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1、(1)短语动词 turn up the radio/music 开大 He hasnt turned up yet. /at the party 出现,露面turn down the music 关小 his application for the job./his demand 拒绝turn out to be wrong 证明是 the new model cars 生产turn/hand over the company to me 转交,移交turn to the teacher 求助于call for equality/intensive care/considerable effo

2、rts /patience 要求,需要call off the meeting /the date /order 取消 call at the construction site 访问call on sb 号召,拜访come across my former teacher, an old picture 遇到,偶然碰见,意外发现come out (news/book ) 公开,出版come about How does it that your answers are identical to mine? 发生come (a)round after operation 手术后苏醒come u

3、p with a new idea 想出come off the plan has come off 成功07年come true 成为真的,实现05年make out the outline of the mountain / the color of the bike 辨认出make for the exit 考过 向走去make up the majority/a group 组成 make up a story/an excuse 编造make up for the lost time/the loss 弥补The thief broke away from the policeman

4、. 逃离,脱离A fire/war/fight break out. 爆发His lecture/the relationship breaks off. 关系中断,中止Our English will break through. 突破The ice breaks up in the spring. 裂开Atoms break up when tensely heated. 分解John and I just broke up 结束Break down A car broke down 设备坏了 The old man broke down at the news of her sons d

5、eathgo off (食)变质;断电go by what your supervisor says 遵守 appearance/regulations 根据判断go into economic problems/ details of the occurrence 研究,探讨go over his notes/the account 浏览;检查run down sb. in the back 诽谤the battery run down 失去动力run into difficulty/debts 遇到run over his notes/the reports 浏览run out of th

6、e money 用完run out 主语是时间,金钱cut off the electricity/conversation 切断cut down the expenses/cost 减少cut out a paragraph 删除take over the company/the job 接管take up space/time 占据 a new hobby, English 开始从事 take in what you said/students 理解,欺骗take on responsibilities 承担 more staff 雇佣 -a new look 呈现take after h

7、is father in every way 相似,相象see to a patient 照顾照料see sb off at the airport 送行see sb through 看透,识破put out a fire/light 熄灭put up a notice 张贴 tent 搭建put off a conference 推迟put up with the noise/abuse 忍受set about contacting the company 开始做,着手处理set off/set out 出发,启程set back the traffic 阻碍lay out a plan/schedule 计划,安排 cable 铺设 lay down a new regulation



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