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1、2017 学年度第二学期高一英语 试 卷本试卷分第I 卷 (选择题 )和第卷 (非选择题 )两部分。全卷满分100 分,考试时间70 分钟。第 I 卷(选择题,共8 分)注意事项:1. 答第 I 卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。your legs by the pool. Then you can enjoy your dinner in one of the town s restaurants.Day 4: After breakfast, guests are asked to check-out of their rooms ready for leaving wi

2、th twonew skills and valuable memories.1. What is the main focus (焦点,中心点)of the holiday?A. Enjoying scenery.B. Learning skills.C. Studying foreign cultures.D. Visiting historical sites.2. 选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮2. What can we learn about the horse-riding course?A. It is suitable for

3、 all levels of riders.B. It is taught only in English.擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。C. It offers horses of different ages.D. Each lesson lasts half an hour.第一部分 阅读理解 ( 共 4小题;每小题2 分,满分 8分 )3. On the evening of day 3, we are advised to _.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将A. take the Spanish

4、 cooking courseB. go shopping in the nearby town该选项涂黑。C. have dinner at a local restaurantD. relax by the swimming poolThis horse-riding and Spanish cooking break promises a learning holiday with a difference. Just4. On which day is the breakfast not served on the farm?over an hour s drive from thre

5、e key Spanish cities, you150-yearll-oldstayfarminawhich has fruitA. The first day.B. The second day.C. The third day.D. The fourth day.trees, a vegetable garden and a beautiful swimming pool.第卷(非选择题,共92 分)Cooking & Horse-Riding Courses注意: 将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。Cooking lessons are suitable for all level

6、s of cooking experience. All cooking classes are taught in第二部分 基础知识考查(共 50 小题;满分80 分)English. As Chef Clive has been in England for twenty years, he speaks English well. You ll learn to1 分,满分10 分)cook some delicious Spanish dishes.第一节 单词英汉互译(共 10 小题;每小题5.achievement_6.respect_The horse-riding course

7、 is suitable for advanced (高级的) riders who want to improve their skills.7.specialist_8.generation_There are 20 horses aged from one month to 20 years. They are well-trained. Horse-riding lessons aregiven in English, French and Spanish.9.sickness_10. 运动,战役,作战 _11.荫,阴凉处;遮住光线_12. 考虑周到的,体贴的 _Horse-Ridin

8、g & Spanish Cooking ClassItinerary (旅行指南 )13.举动,表现( vt) _14. 支持,拥护 _Day 1: You can arrive any day of the week you choose. You may check-in (登记入住) anytime after 2 pm of the day.Day 2: Enjoy a breakfast and then you will have 2 horse-riding lessons lasting 1 hour each. In the afternoon, you are free a

9、nd may want to spend your time by the pool or take a walk around the village.第二节 短语填空(共10 小题;每小题2 分,满分20 分)15.Her research showed the connections between chimps and _ (人,人类) .16.Watching a family of chimps _ (醒来) is our first activity of the day.17.Once I stop, it all comes _ (涌上心头,涌入脑海).Later in th

10、e day, you ll take your cooking course where you ll learn to make a Spanish meal.18.Do what you are told and don t(和 争辩) me!Day 3: After your breakfast, you will spend 3 hours riding through the hills with your instructor19.If the word group _ (谈到,查阅,参考)different members, use a plural verb.and fello

11、w riders. Then in the afternoon you have some time to explore the region further or simply rest20.Henry said that he landed in Britain_ (碰巧,无意中,不小心).121.This dictionary _ (是给 用的;为 而打算) students in high school.22.Why not _ (继续,坚持)her good work ?23.I _ (偶然遇见,碰到)one of my former friends in the street y

12、esterday.24.The boys_ (离开,起程,出发)and disappeared soon in the darkness.第三节单句语法填空(共 20 小题;每小题2 分,满分40 分)25.Joan of Arc went to fight _the French, her motherland.26.Song Qingling was one of the top _(lead) in modern Chinese history.27.Lin Qiaozhi devoted all her life _medical work for Chinese women and

13、children.28.She went to Africa and studied chimps instead of _(go) to university.29.Jody Williamsworked hard to make _many countries as possible agree not to uselandmines.30.She and her _(organize) were given the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997.31._(follow) Jane s way of studying chimps ,our group are all going to visit them inthe forest.32.This means_(go) back to the place _ we left the family s



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