行了论述,并且通过一些案例来加以说明和分析。 第二章主要是对船舶优先权的项目做了一些探讨,船舶优先权所担保的债权构成了船舶优先权的项目。船舶优先权项目的设定在船舶优先权制度中具有非常重要的作用。我国海商法规定了5种船舶优先权,基本上是参照了1993年公约的规定。和其他主要海运国家对比,是属于规定比较少的。本


4、出作者自己的分析和看法。然后主要论述了船舶留置权和船舶抵押权与船舶优先权的竞合,探讨了如何平衡船舶优先权人和船舶抵押权人之间、船舶优先权人和船舶留置权人之间的利益问题。最后分析了航运企业破产程序对船舶优先权受偿效力的影响。关键词:船舶优先权,船舶优先权项目,船舶抵押权,船舶优先权的行使,船舶优先权受偿顺序ABSTRACTMaritime lien is an old unique maritime system originated from England and developed with the maritime judgment practice in England. The fu

5、nction of maritime lien is to promote the development of navigation through protecting some specified creditors rights. However, a lot of problems have arisen in the judicial practice and relevant legal regulations. The author analyzes and think about these problems, then give some advice on them. T

6、his article will do some analysis on this, and give some advice or suggestion on this questions.The treatise analyzes and compares the items, objects and efficacy of maritime liens on the basis of making a comparative study of international conventions and the legislation of states and areas, and of

7、 using excellent theories both domestic and foreign for reference, and present the authors opinion on some disputed legal topics, and make recommendations on amendment to the stipulations in respect of maritime lien contained in China Maritime Code.This dissertation is divided into four chapters as

8、follows:Chapter mainly analyses the nature of maritime lien. First of all, the author introduces the characteristics of law and the concept of maritime lien.for the legal nature of the maritime lien, the author gives his own thinking namely which is a kind of special right protects the specific pers

9、on or a right of credit. Then expounds subject, object and content of maritime lien, and explain and analysis through some cases.Chapter II expounds maritime lien items. The maritime lien is referred as the security credits warranted by the maritime lien which has the important significant in mariti

10、me lien system. Comparing with other main navigation countries, the five maritime lien items in China Maritime Code by reference to the 1993 Convention is relatively narrow. This chapter combines with the related regulations in domestic and overseas statute laws, and makes a comparative analysis of

11、the items, then analyzes some problems, such as the salary of the crews and wreck removal fees etc. and suggests to put the wreck removal fees into the maritime lien items.Chapter mainly dwells on the procedural issues in the process of exercising maritime lien. Subject to the stipulations, there ar

12、e four links when the creditor exercises maritime lien. They are detention, taking proceedings or arbitration, aution and liquidation of the debts. When analysing these four links, this chapter cites the related stipulations of China Maritime Code and Special Maritime Procedure Law of the Peoples Re

13、public of China, and also combines foreign legislation and cases. This Chapter aims to make the obligee fully comprehend his procedural rights so that he can protect his right better.Chapter IV discusses the ranking of maritime liens and the influence factors. It begins with the regulations in domes

14、tic and overseas statute laws, and combines with the cases to put forward the authors ideas. Then focuses on how to balance the interest among the different creditors by analyzing and comparing the difference countries. At last, the treatise refer to the influence about the shipping enterprise bankr

15、uptcy procedure. Wu Jing(International Law) Directed by Professor Yao HongxiuKEYWORDS: Maritime lien, Maritime Lien Items, Ship Mortgage, Enforcement of maritime lien, The Ranking of Maritime Lien目 录引 言1第一章 船舶优先权概述2第一节 船舶优先权的概念2一、船舶优先权的起源2二、船舶优先权的概念及其特征3三、船舶优先权的法律性质5第二节 船舶优先权的法律关系6一、船舶优先权的主体6二、船舶优先权的客体7三、船舶优先权的内容10第二章 船舶优先权的项目11第一节 国际立法及其分析11第二节 国内立法及其分析13一、有关沉船打捞费用问题的争议14二、有关船员工资问题的争议15三、有关代理人垫付的引航费和港口规费问题的争议17第三章 船舶优先权的行使及其程序19第一节 船舶优先权行使的条件19一、船舶优先权担保的海事请求有效存在19二、海事请求已届清偿期且责任人未履行义务19三、船舶优先权产生并有效存在2



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