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1、大连理工大学21春ACAD船舶工程应用在线作业三满分答案1. AutoCAD软件中,输出图形时必须关闭“文字快显”命令,否则输出后图形的文字部分依然以线框显示。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A2. 当海上风大浪高导致无法进行_,使海面平稳,便于顺利进行救助。A.润滑油B.镇浪油C.动力油当海上风大浪高导致无法进行_,使海面平稳,便于顺利进行救助。A.润滑油B.镇浪油C.动力油正确答案:B3. 在绘制圆的下拉菜单中包含几种绘制圆的方式?( )A.5B.6C.7D.8参考答案:B4. 以下哪些操作需要指定基点,然后根据基点再指定新的位移点?( )A.拉伸对象B.移动对象C.旋转对象参考答案:AB

2、C5. 对流层的主要特征是: A气温随高度的升高而降低 B具有强烈的对流和乱流运动 C没有明显的平流运动 D对流层的主要特征是:A气温随高度的升高而降低B具有强烈的对流和乱流运动C没有明显的平流运动D气象要素在水平方向分布不均匀E大气处于高度电离状态F水汽含量很少ABD6. 以dws格式进行保存时,被保存的文件将包含图形信息的文本文件,其他的CAD系统可以读取该图形信息。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B7. _ is the price paid to a Shipowner for the transportation of goods or merchandise by_ is the

3、price paid to a Shipowner for the transportation of goods or merchandise by sea from one specific port to anotherA.FreightB.Freight rateC.HireD.Lighterage正确答案:A8. The danger,the sacrifice or expenditure to which is the subject of general average,must beThe danger,the sacrifice or expenditure to whic

4、h is the subject of general average,must be in fact _.A.a real oneB.an imagined oneC.a reasonable fearD.a rational one正确答案:A9. Where will you find the requirements for the signals that must be sounded by a mobile offsWhere will you find the requirements for the signals that must be sounded by a mobi

5、le offshore drilling unit that is being towed through an area of restricted visibility?A.COLREGSB.MMS RulesC.SOLAS ConventionD.Coast Pilot正确答案:A10. 穿着气胀式救生衣落水后,应用牙齿将气嘴向前顶紧吹气,交替将左右气室吹胀以增加浮力。穿着气胀式救生衣落水后,应用牙齿将气嘴向前顶紧吹气,交替将左右气室吹胀以增加浮力。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:11. What will NOT be found on the Certificate of Insp

6、ection of an ocean going tanker?A.ManningWhat will NOT be found on the Certificate of Inspection of an ocean going tanker?A.Manning requirementsB.Minimum freeboard permittedC.Grade(s) of cargoes that the vessel may carryD.Waters upon which the vessel may be operated正确答案:B12. AutoCAD中除了可使用arc命令绘制弧线外,

7、还可以使用多段线pline命令绘制弧线。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A13. A copy of the Articles of Agreement,less the names,is required to be posted.This documentA copy of the Articles of Agreement,less the names,is required to be posted.This document is called the_.A.Shipping ArticlesB.Focsle CardC.Voyage AgreementD.Articles Copy

8、正确答案:B14. AutoCAD中调整文字比例采用scale命令。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B15. 在某些状态下,AutoCAD可以在不中断某一命令的执行情况下执行另一条命令,这种命令称为( )。A.可执行命令B.中断命令C.透明命令D.以上均不正确参考答案:C16. 北太平洋上,船舶受北行台风影响,测得真风如何变化,可判定船舶处在危险象限? ANWWSW BESES CSE北太平洋上,船舶受北行台风影响,测得真风如何变化,可判定船舶处在危险象限?ANWWSWBESESCSEENEDNNEED17. 无法通过输入命令来编辑填充图案。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B18. 调用bha

9、tch命令实现何命令?( )A.通过对话框创建填充图案B.通过工具选项板创建填充图案参考答案:A19. 调用区域填充命令可以选择绘图-曲面下拉菜单中的三维填充命令。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B20. 中暑应以预防为主。中暑应以预防为主。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:21. AutoCAD中执行命令时,命令行提示中“”里的内容是AutoCAD命令选项的说明。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B22. 按照垃圾记录有关规定,垃圾是指:I、食品废弃物,包括鲜鱼及其各部分II日常用品废弃物;III、工业用品按照垃圾记录有关规定,垃圾是指:I、食品废弃物,包括鲜鱼及其各部分II日常用品废弃物;I

10、II、工业用品废弃物;IV、有毒液体物质A.IIVB.II、IIIC.IIIID.I、IV正确答案:B23. 影响疲劳的因素有:I、噪音高;II、振动大;III、船舶摇摆剧烈A.IB.I、IIC.I、II、IIID.II、III影响疲劳的因素有:I、噪音高;II、振动大;III、船舶摇摆剧烈A.IB.I、IIC.I、II、IIID.II、III正确答案:C24. Advance freight together with other charges _ due on shipmentA.isB.areC.hasD.haveAdvance freight together with other

11、charges _ due on shipmentA.isB.areC.hasD.have正确答案:A25. Where the contract is to insure the subject-matter at and from,or from one place to anotheWhere the contract is to insure the subject-matter at and from,or from one place to another or others,the policy is called a _.A.contract policyB.insurance

12、 policyC.time policyD.voyage policy正确答案:D26. 冬季常位于西伯利亚及蒙古一带的气压系统为: A冷低压 B冷高压 C暖高压 D热低压冬季常位于西伯利亚及蒙古一带的气压系统为:A冷低压B冷高压C暖高压D热低压B27. AutoCAD中,通过指定坐标的方式指定点位置是绘图过程中最常用的一种拾取点方法。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B28. AutoCAD软件中,执行fill命令可以控制填充图案的可见性。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B29. 刚性救生筏的底部为木质花格板。刚性救生筏的底部为木质花格板。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:30. A psyc

13、hrometer has two thermometers that provide dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures. By coA psychrometer has two thermometers that provide dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures. By comparing these two temperature readings with a set of tables you can determine the _.A.atmospheric pressureB.wind speedC.relati

14、ve humidity and dew pointD.wind chill factor正确答案:C31. 在命令行中执行ablock命令创建外部块。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B32. AutoCAD打开“标注样式管理器”对话框采用何命令?( )A.dimB.ddimC.dddimD.以上均不正确参考答案:B33. 国际通岸接头主要起驳作用,它的大接头尺寸全世界都统一。国际通岸接头主要起驳作用,它的大接头尺寸全世界都统一。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:34. Repairing damage to the hull of a ship at or above the waterline reduces the threat of _Repairing damage to the hull of a ship at or a



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