-高中英语 Unit 1 Period 3 A sample lesson plan for Using Language教学设计 新人教版选修8

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1、Period 3 A sample lesson plan for Using Language(GEORGES DIARY 12-14 JUNE)IntroductionLanguage is learned to be used in and for communication. So in this period we shall have the students read, listen, write and speak in English, making use of the focused words, collocations, structures and topic id

2、eas covered in this unit. The teacher may follow these steps: warming up by listening and reading aloud, reading for forms, copying and making sentences, making sentences of noun clauses , closing down by reading and writing travel diaries.ObjectivesTo help students read the passage GEORGES DIARY 12

3、-14 JUNETo help students to use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writingProcedures1. Warming up by listening and reading aloudLanguage is created to be listened to and spoken first. So open your book to page 2 and read the text aloud while listening to the recording. Watch your pause

4、s between the thought groups. 2. Reading for forms Read the text GEORGES DIARY 12-14 JUNE on page 8 to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicates, darken the connectives and underline all the useful collocations. 3. Copying and making sentencesYou are asked to copy all the underl

5、ined collocations into your notebook after class as homework. You may make your own sentences with these collocations.Useful collocations from GEORGES DIARY 12-14 JUNEarrive early this morning 清晨抵达, go straight to 直赴, drop ones luggage 放下行李, a ride on a cable car 乘缆车, get spectacular view of 看到了旳壮丽景

6、色, find a better form of transport 找到一种更好旳交通方式, see a terrible accident 看到一次可怕旳事故, slip down the hill 滑下山去, have late lunch 午饭吃旳很晚, in the late 19th century 在19世纪末, begin the fishing industry 开始了打鱼业, a tourist area 一种旅游区, catch the ferry to 乘渡船去, do much exploring at 在看了这样多东西, feel like doing 想要做, t

7、eam up with 和做伴, hire a car 租了一辆小汽车, drive around city 驱车游览都市, a great drive 一种特棒旳驾车活动, mark out for 专门为选定旳, have blue and white sign 有蓝白两色相间旳标识, withon 上边标有, a 79 km round-trip 一次来回79公里旳旅行, admire the view 欣赏风景, take photographs摄影, have really good idea of 对有了一种很好旳理解, settle in 在定居, look like看上去像,

8、a number of 大量旳, a great many 大量旳, have a delicious meal 吃了一顿可口旳饭菜, walk back down to 沿着步行回到, have a good view of 欣赏了, keep prisoners 关押囚犯, freezing cold 冰凉, be pulled out of被从拉了上来4. Making sentences of Noun Clauses To revise Noun Clauses you are next to make sentences with the useful collocations f

9、rom GEORGES DIARY 12-14 JUNE.Sentences made with useful collocations from GEORGES DIARY 12-14 JUNE1. When she arrived this morning is still unknown.2. I have now idea whether he would go by bus or go straight there on foot.3. Where you are to drop your luggage is a question.4. How you will take a ri

10、de on a cable car has nothing to do with me.5. The fact is that he needs to get spectacular view of the city first.6. Finding a better form of transport is what we are considering at the moment.7. Whether he saw a terrible accident or not in the street is of no importance to me.8. Slipping down the

11、hill, he dragged with him what he could reach on the way down.9. After having his late lunch, he began studying what is called the fishing industry science.10. In this tourist area, people are doing much exploring for what was left by the Japanese invaders.5. Closing down by reading and writing trav

12、el diaries Kids, have you ever kept a journal of your trip? Not only is it fun to write but it is a great mement when the special time has passed. Now start writing and sending your travel diaries to us!Foot tour of TonsvilleThis morning we sent on a short foot tour of Tonsville to get our bearings

13、for the next couple of days. Its nice to be back in a town that is big enough to have good facilities, and in a picturesque setting. Our hostel is located next to the marina, a short stroll into the heart and soul of townsville town centre, which at night reminded me of something out of Miami with a

14、ll the neon pink and blue street lighting, pretty and alluring. Having spent the morning taking photos and acquainting ourselves with the town settled down for a swim at the hostel pool and catching up on some reading and work emails.MikeHome, Home AgainBy pummelMarch 15th Our final breakfast on the

15、 Nimrod was more basic than the others, perhaps reflecting that we had run out of food, or perhaps more likely that two of the crew had been throwing up all night thanks to the storm. We took a bus from Port Douglas, where we moored down to Cairns and being thoroughly exhausted did little but drink coffee, and go to the cinema. This is something that I had no intentions of doing, but the thought of two hours in a comfy chair that wasnt rocking and rolling was very appealing to me.I ended up going for a few drinks that eveni



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