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1、Uni 1opc 3 Im welveyears d同步检测 2听力部分(20分)一、听录音,选择对话中所提及的物品。(5分).(2个苹果的图片) B.(5个香蕉的图片) C(十个鸡蛋的图片)D(辆汽车的图片) E(一部手机的图片)1_ 2. _ 3. _ 4_5_二、听录音,选择与所听到的确良数字一致的选项。(分)( ). A. 22356 B. 2326C. 22256. 222365( )2 A. 11 B 999 C. 99 D 19( )3.8256 B. 02 C.52608 D. 6028 ( )4. A. K3 B. K238 . 38 D.82( ). Class , Gad

2、 1 B Clss 1,G5C. s 1, rade 1D. las5,rde 5三、句子理解,选出与你所听到的句子意义最接近的一项(0分)( )1. A.Shes in ClassFur. B.Shes inClass iv. C.Sesa eaherDhe aria.( ) . Jim is er . veryne s here today. CA boy isnot er today A gl s othee today.( ) . Ty re bananas. B.hse are baana tree C. Th ae appe. D. hy are trees( )4A. Poly

3、i m frind.B Ply is r. Whees olly D. How od s Py( )5 . What e thy B. Theyare boks.The re s. D. Tey aremy books.笔试部分(80分)四、单项选择。(分)( ). Tankyo v muc. _A. Thatsrg .Thtall righ. . Im k. .OK.( ).Im_. . Enland B nglh C. anEnldD an Eglsh ( )3.Hs _b.A Chies B a Chi aChinse D. Chia( ).How_ou splitA. doB.are

4、C. i D.am ( )5. hatsts _a ll poe. ts B. ItC.IsD. that( ). _is inA. grade B.W grade C W Grade D.whagre( )_ Class Onem _Nuber Five A.in; /B in;in C. /; / . /;i( )8.r oseourfrieds_. he r hrfiend.A. No, ey e.B Ye, they ae.No, theyaretD.Yes, they aent.()9._sshefrom Shes fro_AWhere, japan.B. Wher, JapanC.

5、Whee, Japane D.hee, japanese( )0.Lcys _Amercan girl, he isnt _ Japneser. . an, B. /; / C. an; n; /五、选用下列所给的词填空。(每词限用一次)(10分)the, an,akes, se umbe, ho, hee,tht, not, here, 1 Shes in Cass_.2.Wat ck cellphne_3._ldare you m 22.4.Wats that inlisht _rag.5.They re i te _schoo.Thyae _i te same class.7.ey ar

6、e _.8._ i h rom.Is_ yur ty1.Ae _yor stent六、用“a” 或“a”填空。(0分)._ book 2 _ bus3. _eg _ apple 5._ good riend ._ toy . _nc bag 8. _phone._Chinese a 10._Englsh ar七、句型转换。(10分)1 Isn pple.(对划线部分提问)_ thisi _2.My mohr is 35. (对划线部分提问)_ _ s _ mother. Jc isfrom oko. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Jck fro4. He i in Cas Six, Gade O.

7、 (对划线部分提问)_ _ he in5 a Qg iChinese. (同义句) WaQans _ _.八、补全对话。(10分)A:Heo, m name is Han ue.Wats_() _nameB:yameis Daid. (2) _ you ew stuent hreA:Ys, I m at (3) _ are youinB:m ilass , ade 1.A:Oh, we arein the _ (4)_cs How _(5) ae , DaidB:I mtele. reyou welve, (6) _A:No,I melven.B:Whats ti in_ () _:Its a

8、n appe.B:How do you_ () _ thA:A_()_ PLE,ppl.B: _ (1) _ou.1._ 2._ 3 _ 4._ 5. _ 6. _7._8. _._0 _ 九、阅读理解。(0分)A I am an Enlsh gr. My namiily.Im tirtn. I at chool. Look! Ts smschol t i NO.10 Middle Scool ain Clas , rde1I inow(排) . Im i Team(组) 5. Im O2. Atscol,I ave oo friend She isa gr. Hename iMay. Sis

9、 ntt shotod.I hinshst home My Chse her is Ms Huang Sh s avery ood teaer.Idontkowherage. B Ihin she isnt vry old. 根据以上短文,判断下列说法正误。(对的用,错的用F)(10分)( ) 1.Lily is frm nlnd() 2 Lilysfriend a bo.() 3 MisHuag is notat choo tda.()4.I ontknow MissHangs ge.( )5. Lily sthrteen.B Hll! M am isAn. I from th USA. Nw Im a igh scol student in Shenzhen I a nClassive,Grae ne. Lin Hua andi Juan aremy hiesefins Tey are n Grae One, too, bu the are ntin mclas. They are n las The.I am 1yeas old. Thyre13. Mr



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