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1、外贸函电复习题及答案二. 短语翻译 1 From English to Chinese 1) terms of payment 2) net weight 3) Bill of Lading 4) Country of origin 2. From Chinese to English 1) 供求 2)标题项下的货物 3)商会 4)共同努力 5)保兑信用证 6)会签 三. 句子翻译 1. 我们男士衬衫的包装为每件套一塑料袋,五打装一纸箱。内衬防潮纸,外打铁箍两道。 2. 因无直达班轮,请允许转船。 3我们得悉上述货物的有关信用证即将开出。保证一收到贵方信用证,我们将尽早安排第一艘可以定得舱位的

2、船只装运。 三. 信件翻译 敬启者: 你公司x月x日的报价单和尼龙女式运动成衣样品都已收到,谢谢。我公司对价格和品质均感满意,并乐意按你方报价单所提条件订购下列货物: 小号尼龙运动衣 每打80美元成本加保险费加运费到伦敦价, 5打。 中号尼龙运动衣 每打120美元成本加保险费加运费到伦敦价 7打。 大号尼龙运动衣 每打160美元成本加保险费加运费到伦敦价 4打。 只有在满足x月x日前将货运到的条件下,我公司才订购上述尼龙运动衣。 我公司通常的付款条件是60天承兑交单。请告你公司是否同意这一条件。 .谨上 二 翻译 短语翻译 1支付条件 2.净重 3. 提单 4. 原产地 1. supply a

3、nd demand 2. the captioned goods 3.the chamber of commerce 4.joint effort 5. confirmed L/C 6.countersign 句子翻译 1. Our Mens Shirts are packed in poly bags, five dozen to a carton lined with damp-proof paper and secured with 2 iron straps outside. 2. As there is no direct steamer, please allow transshi

4、pment. 3. We have learned that the relative L/C for the above-mentioned goods will be opened immediately. You are assured that upon receipt of your L/C, we will arrange to ship by the first available steamer. 信件翻译 Dear sirs We thank you for your quotation of Nov5 and the samples of ready-made nylon

5、womens sports garments. We are satisfied with both the quality and price,and pleased to order the following goods according to the terms of your quotation: Small size womens sports coat US80 per dozen CIF London 5 dozens . Medium size womens sports coat US120 per dozen CIF London 7dozens. Large size

6、 womens sports coat US160 per dozen CIF London 4dozens. We place the order with you for the above-mentioned goods subject to your delivery of the goods prior to December 15. Our normal term of payment is D/A after 60 days.Please let us know whether you agree to the terms of payment. Yours faithfully

7、, 外贸函电试题库 Match A. “INCOTERMS” ( ) 1. 货交承运人 B. FOB ( ) 2. 信用证 C. FCA ( ) 3. 欧洲主要口岸 D. T/T ( ) 4. 海运提单 E. D/P ( ) 5. 装运港船上交货 F. L/C ( ) 6. 协会货物条款 G. EMP ( ) 7. 国际贸易术语解释通则 H. FPA ( ) 8. 平安险 I. B/L ( ) 9. 付款交单 J. ICC ( ) 10. 电汇 A. “INCOTERMS” ( ) 1. 货交承运人 B. FOB ( ) 2. 信用证 C. FCA ( ) 3. 欧洲主要口岸 D. T/T (

8、 ) 4. 海运提单 E. D/P ( ) 5. 装运港船上交货 F. L/C ( ) 6. 协会货物条款 G. EMP ( ) 7. 国际贸易术语解释通则 H. FPA ( ) 8. 平安险 I. B/L ( ) 9. 付款交单 J. ICC ( ) 10. 电汇 A. “INCOTERMS” ( ) 1. 运费、保险费付至 B. CFR ( ) 2. 承兑交单 C. CIP ( ) 3. 银行保证书 D. D/D ( ) 4. 预计到港时间 E. D/A ( ) 5. 国际贸易术语解释通则 F. L/G ( ) 6. 海运提单 G. ETA ( ) 7. 中国人民保险海洋运输货物保险条款

9、H. WPA ( ) 8. 票汇 I. B/L ( ) 9. 水渍险 J. CIC ( ) 10. 成本加运费 Answers: 7,5,1,10,9,2,3,8,4,6 7,5,1,10,9,2,3,8,4,6 5,10,1,8,2,3,4,9,6,7 Business terms translation 1. Chamber of commerce _ 2. Quotation _ 3. Counter-offer _ 4. Customs invoice _ 5. Open account terms _ 6. Certificate of origin _ 7. Import quot

10、as system _ 8. Bill of exchange _ 9. Promissory note _ 10. Confirmed L/C _ 1. Quantity Discount _ 2. Proforma Invoice _ 3. Non-Tariff Barriers _ 4. Sales Contract _ 5. Documentary Bill _ 6. Sight Draft _ 7. Irrevocable L/C _ 8. On Board B/L _ 9. More or Less Clause _ 10. Insurance Policy _ 1. Cash D

11、iscount _ 2. Commercial Invoice _ 3. Import Licence System _ 4. Sales Confirmation _ 5. Commercial Draft _ 6. Time Draft _ 7. Collection _ 8. Clean B/L _ 9. Warehouse to Warehouse Clause _ 10. Insurance Certificate _ Answers: 1 商会 2。报盘 3。还盘 4。海关发票 5。赊帐方式 6。原产地证 7。进口配额制 8。汇票 9。本票 10。保兑信用证 1数量折扣 2形式发票 3非关税壁垒 4销售合同 5跟单汇票6。即期汇票 7。不可撤消信用证 8。已装船提单 9。溢短装条款 10。保险单 1现金折扣 2。商业发票 3。进口许可证制 4。销售确认书 5。商业汇票6。远期汇票 7。托收 8。清洁提单 9。仓至仓条款 10。保险凭证 Sentence translation 1) 贵国驻华大使馆商务参赞处告知,你拟从我国进口车床(lathe),故特



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