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1、名姓号学级业专院学山学习东-大好学资料 2016-2017学年2 学期数值计算课程试卷题号得分得分阅卷人( X )110() 1.A problem is ill-conditioned if its solution is highly sensitive to small changes in the problemdata.() 2.The norm of a singular matrix is zero.() 3.Fitting a straight line to a set of data points is a linear least squares problem, whe

2、reas fitting aquadratic polynomial to the data is a nonlinear least squares problem.() 4.Newton s method is an example of a fixed-point iteration scheme.() 5.对给定的 n 个互不相同的观测节点及观测值, 采用 n-1 次多项式插值或 n-1 次多项式拟合逼近,所得结果完全一样。() 6.The Gauss-Seidel method is a special case of SOR (successive over-relaxation)

3、 for solving asystem of linear equations.() 7.A small residual |f(x)| guarantees an accurate solution of s system of nonlinear equationsf(x)=0.() 8.浮点数在其范围内是均匀分布的。() 9.The product of two upper triangular matrices is upper triangular.() 10.Gaussian quadrature rules of different orders never have any

4、points in common.得分阅卷人2101.()如果一个问题的条件数远大于1,则其反问题的条件数A.远大于 1B. 远小于 1C. 大小合适D.根据情况确定2.()下面哪种矩阵分解要求被分解矩阵是正定对称矩阵?A LU 分解B Cholesky 分解C QR 分解D 奇异值分解3.() What is the convergence rate for Newton s method for finding the root x=2 of the equation( x1)( x2)20A linearB superlinear, but not quadraticC quadrati

5、cD cubic4.()下面哪种正交多项式在其正交区间内等震荡?A.LegendreB. ChebyshevC. JacobiD. Hermite5.()在一维不动点迭代中,设x *g x *),则 g ( x *)取何值时收敛速率最快:(A.0B. 1C. 2D.更多精品文档得分阅卷人2201.The approximate absolute errors in approximating by 3 is_ ,and the approximate relativeerrors in approximating by 3 is_2.12, 则 A_ , cond( A)_ 。 在 区 间 0

6、,2 上 ,设 A101sin( x )_3.设 Q 3c,其中 Q 是正交矩阵,则c=_ , QTQ _4 04. 三次样条函数在整个插值区间上 _阶导数连续5. Simpson 积分公式的代数精度是 _,对应的 Newton-Cotes 系数是 _得分阅卷人5201. Explain the distinction between forward and backward error.2.简述线性最小二乘曲线拟合(Linear Least Square Curve Fitting )的基本思想。第1页共3页学习 - 好资料学年 2学期数值计算课程试卷山东大学 2016-20178得分阅卷人

7、3. 简述分段多项式插值函数和三次样条函数的概念。Suppose you are fitting a straight line to the dada point (0,1), (1,2), (3,3).(a) Set up the overdetermined linear system for the least squares problem.名(b) Set up the corresponding normal equations.姓(c) Compute the least squares solution by Cholesky factorization.4. 简述解非线性方程(组)迭代算法中的收敛速率的概念。号学得分阅卷人8级JacobiJacobi12x13x23x12x21业专院学更多精品文档第2页共3页学习 - 好资料得分阅卷人得分阅卷人更多精品文档8e x得分阅卷人8A B x1x11f ( x )dx Af ( 0) Bf ( x1 )08Given the three data points (-1,1),(0,0),(1,1), determinethe interpolating polynomial of degree two, Using the Lagrange basis orthe Newton basis.第3页共3页



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