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1、HistrydAhogyof eican irture (Volum)美国文学史及选读、2Parthe Lierture of olonal mria殖民主义时期的文学( e begnnig of17th cetu)Pt Th Litatre f eaon Andevotion理性和革命时期文学(by tmdth entury)1 Toas Jefers: eclaatono Indeendn独立宣言(776年 18世纪中后期)(仔细阅读懂得意思)BnjmiFrakl: TheutbiographyThomasin: Th merican Crisis*一、 Bejanranlin本杰明富兰克

2、林706-190Syolofmric in te A of Enligenmet殖民地时期作家。独立战争前惟一的杰出的美国作家i te olial perid, only go Amercanauthor bfre h Rvoutionary Wr.1 其还是美国第一位重要作家h fist mjrwrite不凡体现能力,简洁明了,有点风趣,还是一位挖苦天才 anauh he had pow ofxpreson, implici, a sul humr e wa aso sarcatic.2 她最佳作品收录在自传“Autiogaphy”。“对这个年青的国家来说,她的损失比其他任何人的都要大“hs

3、 shdow e evier han an ote ns o this oung nation二、 Toms Jeferson托马斯杰弗逊(143-1826)1 美国历史上最为广泛影响人物hi hougt a ersonaty aefluned hiscouryma mredeel d remaind re effcvl alive.同富兰克林同样具人道主义精神vioous hunitrian sympathie.启蒙运动的产物 roduof the Eitenet.2 1776年同约翰亚当斯、本杰明富兰克林、罗杰谢尔曼、罗伯特R利文斯顿一起起草独立宣言ihJohn Ada, enjai Fr

4、ankin, Rgerhea adRoer Livngston, h dafed the Dlarin dependence.3 17901793任华盛顿内阁中第一任国务卿,ate fist Ameican seretryf at. 8起担任两届美国总统。4 教材作品:独立宣言(1776年7月4日):“T Declrtion o Idependne”。三、 Thmas Paine 托马斯佩因(17371809)*1 177-1783美国危机“AmericCrisis” siged “ommon Sense” ws a sriesof en pahlt 2 战争结束后perectinghe el

5、 of a ion ridgewithoutpiers。(1791792)人权“Rihs Ma”。3 理性的时代“The Ae o easn”1794-1, 她最后一部作品797土地公平“Ararian ustice”.4 教材作品:美国危机:“The AmeicanCriss”四、 Pili reneau菲利浦弗瑞诺(752183)*1 革命战争后期最杰出作家pehapsthe ms uttnding wrrof e PoReoltiaypeo “美国革命诗人”(poetof the Revoutio);“美国诗歌之父”(ater o Amican Poery)2 770年第1部作品想象的力

6、量(Te Power oFay).15年因出版有关挖苦英国人作品而被承认as stiist o th Britsh3 176年出版夜屋(Te Hous of Night)哥特式故事t thi mo. 4 1781写下名诗英国囚船(The Briish Pison Ship)5 教材作品:野忍冬花: “heWild oney ucle” 印第安人的坟地: “The Inda Burg Ground” 致凯提迪德: “o a Caty-d”Part ThLiratur of Romniim浪漫主义文学(18-1860)1. 浪漫主义共同点omnticssharectain genal cracer

7、isics:她们都注重道德,强调个人主义价值观及直觉感觉,并且觉得自然是美的源头,人类社会是腐败之源moalenthssm, fith inthvalue fndvdalism anintuitivepercepti, ada prsptotha the natrl r asrce oodssand manieties sourcoforrpion.3 超验主义(1830thCivi War):(18350)既不讲究逻辑,也不讲究系统,它只强调超越理性的感受,超越法律和世俗束缚的个人体现,她们相信精神上的超越,相信无所不能的善的力量,强调善为万物之源,万物都是善的一部分Transcendena

8、ism: (1830-15) Deind as terecniin in man of e cctyf cquiing kowlege tancendngthrach f te ivesense, or of nowing trthintutvl, or of reangthe dine witout hened oan ercesr. I ad some bascpincestt were geely hre by itsahere. They belve tat God isimnent i eachpnad innture ad thatidviulintutin is ehest so

9、ceof knodge ed tnoptiistic msis n iiidlis,slf-rlian d rejectio o adina authrity.1. Stessthe owerof ntition, belving that peole cul earn thingbt rom the usie worldb means fthive nsesnd fr t ine word y intuitin.2. lce piri(oversou) frstand matte secod3. Tkenature s symblic ospii orGod.Nure cod exercis

10、 a health nd orativeinluence umn mind.Peope soul coe oe onaturefor instructions4. res the motanc ofthe idivual (the idealnd f ndiidualis elf-elinta unsfsh (idividuaiy).5. Exat feeing(subjectvy, imgination,eart thinking) ovr reao (ationlis,ead thinin), iniidual ersion ovrhe estin of law ad cusm.代表:Ra

11、lph aldo Emerson:Nure, efelic;Hnry Daidhore:adenAsa moraphilosophy, transcdentaliwas neiher logical nor sysetized. It exalte feeln over reason, nividulprsionover therestrain f law aus. They belved inthe annec of t “Ovesol”, a al-pervaing pwe or gooness from whchll things coe n of which al thing area

12、 part4 arkRomanticm9 eturAmerica(fte cofatd with Gothcsmorcaled merican Romacism) is a lieaubg cered ortrEdgar llan Poe:e Ravn(death, beauy),Natanil thorne:Te scareleterandHrman Melille: Moby Dik(ar, glooing, mysterus). As opposd o the pefectinist eliefs ofrnsendentlim, the DarkRmatis emphasized uman flliiliyn ponness osinandself-estruction, aswell ase difficultis inheet in attempatsocial refom The Dark Rantis aapteme anthopoorpizeil



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