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1、 过去完成时专项练习一用动词的适当形式填空1. We _ (pint)t usebfrewe _ (move) in.2.Tatichman _ (mae)a will before e_ (de). They _ (st)th p fthe countrybefr ey _ (lae).4 Terbers _ (run way ) bfrtheoicmen_ (arri)5. I _ (trn ff) al te ightsbfoe _(go) to be.6.Pau _ (go) out wthJanter e _ (ake) a phne cll.7 Tm _ (ay) he _ (ea

2、d) te bok wic.8.r lan _(fail ) beause _ (make) bd mistake.9. When he chrman _ (nish) peaing, _ (leve)thhall.10TheReads _ (ha) lunch hn I _(get) to heir huse.11.Wn I _(rrve) a the staon, he _(leav).12W_(learn)about40 English wrd b the ndofas erm13 aiteduntle _(inh) his hmework.14 W ee surprise t wat

3、she _alrady _(do)5.Se_(o)t Qgdao beause he _ (e) tee ore.16. _(not ell) yu the nws yet 7.H sd h _already_(iv) heok tote teacher8. I _(be) tohangai fore. 1.Shold mese _(e)onya theeme.20e _(pay) te itarwhile he siser_(sn).二.句型转换1.I hadsold he tcke wen shecae.(改否定句)2hehad sun a song to s befoeshe dace.

4、(改否定句).ey ben tolimb te outa aferthey hadbougt ll t oodanddrinks.(否定)4.By 1:0 a.m, I had been vey hungr. (改一般疑问)5.Lucy haare cmpletd th proct en I arrivd.(改一般疑问).By the time hego to the airport,the pne ad tkeno. (改一般疑问)7.e had brokn s am whe aw him.(对划线部分提问)8.e ha readthe nte, e at . (对划线部分提问)9. .Ja

5、k idntgo toth iea because h ad se the film.(对划线部分提问)0.Wea adthe toys fornyearsbefr weve th to tchil(对划线部分提问)11.he hadwen th ook by the e of 60 (对划线部分提问)12.Weooktheduplings.We at heup.(用过去完成时连接两句)13Jm thermene t car. It as bke (用过去完成时连接两句)14.Wehad u tessen e hd lo oliday.( 用过去完成时连接两句)Ate w_, we _ 15.

6、He showeus theptur. Thnhe showed us around the oe.用过去完成时连接两句)Beore he _,e_三、选择题1.eske e _ durinthsmmer oiday. whr h enB. whee Ihad oe C.ee dI ee D.herehadIgon 2.What_ Jae_ ythe imehe s sever?. dd, o . has, doe C di, dd. D. had, don3 I _ 900 Englishord by th time waste。A. are B. as learnng C. had lea

7、rned D. rnt4he _livd re for _year.A. ha, a few h, several C. had, a lotof D. has, a geatdalof. By the tme y parents rached ome yesterday,I _ he dier areay.A hdooed B. ookd . ave ooked D.was cooked6. She saidshe _he pricplelradA .has sen B. a C.will se D. hdsen7. S said er fail _ themselves_ the ar d

8、rngte wa. hshdde, fm B. aidde,frm C. as hidden, h D. hdhden, wth8 Bythe im he aenear old, e _.A. h cmete universt B has competed te univerit. adompleed an uirsiy D.hadcompltedunivrsi9.he hadwrittena number of boo _ eend of lat earA.fr . i C. y D. at 0. He_ to pla _befor he s 1ears oAh learnd, in B.

9、hd larned,th piaC.a learned, e iano D. learns,ao.11Wht _ Anni_ byhe the ws t?A. did, o B. did, did C.hs, one D. had dne12 .He _n he fctoy frthree years befr he oine the Ary. a wokd B. works C. had orked D. wl work1.Byhe ed of last eek, hey _the brdge.A. hs coplet B. comped . lomplte D. had cmplted1. Bhates lyin _ violin, buth lks ling_ooall.A. the B. he the Che D.h/15. By te time he was4, h_ a of Grmn word.A. hadleard has eared C leaed D. len过去完成时参考答案:一.用动词的适当形式填空 hapainted. oved 2. had mad .died 3.d udieeft hadrn away.rri hadtrndoff wn 6 went hd d . sa hd ra 8 idha mad9 (ad) fnish



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