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1、24WWhatt weere somme oof yyourr acchieevemmentts iin yyourr laast jobb? 在在上一份份工作中中,你最大大的成就就是什么么?Whatt weere somme oof tthe dissapppoinntmeentss inn yoour lasst jjob? / whaat iis yyourr biiggeest faiilurre sso ffar?Whatt waas yyourr moost imppresssivve eexpeerieencee?/ whaat wwas youur bbigggestt suu

2、cceess/ whhat wass yoour bigggesst ffailluree?问题分析析:一个个颠扑不不破的面面试哲学学是:在在上一份份工作中中有成就就的,才才有可能能在新工工作中有有成就(youu weere goood, andd yoou wwilll bee goood)。原则:wwhatt exxperriennce or whaat kknowwleddge/skiill cann bee trranssferrredd too thhe jjob youu arre aappllyinng. Nott juust expperiiencce, skiill, 更重重

3、要的是是你是如如何获得得这个成成就的, howw too acchieeve inttelllecttuallly, phhysiicallly, meentaallyy annd pproffesssionnallly?原则:无无论是成成功还是是失败, 都按照照以下的的步骤1 whhat is thaat?2 hoow yyou deaal wwithh itt (eexammplee, ddataa),第第二步一一定要透透露出一一些品质质,例如如,foor tthe deaadliine, haave to takke aadvaantaage of thee addvanncedd te

4、echnniquue tthouugh risskyyouu arre ffamiiliaar wwithh thhe uup-tto-ddatee teechnniquue; worrk oon tthe urggentt prrojeect, 166 hoourss a dayy, 77 daays in a rrow-ccan worrk hhardd unnderr sttresss.3 whhat havve yyou leaarn? Exxperriennce, skkilll, aabillityy另外关于于失败,可可以参考考“weeaknnesss”的答答题思路路。Exammp

5、lee1: Wheen II juust gott myy maasteer ddegrree in thee UKK, II waas pplannninng tto ffindd ann offficce aandstaableejoob. Howweveer, no mattterr hoow hhardd I tryy, tthe onees wwho gavve mme cchannce werre aall salles, reecruuitmmentt coonsuultaant witth ttargget to achhievve aand preessuure to sta

6、and. Itt waasnt mmy oorigginaal cchoiice, hoowevver, beecauuse I hhad to makke aa liivinng, I ttookk thhe jjob. Att thhe bbegiinniing, myy laanguuagee baarriier, laack of selllinng/ccommmuniicattionn skkilll kiilleed mme, if nott foor lliviing, I wonnt go on. Annd ssincce iit wwas commpleetelly ccom

7、mmisssionn-baasedd, nno bbasiic, so I llistten, leearnned andd apppliied. I reccordded alll thhe rrefuusinng eexcuusess annd tthouughtt abboutt hoow tto tturnn thhem dowwn. I aaskeed tthe expperiiencced collleaaguees hhow to deaal wwithh thhem. Foor tthe lannguaage proobleem, I rreadd neewsppapeer a

8、and imiitatted thee Biirmiinghham acccentt. FFor thee taargeet, I hhavee too waalk thee exxtraa miile to covver my bluunt selllinng ttechhniqque. Ass a ressultt, II waas ggranntedd thhe ttop salles priize forr thhe mmontth aafteer ssix monnthss.I reealiizedd thhat sommetiimess noot yyou chooosee thh

9、e rroadd, bbut thee rooad chooosees yyou. Annd iif yyou cannt rejjectt, yyou neeed tto ddevoote youurseelf in it rattherr thhan forrsakke yyourrsellf. Sollutiion rattherr thhan queestiion finnderr.答的过程程一定要要诚恳,真真实。其其实整个个inttervvieww的艺术术, 就就是在寻寻找人性性的弱点点,动之之以情, 晓之以以理, 击败HHR. 你和HHR的关关系, 既是敌敌人又是是朋友,除除了粉碎

10、碎他的不不信任,同同时你需需要得到到他的认认同和喜喜欢。Exammplee2(succcesss) :I rannkedd noo.1 outt off 500 saalessmann inn thhe aannuual perrforrmannce evaaluaatioon, andd goot aa raaisee. II feelt verry hhapppy, butt I wassntt arrroggantt. HHoweeverr, tthe collleaaguees ggradduallly isoolatted me sommehoow.Frrom thiis, I rr

11、eallizee thhat humman beiing willl sshoww thheirr seelf-sattisffacttionn suubcoonscciouuslyy soo noow mmattter howw haappyy yoou aare, evven “woon aa lootteery”, yoou sstilll hhavee too keeep a llow proofille, as loww ass yoou ccan esppeciiallly yyou aree ouutsttanddingg.25 WWhy youu quuit youur lla

12、stt joob?The purrposseoof tthiss quuesttionn iss: wwilll yoou lleavve mme ffor thee saame reaasonn, wwilll u do thee saame to me at youur nnextt joob, matte?Geneerall innstrructtionns: no neggatiive thiing, noot aany disssattisffacttionn off urr foormeer jjob, buut ppraiise aboout ur forrmerr emmplo

13、oyerr.你需要表表现出来来的是忠忠肝义胆胆, 如如关二哥哥一样;但是迫迫于客观观形势(你所说说的形势势一定不不会在你你现在这这家公司司出现, 否则就就是致命命的答案案), 你不得得不走; 你的的形象又又再一步步提高, 有情有有义, 忠君爱爱家,不不选你选选谁呢? 当然然后面会会说到, 要看对对方的反反映来做做调整。角度:1.nno sspacce ffor proomottionn. (Thee coompaany is kinnd tto mme; thee diirecctorr giivess mee loots of chaancee too prrospperpraaisee u

14、rr foormeer ccomppanyy; howweveer, thee coompaanys sstruuctuure is typpicaal bbureeauccraccy aand senniorrityy-baasedd不得得不走. SSommy ddireectoor ssugggestt a chaangee woouldd bee beenefficiial to my carreerr处处处流露出出忠心的的形象.)2. rreloocattionn prrobllem.(TThe commpanny iis kkindd too mee; tthe dirrecttor

15、 givves me lotts oof cchanncess too prrospper; hoowevver, ouur ooffiice is rellocaatedd too xxxx。I wouuld havve ffollloweed tthemm haad II noot bbeenn thhe oonlyy chhildd off thhe ffamiily查清楚楚这份工工作有没没有需要要你reeloccateed.)3. oorgaanizzatiion reddunddanccy(coss thhe fformmer commpanny hhasnnt donne wwelll inn thhe ppastt 2 yeaars, thhey havve tto mmakee soome reddunddanccy aand ourr deeparrtmeent is luccky enooughh too bee onne oof tth


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