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1、中文摘要沙溪口水电站计划建在福建省南平市上游的西溪上,是闽江流域的一个梯级电站,属于河床式水电站。本电站主要组成建筑物有溢流坝、非溢流坝、厂房和船闸。坝体型式为混凝土重力坝,溢流坝段布置于河床中部,厂房布置在河床右岸,船闸布置在左岸。非溢流坝坝顶高程93m,上游面坡度为1:0.2,下游面坡度1:0.80,溢流坝堰顶高程82.78m。溢流坝段全长340m,设有18孔溢流孔,每孔净宽取为17.0 m,沿主河槽宣泄绝大部分洪水。水库正常蓄水位为88.00m,设计洪水位为90.00m,校核洪水位为91.00m,死水位为84.00m。电站设计水头为10.3m,总装机容量为320MW,安装有4台轴流式水轮

2、发电机组,每台装机容量为8MW。水轮机型号均为ZZ560-LH-850,转轮直径为8.5m,水轮机安装高程66.47m,发电机层高程86.005m,取安装场高程与发电机层同高。下游校核洪水位81.50m,主厂房顶高程为108.00 m,厂房总长148.2m,宽74m。220kV及110kV开关站布置在尾水平台右侧。船闸闸室100m20m2.5m(长宽最小水深),位于溢流坝左侧。沙溪口水电站具备发电,航运,过木等的综合效益,是福建电网的骨干电厂。关键词沙溪口水电站、河床式厂房、重力坝、溢流坝、水轮机、发电机、抗滑稳定性、扬压力、轴流式水轮机、发电机层结构设计AbstractShaxikou Hy

3、dropower Station is prepared to built at Xixi stream, upstream the city of Nanping in Fujian Province. It is one of the cascade development in the Minjiang river basin. It is a powerhouse in river channel.The main structures of Shaxikou Hydropower Station is consist of overflow spillway dam, non-ove

4、rflow spillway dam, powerhouse and lock. The dams are concrete gravity dams. The overflow spillway dam lies in the centre of the riverbed. The powerhouse lies on the right, and the lock is located on the left. The top of the non-spillway dam is at an elevation of 93 meters. The upstream of the dam i

5、s vertical, the lower slope degree is 1:0.2,and the upper slope degree is 1:0.80. the crest of the weir is at an elevation of 82.78 meters. The overflow spillway dam is about 340 meters long in total, with 18 openings each of 17 meters wide, discharging most of the flood flow along the main river ch

6、annel.The normal water lever of the reservoir is 88.00 meters,while the design flood water level of the reservoir reaches at 90.00 meters. The checking flood water level is about 91 meters. And the dead water level is only 84.00 meters.The design cross-head is 10.3 meters. The project has a total in

7、stalled capacity of 320MW. It houses four axial-flow turbines coupled with generators 8MW each. The type of the turbine is ZZ560-LH-850. The diameter of the turbine is 8.50 meters. The runner setting is at an elevation of 66.47 meters. The generator floor is at an elevation of 86.005 meters. And it

8、is the same with the service or erection bay. However, the checking tailwater lever is 81.5 meters. The top of the powerhouse is at an elevation of 108 meters. And the powerhouse is about 146.2 meters long and 74.0 meters wide. 220KV anf 110KV switchyard is located on the platform at the right side

9、of downstream tailrace.The lock with the dimension of 100m20m2.5m (LWMin.water depth) is located on the left side of the spillway.Shaxikou Hydropower Station has the comprehensive benefits of generating electricity,shipping transportation, navigation afloating woods and etc. It has a very important

10、position in the electricity network of Fujian Province.KEYWORDSShaxikou Hydropowerstation, power house in river channel, concrete gravity dam, over flow dam, combinatory, hydro-generator, stability against sliding, uplift pressure,axial flow type turbine, structure design of generator floor, 目录中文摘要-

11、 1 -ABSTRACT- 2 -目录- 4 -1.1 流域概况- 6 -1.2 水文气象条件- 6 -1.3 水库地质- 9 -1.4 坝址工程地质条件及坝轴线选定- 10 -1.5 建筑材料- 13 -1.6 综合利用- 13 -1.7 枢纽布置- 14 -第二章 重力坝挡水坝段设计- 15 -21剖面设计- 15 -211坝顶高程- 15 -21剖面设计- 16 -211坝顶高程- 16 -212坝顶宽度- 17 -213廊道的布置- 18 -214剖面形态- 18 -22坝体稳定分析和应力校核- 19 -221设计洪水位时- 19 -222校核洪水位时- 23 -第三章重力坝溢流坝段设

12、计- 28 -31溢流坝段孔口尺寸拟定- 28 -32溢流坝段剖面设计- 28 -321堰顶高程- 29 -322堰面曲线- 29 -323 消能方式- 30 -33坝体稳定分析和应力校核- 32 -331设计洪水位时- 32 -332校核洪水位时- 35 -第四章 水电站建筑物设计- 40 -41 特征水头的选择- 40 -42 水电站水轮机组的选型- 41 -4ZZ460水轮机方案的主要参数选择- 42 -4ZZ560水轮机方案的主要参数选择- 45 -4HL310型水轮机方案的主要参数选择- 47 -43 蜗壳和尾水管的计算- 51 -44 发电机的选择与尺寸估算- 53 -441 水轮

13、机发电机主要尺寸估算- 53 -442 发电机外形平面尺寸估算- 54 -443发电机外形轴向尺寸计算- 55 -444 发电机重量估算- 56 -45 调速器与油压装置的选择- 57 -451 调速功计算- 57 -452 接力器的选择- 57 -453 调速器的选择- 58 -454 油压装置- 59 -46 厂房起吊设备的选择- 59 -47 主厂房各层高程及长宽尺寸的确定- 60 -471 水轮机组安装高程- 60 -472 尾水管地板高程和厂房基础开挖高程- 60 -473 水轮机层地面高程- 61 -474发电机楼板高程和安装场高程- 61 -475 吊车梁轨顶高程- 62 -47

14、6 屋顶面高程- 62 -477 厂房总高- 62 -478 主厂房平面尺寸的设计- 62 -48 水电站厂房的稳定计算- 63 -第五章 混凝土蜗壳的结构计算- 67 -5.1 内力计算- 67 -5.1.1荷载及其计算- 67 -5.1.2 载常数计算- 68 -5.1.3形常数计算- 68 -5.1.4内力计算- 69 -5.2配筋计算- 71 -5.2.1顶板- 71 -5.2.2边墙,按照对称配筋- 71 -5.3抗裂计算- 71 -5.3.1顶板- 72 -5.3.2 边墙- 73 -参考文献- 74 -后记- 76 - 1.1 流域概况闽江西溪为福建省最大河流上游的西支,流经福建

15、省十四个县市,与闽江北支建溪汇合于南平市。西溪全长349公里,邵武至顺昌段河道坡降0.9%,已建安沙水电站位于沙溪中游末端,控制集水面积5184平方公里。富屯溪干流全长285公里,邵武至顺昌段河道坡降1.3%。其最大支流为金溪,全长253公里,地形更为陡峻,河道坡降高达1.5%,已建池潭水电站位于金溪中游,控制集水面积为4766平方公里。沙溪口水电站位于沙溪和富屯溪汇合口下游6公里的西溪上,控制集水面积25562平方公里制,占闽江流域总面积的42%,流域内森林茂盛,覆盖良好,有较好的水土保持条件。1.2 水文气象条件1. 水文气象情况西溪的降水量观测,解放前从1935年开始,但站点少,资料断续不全,精度较差。1952年起陆续增设雨量站,到1978年已达162处,平均158平方公里设有一个雨量站。蒸发量观测都是解



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