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1、国家开放大学电大本科高级英语写作2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:1359) 盗传必究Information for the examinees: This examination consists of 3 parts. They are: Pari 1: Vocabulary and Structure 10 points Part 2: Paragraph Organization and Development 40 points Part 3: Writing an Essay 50 points The total marks for this examination are 100

2、 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes. There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet; therefore, you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.n i nHurt 1 Vocabulury und Structure 10 pointsQuetllon 15 ure bHsrd on the fo

3、llowing task.Choose the 叩proprim wordx or expressions from the box to complete the following paragraphs arc I HREE extra choices that you don * I need, Writc your answer on the Answer Sheet.A knB UnlessC just asD imitatesE. difference旦 F“r snmp!zG body IsruhwH Howw but niont of then nonverbal signal

4、s are ddferrnte ( I ) North Arneriunns do notrnainuin eyr contact during h conversationi (2) South Americans do. A North American usually nirrt the other pertn 1 h eyes far a frw nrcondst looks away und then hack ngmiL A South American looks directly into the other persons eyes and coniderv it impol

5、ite noi io continue* Another (3) is how they use hnnd movements while spcdkmg. South AnicricHns use many gcMtures The North AmrricanM utie ge5turcs only occAsionnlly. North and South Amrrican are unnilnr regarding dutnnee between people speaking to each other. ( I) if is h close friendship, the Nort

6、h and South Arncncnn 侦 nd iihotj! two to three I ret Hpnrt. IiF often ponible 2 know whore a pcraon corn frum by studynig hi* or her (5)Part 2 Paragraph Organiuition and IHvelopmvnt |.40 points Questions 6 8 arc bucd on the following task. (IS points) Raid the following pMruraphe Choosr the best nn%

7、wcr to cuch question. Write your answer A. B or C on the Answer Sheet.6) Americans tend to discount thr Bignificancc of link and believe thnt good fortune 心 gencrnlly a result ol Hurd work. In other culturest luck takes on greater signtficancr and hfls AupernAturnl rBmihcation.t. Far exnmplr.ln nwny

8、 Aninn culture certmn nutnbcm nrc conatdcrrd lucky, while others arc unlucky. In HK SAR the number 8, which oun,!t ,lke word for ptonpcrtiy.is considered lucky.while the nutnber pronuunerd like ,hc word”如th” s comidcred unlucky. Hong Kong SAR business people go to gn lengths ! HV,)1 ihr numhrr 4. Fo

9、r rxample* (7). BufvincxM executives hnve been known to 9顷 ideal siteA in hcnvily consented Hung Kon SAR brcnusc the nddre would contain the number 4. They pay premium prirtR for suitable sites conuininn addreises with thr lucky numbers. LikcwiBe Hong Kong SAR butinesB manngrr* avoid xchrduling impo

10、rtant events on the fourth day of each month and prefer to arrnnge critical meetingB on the eighth day.Hong Kong SAR 9 alo n place where the Ancient nrt of Fr” S/tur (literally wind andwaterpracticed. (8) Feng Shut practitioners ate often called in on construction projects to make sure that the buil

11、ding is Aligned correctly on the site. In some cases the technical design of the building is changed to conform to the recommendations ol such expertSimilarly Fmg Shut experts hove been known to be called in when projects irc experiencing problems. Their recommendAtions may include repojiitioninR th

12、e project nwinugerf5 desk or hanging up mirn)r* to deflect the flow of unharmonious influences oway from the building or site of the project.6. Choose rhe topic sentence for this paragraph.A. Cultures differ in their perceptions of success and UiluresB. Cultures differ in their interpretation of sit

13、uations involving luck C- Cultures differ m their miuilivily to lurk nnd lucky numbers7. Choose the best supporting dctnil in context.A. 3 sounds like iAeng (growth) and therefore is a lucky numberB. there is no fourth floor in office and hotel buildings(L even number is considered lucky cspcaally w

14、here il appears in multiples8. Choose the best bridge sentence to connect to the examplesA. Feng Shut was originally used to decide on how best ta places dwclling5 burial sites Or crapsB. This involves making 5ure a site and buildings are aligned in harmony with the earths cvcrgy forces so that the

15、location will be propitiousC. Early forms of Fertg Shut relied on astronomy in order to make decisions about where to build or settleQuestion 9 Complete the following paragraph by adding details. (25 points) Make sure your tone and the vocabulary you use arc in unity with the relevant paragraphs Write about 6080 words. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Two Traits of a Successful College StudentFirst-time college students dem、realixe the reality shock they will receive when they rr to college. High school and college atmaxphere are extremely different in many ways and



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