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1、2022年考博英语-西南政法大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Ive heard that you are going to( )the bosss job when she retires.问题1选项A.put up withB.put in forC.put out toD.put in on【答案】B【解析】词组辨析题。A选项put up with“忍受,容忍”;B选项put in for“申请”;C选项put out to“拿出去”;D选项put in on没有此搭配。句意:我听说你打算在老板退休后申请(接替)她的职位。选项B符合句意。2. 翻译题Put the fo

2、llowing passages into Chinese:The next source of law that has to be considered is case law, the effective creation and refinement of law in the course of judicial decisions. It should be remembered that the United Kingdoms law is still a common law system and even if legislation is of ever increasin

3、g importance, the significance and effectiveness of judicial creativity should not be discounted. Judicial decisions are a source of law through the operation of the doctrine of judicial precedents. This process depends on the established hierarchy of the courts, and operates in such a way that gene

4、rally a court is bound by the ratio decidendi or rule of law implicit in the decision of a court above it in the hierarchy and usually by a court of equal standing in the hierarchy. Where statute law does cover a particular area or where the law is silent generally it will be necessary for a court d

5、eciding cases relating to such an area to determine what the law is and, in so doing, that court will inescapably and unarguably be creating law. The scope for judicial creativity should not be underestimated and it should be remembered that the task of interpreting the actual meaning of legislation

6、 in particular cases also falls in the judiciary and provides it with a further important area of discretionaiy creativity.The characteristic territorial unit served by the prosecutors office is the county: in a few states, larger districts, composed of several counties, are found. Many counties hav

7、e so little criminal business (other than minor violations prosecuted by local or state police without the aid of the prosecutor) that, even when the civil litigation to which the county is a party, as well as other county legal work, are added to the prosecutors functions, as they commonly are, the

8、 post of county attorney is still only a part-time one with compensation often inadequate to attract is still only a part-time one with compensation often inadequate to attract the established lawyers of the county. The post thus tends to fall to a politically active young lawyer still engaged in bu

9、ilding his practice; and it is not surprising that he often tends to regard it as primarily a short-term means of professional or political advancement. Under these circumstances, anything like a career officials approach to the office is unlikely. The cure would seem to be in placing the prosecutor

10、s office on a district instead of a county basis, the district being large enough to warrant a full-time prosecutor with adequate compensation and adequate staff.【答案】下一个要考虑的法律来源是判例法,它是在司法判决的过程中对法律有效创新和完善。我们应该牢记,英国的法律仍然是普通法体系,所以即使立法日益重要,司法创新的意义和有效性却不容低估。司法判决成为法源,贯穿整个司法判例教义的执行过程中。这样的过程依赖于己建立的法院层级体系,而且

11、以这样的方式运作,即通常某个法院受到隐含于这个层级体系中上级法院的判决中的判决依据和法律条文的约朿,而且也一般受到这个层级体系中同等地位的法院的约束。法院有必要,在处理涉及法令没有包含的特殊领域或法律通常没有记载的领域的案件吋,决定适用的法律并执行。这就是法院正在对法律进行创新,而这是法院无法逃避也无可争辩的职责。我们不应该低估司法创新的适用范围,且应该牢记,在特定的情况下,法律的解释任务 也会落在司法机关身上,因此,我们要给予司法机关在重要领域内的自由裁量权。检察院所管辖的特殊区域包括各州、区的县。许多县的犯罪活动较少,一些轻微违法行为,直接由当地或州警察起诉,无须检方介入。全县作为诉讼主体

12、的民事诉讼以及其它县的法律事务波纳入检察官的职责范围之内。通常情况下,县检察官一职为兼职,所以微薄的薪水不足以留住他们。同样微薄的薪酬对现有的县级律师同样没有吸引力。因此,这一岗位易于沦为思想活跃、有政治野心的年轻律师职业生涯的奠基石。经常有年轻的律师把它看成是其专业水平提升与政治地位晋升的一种主要的短线 战略手段,这一现象并不奇怪。在这样的背景之下,任何人想通过这一方式进入到政府机关都是不大可能的。改善这一现状的办法就是将人员安置在区检察院而不是县级检察院。因为区检察院的检察官是全职人员,有不错的薪酬,有足够的工作人员。3. 单选题If you( ) your demand, then ma

13、ybe you will have more chance of getting what you want.问题1选项A.conductB.dismissC.grantD.moderate【答案】B【解析】动词辨析题。A选项conduct“组织”;B选项dismiss“解散,解雇;不予理会,不予考虑”;C选项grant“授予”;D选项moderate“节制,减轻”。句意:如果你不考虑自己的需求,你将会有更多的机会获得你想要的。选项B符合句意。4. 单选题It is a( )that in such a rich country there should be so many poor peo

14、ple.问题1选项A.debateB.disputeC.dilemmaD.paradox【答案】D【解析】名词辨析题。A选项debate“辩论,讨论”;B选项dispute“辩论,争吵”;C选项dilemma“困境,进退两难”;D选项paradox“悖论,自相矛盾的人或事”。句意:在如此富裕的国家竟然有那么多穷人,这是一个多么矛盾的事情。选项D符合句意。5. 单选题Radar is used to extend the( )of mans senses for observing his environment, especially the sense of vision.问题1选项A.va

15、lidityB.liabilityC.capabilityD.intensity【答案】C【解析】名词辨析题。A选项validity“有效性,正确性”;B选项liability“责任,可能性”;C选项capability“才能,能力”;D选项intensity“强度”。句意:雷达是用来扩展人们观察环境的感知能力,特别是视觉感知能力。选项C符合语境。6. 单选题Dangerous chemicals may( )through the soil into rivers. Free dumping of wastes should be prohibited.问题1选项A.spreadB.permeateC.perplexD.filter【答案】B【解析】动词辨析题。A选项spread“传播”;B选项permeate“弥漫,渗透”;C选项perplex“使困惑”;D选项filter“过滤,渗透”。句意:危险的化学物质可能渗入土壤进入河流。禁止随意倾倒废物。选项B符合句意。7. 单选题She fell off her horse and badly( ) herself.问题1选项A.woundedB.damaged



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