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1、精品文档33课练习一用所给词的适当形式填空1. She is (dust) the dressing table.2. Pleas (sharp) the pencil.3. The dog is running (cross) the grass.4.1 beg(you) pard on?5. Now he is putt ing on his(cloth).6. This bedroom Is not clea n .And its(tidy).7. There are some(fork) on the shelf.8. There are some glasses ne (that)

2、bottles.9. Whats the matter with these(child)?10. Come and meet our(employ)11. Whatyour mother (do).She is making the bed.12. Must we (sweep) the floor?13. Look,Sa ndy(shut) the door.14. Sally(sit) under the tree? Yes,she is.15. Tim(climb) the tree now.16. not (read) this magazine.17. (put) on your

3、new shoes ,please.18. Emma(cook) a meal? No, sheis19. the dog(eat) a bone . Yes, itseating a bone.20. What is Mrs.Jo nes doi ng? Sh (take) off her coat.21 They(wash) the dishes? Yes, they are.22. Look,the man and the woman(wait) for the bus.23. They(shave) now.24. WhatMr.Jon es(do).25not(climb) that

4、 tree.26. Must Amysweep) the floor?27. Liste n! The aeroplan (fly)over the river.28. Where the dog run?29. We mustnt(jump) off the wall.精品文档30.lt is eight oclock. The keyboard operator(type) a letter.31. Thes (cook) are cook ing a meal in the kitche n.32. The keyboard operators are typ in g(letter)

5、on the computers.33. The housewives are washi ng the(dish).34. Mr.J ones and his wife are look ing at(they).35. Tim is(sharp)a pen cil.36. The dog is running(cross) the grass.37. He is clea ning his(tooth).38. There is an electric(cook) in the kiche n.39. A(clea n) is sweep ing the floor.40. He is p

6、utt ing on his(trouser).二、单项填空()1. Look!Tomin the garde n.A.walkB.is walki ngC.is walk ingD.are walk ing()2.-?-Im drinking my milk.A.What am I doi ngB.What I am doi ngC.What are you doingD.What you are doing()3.-What is Mary scat doing? Its.A.typing a letterB.dri nking its milkC.putt ing on her dres

7、sD.cook ing()4.The postma n ishim a letter.A.putti ngB.givi ngC.catch ingD.readi ng()5.The touriststhe picture on the wall.A.is look ingB.is look ing atC.are look ing atD.are see ing()6.The childre nthe blackboard.A.is clea ningB.are clea ningC.are sweep ingD.are dusti ng()7.There is a boatthe river

8、the bridge,a nd some men are walk ingthe bridgeA.over un der overB.on over onC.on un der overD.over un der on()8.the table there is a refrigerator,a ndthe table there are two glasses.精品文档A.In onB.Over un derC.Near onD.Near over精品文档()9.A policewoman is him.A.running after B.walking onC.walking under

9、D.running over()10.Tim isthe bus .Some bird arethe bridgeA.waiting for,flying onB.waiting,flying onC.waiting for,flying overD.waiting,flying over()11. is Sally? Shes in the garden.A.What B.HowC.WhereD.What color?She is dancing.()12.-WhatsheA.is ,doB.is,doingC.does,doD.does,doing)13.Look,timthe tree.

10、A.climbB.climbsC.climbingD.is climbing)14.the catscakes on the floor?A.Do ,eatingB.Are ,eatingC.Are ,eatD.Is,eating)15.There are someand twoin the room.A. Child,woman B.Children,woman C.Child,womenD.Children,women)16.the door please,Its cold.A.ShutB.To shutC.OpenD.To open)17.What is John doing?He is

11、the blackboard.A.looking atB. reading onC.taking offD.putting off)18.What is the dog doing ?Its runningthe grass.A.atB.acrossC.ofD.onB.No,he isntD.No,he is)20.You mustthe shoes.A.putting onB.put onC.puts onD.to put on)21.Theresome clouds in the sky.A.beB.isC.areD.am)22.The sunin the sky now.A.shineB

12、.shiningC.is shiningD.shines)19.Is Jim reading a magazine?A.Yes,he read a magazine.C. Yes,he reading a magazine.( )23.Where the ship?It is going under the bridge.精品文档精品文档D,is ,goesD.o nD.looking atD.is look ingD.are ntwalki ngD.doesD.withD.the dishesA.is ,goB.does ,goC.is,goi ng()24.Emma is cook ing

13、 a mealus.A.toB.forC.at()25.Werebooks in the classroom.A.lo oki ngB.read ingC.seei ng()26.Jea n begs Jackafter the childre n.A.lookB.looki ngC.to look()27.Mr.J one with his familyover the bridge.A.walki ngB.is walki ngC.are walk ing( )28.What aboutour homework?A.doB.doi ngC.to do( )29.They are waiti

14、nga bus at the bus stop.A.atB. onC.for()30.The housewives are washi ng.A.dishB.dishsC,a dish三、句型转换。1. The cat is drinking its milk.(变为一般疑问句)the catits milk?2. Jack is reading a magazine变为否定句)Jack is a magazine .3. The boy is putting on his shirt.(变为同义句)The boy isnt his shirt.4. Nicola is typing a letter.(就划线部分提问)Nicola?5. Tim is climbing the tree _in the garden (对戈U线部分提问)is Timthe tree?6Letsclean the blackboard 变为同义句)What the blackboard



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