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1、;The differences between Anerican and China in education and valueBy Dinglan(15070121)Abstract:Key words:Values are the core in the intercultural communication. Values are intangible. People speak of the same values in marriage but seldom express what their values are. The word value comes fromtheLa

2、tin valere, which means“to be worth ”. Values tell uswhat is good, what is bad, what is right, what is wrong, what is true, what is false and how we will behave and evaluate behavior. Values are taught at home, often unconsciously, and reinforced by society. So we can say that values are generally c

3、ulturally determined. When values are once formed, they will instruct people behaviors, attitude, and faith. People of different cultures, while having he same fundamental needs, like eating and sleeping, may have not only quite different wants like social and psychological but also quite different

4、ways of perceiving their needs. Bothare convinced of the rightness of their ways, because they are behaving instinctively, naturally and properly according to their cultural logic. There is a potential for conflict because what is natural for one is not always natural for theother. Their divergence

5、is further complicated by the fact that many of their behavior patterns are based on unconscious values and cultural assumptions about how life should be livedDifferences in Cultural PatternsCultureisacriticalissueininterculturalcommunication.Wehavetodotheculturalcomparison when we are engaging in t

6、he intercultural communication study.Chinese culture is typical Eastern culture. There are various definitions on ,culture? both athome and abroad. Larry,Richard, and Lisa in their bookCommunication between Culturesgive their definition:“ We definecultureasthedepositofknowledge,experience,beliefs,va

7、lues,actions,attitudes,meanings,hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving(LarryA.Samovar,RichardE.Porter,andLisaAStefani.2000).InthebookofI

8、ntroducingCultural Studies, Baldwin and the coauthors present their definition on culture:“ Outside the naturalsciences, the term ,culture? is chiefly used in three relatively distinct senses to refer to: the artsandartistic activity; the learned, primarily symbolic features of a particular way of l

9、ife; and a processofdevelopment(Elaine Baldwin, Brian Longhurst, Greg Smith, Scott Mccracken, and Miles Ogborn.2005). Cultures are extremely complex and consist of numerous interrelated cultural orientations, including values, knowledge, experience, attitudes, norms, and material aspects.Cultural pa

10、tterns are a term that helps us to talk about these orientations collectively. It helps us to understand a society culture on the whole and enables us to make comparisionsbetween different cultures. People in different parts of the world, especially those in the East and those in theWestdodifferprof

11、oundlyintheirculturalpatternsbecausetheyhavedifferentculture,socialcustoms, economy, language, geography, etc.Individualism versus CollectivismIndividualismis themost important value orientation in theWest.Broadly speaking, individualism refers to the doctrine, spelled out in detail by the seventeen

12、th-centuryEnglish philosopher John Locke, that each individual is unique, special, completely different from all other individuals, and the basic unit of nature. American people advocate individualism, they believe thateveryoneisunique;theyhavetherighttopursuitfreedomandhappniess.Inagroup,Americanpe

13、ople will pay great attention to the spirit of teamwork, but they still need to maintain themselvesas a separate individual and at the same time contain other people s differences. Love is a kind ofextremely romantic thing, American people have the courage to pursuit their own happniess but they wil

14、l not give up their own independentpersonality and other pursuits just because of love. Marriage is usually referring to two person, husband and wife, and has nothing todo withotherpeople like their relatives and friends. American people will not give up the independence of love for a certain group, such as a family.Collectivism is characterized by a social framework that distinguishes between in-groups and out-groups.Peoplecountontheirin-groupsuchasfamilies,relativesoraffiliationstolookafter them,and they believe they owe loyalty to the group.



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