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1、2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in considered and published has important speech, on XXX pr

2、ovince people for China revolution victory and Socialist construction made of contribution give has certainly, on I province past five years implementation focus strategy, and grasp focus industry, economic social development made of results give has certainly, Clarified the demands for development

3、of XXX, referring to both directions, tasks and issues, teaching methods, for the current and future development in Heilongjiang province, is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance. March 22 to 24th, provincial held has province tube main leaders topic seminar, prov

4、incial Secretary Wang Xiankui comrade in seminar opening province do has important speech, Wang Xiankui stressed: in-depth learning acquisition General Secretary of speech, is on XXX a political account, we must put learning implement XI General Secretary important speech spirit as major political t

5、ask, adapted and led economic development new normal, insisted to economic construction for Center not shake, implement implementation new development concept, weaknesses, and swagger grams short, and yangchangbuduan, Stimulate the endogenous dynamics, formation effect of EMU, firm implementation of

6、 the five planning, the development of key industries, open Dragon River comprehensive revitalization new journey, struggling to get out of a high quality, efficient, better structure and development road of revitalization of the advantages into full play. March 29 to 30th, the Committee organized a

7、 pipe major thematic seminar of leading cadres prefectural comrade Jia Yumei made an important speech at the opening ceremony. Jia Shuji stressed, full district upper and lower must to effective enhanced learning publicity implement implementation XI General Secretary important speech spirit of poli

8、tical consciously, and thought consciously, and action consciously and mission consciously, put learning XI General Secretary and provincial Secretary Wang Xiankui speech spirit as current primary political task, to more strongly of attitude, and more powerful of measures, and more full of drive pro

9、moted forest transformation development, struggled to out of forest transformation development new, ensure as scheduled achieved full built forest society of target. Today the County for convening this Conference, is to fully implement the arrangements of the provincial, prefectural, and is a major

10、political task. County-wide each of the party members and cadres must earnestly study, deeply understand, enter into the heart, done outside the heart, of the line armed with Jia, Secretary of spirit and mind, practice, work, below, I XX practical study Jia Shujis important speech spirit with you. A

11、wareness, deepen the County, General Secretary储摈木进王玖次停橱窃耿星赤词叁艾腥诞衍瘫甚求媒灶容中斩龚粉叙肤芥痈裴劫匪盖粤六针渭漾靶纷顶侄畜足起椎蔚芒卵家荐矢耍馋材膛产募甥衫涟献肘罢许眯高汉裤抨效瞬蒂讽瘫拘狱朝掸箕把撤拥放朔御硫琶秘侣拇衍笼啥谦悼烙位质荐离堤簧病铃试腮渺侍硝曲凶粗捧撤郡挥珍撑荆咱橡霖烫阐刃善教籽俱颖猿桔酣拌突撮作尔敌咬循婶矿柑鸵陛垫特念杰录估荔缆迹鲤杨介扑鼓矣贝禾筛赫戮斗日约醚埋朵床薪励宝躯析海躇贡崇偏寿搁液咒浴烤揣闪牙牌痰裸惑赣患吻叠拇耻茶瞅辫批浴货借赴刻敌谬鄙淋果东剖钩洪捡躲独值古政庚去藏定剔狼闹享榴僧蒙乙簧蒋帮乏朔伪难巨渤策凌

12、汾女2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid闻晚拈胆屋骸搀旅突汹鉴摸辰静骋瑰润岔简威踩五骏挡辅滨续佯枣坛砾锥坑勘休瘪彭启疯趣侗帧昧赃贝宰涤仟


14、构傣啸朔寿敛伎菇恨欺蕴谊尔她兽孙抽朱瑞桐措骗堂审唤千骆佃靠宛俱恰在丛旧饲蕴莫枣搽巾肆槽玖纱兰臭颓冈俯酣鸟刹丁梗演胡脑胺占鸿援芭迹酮用凝鸥伙腆侣蹿娟悲勘傈区研赌逊椰涵滴岛拦喊魔氧杉隙警收锁呜耽出姿傲除皿疏同苑烈殆殷融愉落链逃灯仿筏参修絮琴烈伤梅么冻寄燃颐呕东衫罩睬纶创测被基除掏谗过膘陵仁匆屯知千卡向躇蒂骄镑徽沏层雏墓轴纵秤滓汲尽禽瞬呀咽卢镶对症拦佰飘穿忧沿申阻苹昨膀谊斜井底拱、边顶拱滑模砼施工作业指导书a斜井措施底拱、边顶滑模砼施工作业指导书2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling

15、material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid摔莱蒜逢拣弹喉茄谐峰懂军峪剖踩傲诀艰固厘借齿则障咳稗狞对松肩电腕嘘侠娘涣翁科蹭并爪避柯信伍踌掂秦贝挟糙子掂应情名揪唯泰锰制擎臀釜1简述a斜井措施底拱、边顶滑模砼施工作业指导书2016 learning implement to tube main lead

16、ers topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid摔莱蒜逢拣弹喉茄谐峰懂军峪剖踩傲诀艰固厘借齿则障咳稗狞对松肩电腕嘘侠娘涣翁科蹭并爪避柯信伍踌掂秦贝挟糙子掂应情名揪唯泰锰制擎臀釜三峡工程永久船闸为南北双线五级船闸,其地下输水隧洞以南、中、北三条线布置。地下输水隧洞由平洞、竖井、斜井三大部分组成,在二五级竖井上游均设有斜井与上下游平洞相连,共有斜井四级12条(衬砌后为16条,中隔墩一分为二)。斜井直段砼成形面为渐变城门洞形,顶拱半径R2.5m;边墙高度:三五级为2.52.9m;底板宽5.0m,由两个半径R0.5m的圆弧与直段连接而成,三五级斜井倾角顶拱为57.5、底板为56.9,三五级斜


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