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1、 宝应县实验小学集团有效教学框架 备课人 课题:Unit2 Im Liu Tao! 课时数:4教学目标A类1.能初步学会用Are you ?来询问别人的姓名并能初步学会使用Yes,I am./No,Im not.来回答2.能初步掌握yes和no这一对反义词3.能熟练地使用Hello/Hi,Im来介绍自己4.能初步会读、会说、会写Goodbye.5.能会认读并会写字母Ee Ff GgB类1.能会认读名字John2.能会读、会说小诗Are you Mike?C类培养学生运用所学英语进行自我介绍和互相问候。教学重难点1.能初步学会用Are you ?来询问别人的姓名并能初步学会使用Yes,I am.

2、/No,Im not.来回答2.能初步掌握yes和no这一对反义词3.能会认读并会写字母Ee Ff Gg预习作业1. Let Ss make a card about his/her own name.2. Try to read the new letters from E to G by themselves.3. Try to read the words about story time and cartoon time.教学板块(注明各板块时间及解决目标序号)学生课堂练习单第一课时课时目标: 1.能初步学会用Are you ?来询问别人的姓名并能初步学会使用Yes,I am./No,

3、Im not.来回答2.能初步掌握yes和no这一对反义词3.能熟练地使用Hello/Hi,Im来介绍自己预习作业:1. Listen to the tape of story time.2. Make a card about his/her own name.教学过程:Step1:Sing a songSing a song to the Ss.good morningStep2:Presentation 1.教授Are you?和Yes,I am.a.教师问学生姓名T:Hello. Im Miss Jiang. Are you?教师出示Are you?,并出示句子的中文。(1)Read

4、with the teacher(2)Read one by one/ group by group(3)Read together板书A:Hello. Im Are you?T: Try to answer my question.教师出示Yes, I am.T:Who can read it?让学生试着读读看。(1)Read with the teacher(2)Read one by one/group by group(3)Read together板书:Yes, I am.b. Pair work(1)T-S,S-T,S-ST: Hello, Im Miss Jiang. Are y

5、ou?S: Yes, I am.S: Hello, ImAre you Miss ZhangT: Yes, I amS1: Hello, ImAre you ?S2: Yes, I am.2.教授No, Im not.a.教师反带头饰(之前学过的人物),让学生猜自己是谁。提示学生用刚刚学过的句子询问。T: Try to say, please. Hello, ImAre you? S: Hello, ImAre you? T: Yes, I am第四个头饰:Yang LingS:Hello, ImAre you?T:No, Im not.教师出示No, Im not.(1)Read with

6、the teacher(2)Read one by one/group by group(3)Read togetherb.让学生模仿教师刚才带头饰的方式,让其他学生来猜。S1: Hello.Ss: Hello. Are you?S1: Yes, I am./No, Im not.在这个环节,有些接受能力比较强的学生有可能在回答No, Im not.后还加上一句Im,如果出现这样的情况,要给予表扬。Step3:Practice1.Play a gameFun time(Guess and say)游戏规则:学生1站在讲台前,坐在位置上的一个学生2站起来说Hello。S1: Hello.Ss:

7、Hello. Are you?S1: Yes,I am./ No, Im not.(Im)2.Listen to the tape,and try to say something about the pictures.让学生先看图,自己说说看图上的主人公会说些什么呢?T:Can you say something about the pictures?让学生逐幅图说。a.学生听录音,说对话先听完整的录音一遍,然后让学生一个个对话框说说看。b.跟录音读 跟着录音读,纠正读音。c.齐读寻找语感。Step4:Summary1. Listen and repeat again.2. Work in

8、pairs. Homework:1. Read after the tape.2. Use the sentences to greet to your parents and friends.第二课时课时目标:1.能初步会读、会说、会写Goodbye.2.能会认读并会写字母Ee Ff Gg3.能会认读名字John预习作业:1. Listen to the tape of story time.教学过程:Step1:Preparation1.教师出示Are you?Yes, I am. No, Im not.学生跟读,进一步熟悉本单元的重点。尤其是I am这个词,有的学生容易把am这个音中/

9、/给吃掉或者是发音不清,所以要有意识地提醒学生a发音发成/ /。T-S(个别对话) S-S(生生对话)(1)T: Hello, ImAre you?S: Yes, I am./ No, Im not.(2)S1:Hello, ImAre you?S2:Yes, I am./ No, Im not.1. Warm up4.跟读课文录音Unit 2 Story timeT: Now, shall we read with the tape?Step2:Presentation and PracticeA Cartoon time 教学1.教师出示图片Bobby.T: Look, who is co

10、ming? Hes Bobby.Please say hello to him.(1)S1:Hello,Bobby.ImBobby: Hello.(2)S2:Hello,ImAre you Bobby? Bobby: Yes, I am.2.教师出示图片SamT: Look, this is Sam.Try to say hello to him.(1)S1:Hello,Sam.ImSam: Hello.(2)S2:Hello,ImAre you Sam? Sam: Yes, I am.3.看图,听录音,回答问题教师出示T: Now, please listen to the tape, an

11、d answer my question: Is he John?.认识新的外国名字John,教师出示John.学生跟老师齐读John,或者一个个读等等。(1)教师放录音Cartoon time(2)学生回答问题T:Is he John?S: No.(3)学生跟读录音T: Now, lets read it together. Lets go.B 字母教学1.复习Aa Bb Cc Dda.大小写字母配对b. Magic eyes快速闪现字母c.写出字母的左邻右舍例如: b c 2.新字母的学习Ee Ff Gga.教师延续上一习题 Dd 让学生思考,引出Ee,并且在黑板上示范以同样的方法教授Ff

12、 Gg,并且板书:b.让学生自己完成练习(1)大小写配对(2)左邻右舍(3)抄写字母Step3:Summary1. Read the sentences on the blackboard.2. What have you learnt this lesson?Step4: Homework1.Listen to the tape.(story time and fun time)2.Sing the song.第三课时课时目标:1. Learn the part of Cartoon time.2. 能初步了解单词抄写的格式3.能会读、会说小诗Are you Mike?预习作业1.read

13、the rhyme.教学过程:Step1:PreparationStep 1 Greeting1.Greetinga.全班打招呼T: Good morning/afternoon, class.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Jiang.b.个别打招呼T:Good morning/ afternoon, xx.S1: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Jiang.2.Sing a songGood morning/afternoonStep2:Presentation1.复习Are you?Yes, I am. / No, Im not

14、.T:Hello, Im Miss Jiang.S:Hello, Miss Jiang. Ima.教师出示头饰,把反面对着学生:S:Hello. ImAre you?T: Yes, I am. No, Im not. Im(提醒学生回答完整)2听录音,想想Goodbye怎么读(Cartoontime)上节课并没有解决Goodbye这个词的读音问题。出于两方面的考虑:(1) 生活中经常听到人说,对于这个词应该有印象。(2) 上节课的重点难点比较多,对于学生来说有点难。(3) 这个词在这节课里我把它作为四会要求的。难度很大。T: Can you read it?让学生观察Good morning. Good afternoon.Goodbye.让学生去发现这三个句子的发音规则。听录音,跟读Cartoon time.T:Is he John? S:No.全班读Cartoon time.Step3:Practice1.出示卡通字母,遮去部分 S1:Hello, Im



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