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1、F V亠J J/Questions in a process suggestions:Ask opinions about how the blob at the top of the tree feels. Point out the cowboy stance of hands on hips and legs apart.Ask how the one on the top right feels.Question 1/3Start by asking those present Which blob would they select to describe how they felt

2、 during the worst time of their lives - in the past?If you are the leader - it is good for you to share/answer first to set the standard of openness trust and honesty - the leader is a major influence even if there are string personalities present.Consider calling the next person to share a person w

3、ho you know is prepared to take a risk for their own development. Ask them to be the next person to answer.Then proceed around the group - ensure you encourage and briefly acknowledge every comment - leaving no-one with unresponsiveness.Question 2/3Ask everyone which blob on the tree would best desc

4、ribe their life at the momentEncourage them to use more than one blob figure to express that.The Leader - starting and opening up first is a great way to start.Question 3/3Which blob on the tree would best describe how you would wish to be in the future? Again using more than one blob if that helps.

5、Conclusion - generally this is long enough to spend in group session. If discussions and exchanges have occurred - there will be deep feelings in individuals because it has been experiential.情绪管理(1)第一步是让孩子把自己的心情说出来,表达出来。但是即使是成 人,对情绪进行描述也是有挑战性的,所以英国学校给孩子的情绪管理课常用的 教材是Blob Tree。看下图,这些人没有性别,年龄,都是中性,所以孩子

6、们可 以用它们来代表自己目前的情绪,帮助孩子认识自己和他人。情绪管理(2)针对这个Blob Tree,我们可问的问题要由浅入深。首先是:这棵树 上谁最高兴,悲哀,有意思,酷,孤独?再进一步问:谁积极,消极,关心别人, 领头,警察,会死,会犯罪?深度问题:谁是目前的你?你最希望是谁?上帝是 那个?妈妈爸爸想谁?谁最可怕?你最喜欢谁?你最不愿和谁在一起? 情绪管理(3)前边提到的问题是由浅入深,逐渐要孩子们思考,认识自己和别 人的情绪,小组讨论最好,因为孩子们可以看到别人对自己的印象可能和自己真 实的情绪不一样。这些问题没有标准答案,关键是通过这张图和讨论,大家认识 自己,知道没人愿意和危险愤怒的人交朋友。知道什么是快乐如何快乐。这个图可以把孩子的坏情绪缓解,原因是表达出来了,被父母朋友理解了,人就 轻松了。比如孩子生气的时候,可以拿出图来问一问,现在他是谁,这时候孩子 很可能是那个趴在地上或右上角的那个,再问问你最愿意和谁交朋友,你最烦谁, 最怕谁,最喜欢谁,过会儿再问,你现在是那个?


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