英语动词时态、语态考点误用剖析 (2)

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《英语动词时态、语态考点误用剖析 (2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语动词时态、语态考点误用剖析 (2)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、南阳市一中2012年秋期高三教案 主备人:丁峰1. 对不起,我没看见你在这儿。 误 Sorry, I dont see you here.正 Sorry, I didnt see you here.析 根据语境,本句是指刚才没看见对方在这,而不是现在没看见对方在这,所以要用一般过去时。2. 你能告诉我北京冬天是否下雪吗?误 Could you tell me if it snowed in winter in Beijing?正 Could you tell me if it snows in winter in Beijing?析 一般现在时除表示经常性的动作外,还可表示习惯性的动作,即现阶

2、段的一个事实,句中不需要任何经常性的时间状语配合。could表示一种客气的语气,不表示过去时态。3. 他说他第二天要去合肥出差。误 He said he will go to Hefei on business the next day.正 He said he would go to Hefei on business the next day.析 主句谓语动词为过去时,宾语从句表示过去的将来要发生的动作,要用过去将来时。4. 我忘了把你的伞带来了。误 I forget to bring your umbrella with me.正 I forgot to bring your umbre

3、lla with me.析 不用forget,而用forgot,因为现在已经记起来了,forgot是说话这一时刻之前的动作。由于受汉语思维习惯的影响,动词时态观念不强,误把一般现在时当作一般过去时。5. 他父亲离开祖国已经50年了。误 His father has left his homeland for fifty years.正 His father has been away from his homeland for fifty years.析 短暂性动词的完成时(肯定式)不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,要么改为表示状态的动词,要么用下列句式来表达(以此句为例):His father

4、left his homeland fifty years ago.It is fifty years since his father left his homeland.It has been fifty years since his father left his homeland.Fifty years have passed since his father left his homeland.6. 你去过北京吗?是的,我去过。误 Have you gone to Beijing?Yes, I have gone there.正 Have you been to Beijing?Y

5、es, I have been there.析 Have you gone to Beijing?是你已经到北京了吗?,指目前人已在北京或在赴北京的途中。说话的时候,显然你已不在北京了,所以说用在这儿不恰当。表示过去曾去过某处而现在又回来了须用have been。7. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去参观美术展览。误 We shall see an exhibition of pain-tings if it wont rain tomorrow.正 We shall see an exhibition of pain-tings if it doesnt rain tomorrow.析 在时间状语从

6、句中,从句要用一般现在时表示将来的动作。8. 在过去几年中,我们家乡发生了巨大的变化。误 There were great changes in our home-town in the past few years.正 There have been great changes in our hometown in the past few years.析 In / During the past / last + 复数名词是完成时态的标志之一,不要被past / last所迷惑,而用了过去时。9. 我不知道那艘船明天是否会准点到。误 I wonder if the ship arrives

7、 on time tomorrow.正 I wonder if the ship will arrive on time tomorrow.析 这里if连接的宾语从句,表示是否(=whether),而不是条件状语从句,表示如果。因此根据句意仍需用一般将来时。10. 自从1978年以来我们的家乡发生了巨大的变化。误 Great changes have been taken place in our hometown since 1978.正 Great changes have taken place in our hometown since 1978.析 take place和happen

8、都是不及物动词或短语,不能用于被动语态。11. 那个村也叫国际会议村。误 The village also called the International Meeting Village.正 The village is also called the International Meeting Village.析 英语被动语态是由be + 动词的过去分词构成,因此在also前应加is。12. 我们学校也教俄语。误 Our school also teaches Russian.正 Russian is also taught in our school.析 当动作的执行者没有必要指明或为大

9、家所知时,通常用被动语态。显然our school不是teach的执行者,而应该是没有表示出来的teachers,因此,要把动作的承受者Russian用作主语,用被动语态来表达。13. 我们都认识那位科学家。误 The scientist is known by us all.正 The scientist is known to us all.析 by表示动作执行者。而表示范围、地点等用法时,要用介词to或in。14. 孩子们陆续地走进了博物馆。误 The museum was entered by the children one by one.正 The children entered

10、 the museum one by one.析 某些及物动词,如leave, enter, reach, join等后接表示地点、处所、组织名称的名词作宾语时,不能转换为被动语态。15. 他在会上向我们作了自我介绍。误 Himself was introduced to us at the meeting by him.正 He introduced himself to us at the meeting.析 反身代词作宾语时,不能转换成被动语态。16. 这本杂志在这儿很畅销。误 This magazine is sold well here.正 This magazine sells well here.析 有些动词,如:act, add, brush, burn, clean, cook, count, cut, draw, drive, keep, lock, look, open, read, sell, smoke, strike, wash, wear, write等,其主动形式在一些具体场合表示被动意义。这类句子的特点是:主语往往是物而不是人。另外,后面往往带有well这一类副词,或者修饰主语的形容词版权所有 翻录必究第1页 共5页



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