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1、七选五、Th y e hwinf the oul Haing a airoight, cla ye isvery importat, s we should rotec our eyes throughot or ie._13_ nt read whileyin dw or wng. elaxafterveryhour of ran.eep adstance fr(与保持距离)te TVswhe watch TVndiv your yea esteve 30 minus.Dnt tarat(盯着看)he sn or ry o ead i h darkes _14_ This cn daage

2、your ye easly.Ge yureyes eckedoften No ay peple havehis hait, but itis neessary. I ou fel thathere is somethiwrong wih ur eye, ge thmcekd qkly. _15_6_Yucan cloe ou eyesoa few seco or look into th disce for onoro minusA sall break will eaxyoureys nd help tosop yu from gttineyeproblems.Becarful wheyou

3、ose you lases. _1_Makesureyour glss are right for y.I they ont fel ri,etyr gassecanged.evelop good eadnabitBRestr eys whenee ou an. Make sre yu tenoughslpever nght.Glassestharentstaloyoucoul rin u troubl.E. ven i your werig sunae,never look diecly athe un. Eye problems can foun ad tret earlywithregu

4、lar checs. rnkgreen eaeryday s aw o protet yo eyes aait eyeprols.、Ho toakeFindFiendship is avy imprtat humn rlatonip nd everynned good fried. ood fiendsip as a beefits. ofersoanionhi, mrves self-worth d prooe oheth. here e time in ulvessuch s hn whave reentlymodinto ew tw,or caed ourjbs or schols.Su

5、ch chnes ofe leave u withou fen. 36But or an f s the prcess s difficultd reuires cuage. Below ae ome hlpful sugsons on h toake and eep freds.1. ssociate wh hers.Thefitsep to make friends is ssiang wt oher pople.Yo can g to pulic places to mee ewple.Besies, uwee o ake yoursel knon becoming anacve meb

6、r of suh place.2. trt conesatio tartinaconvrsion i secondmot mportane in mkng new friends 3 You canalways start the covesation. ein able t mak smallaks is ey useful killin inwith heel.3. 8 Chosingfriends withcmn inet is iportantin buing rieship shee nteress wouldalways brn yuad or rnd toghr aning t

7、wll always e a pleant exernc. Let itr. It s a good thng to sain tuch. Howee, ry ott rs u newfriend wt cals,messaeso isits a thsouldlielywea hm or er out and finly you may ose yourri. 9The bestrendhips ae t oe tht aturall.5 noy r frindhp.he est way toeno rendship isto allo end to b thselves. 40 T ot

8、to changeh rm wt ar what you w themt be. Beomte ofed youiwtur frien to be to you. A. For frenhito deelop youned t say n touc.B. o hings togete.C. Mkng newfreds comes easy foomepeoeD.o ot wai to b son toE. Ty not to find faut with your rendsF. Be ceerul.G. o you will ed o givyor friend me t react too

9、.3、What dyou ina sitatin ike this? Yr ating dine wth friendi a nic restaurat Yourehavingagreat mehenaphone in t te ble neto yu. A an takesut his phoe an sats aling loudly aot problms hes havin wit his girrend. He tlks for almost ten minutes!36 Mn peole fid cel phs usefui ray-to-da lves. utweve allst

10、nxt tosneking to loudy n cll phne.ou maywant to tll tludmouh to end te cnversation,but let the nagent takare ofnois ctmr. 37 Here ae afwre: f mens of! 38 f sin say “t off ll hn”, dont uyour phne. 9 Speaksftly ad for horttime. T to moe wayfrom or pol. ights ff, pone of!Never take clls n hater or temo

11、ve. 4Talkin on acellphn while rivg isdangou And atch wre yore oing henyrwalking don tree an lkino th phone.As more peope use cell pone, ings are oly gig t etwrse.So, nexttimure eting readto mke call,stop anconider the pepl round yu.A. a ttntion! B. Ty to akoueunesood!C Kee rivae oversations privte!D Yu can only cntoour obeaior.lwaake sel availaleto oupone.Fow the rule of restaurants d othe pbliclace.Ths hapens ll the time o bses, i eturant,everywere!4、asy StestHappier LivingTae cae ofyour bodOur bdy anmind aeconncted. Itinsat movs or mo d can venlit u ou



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