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1、Cultural diversity vs. cultural integration(文化发展之路:多元与趋同之争)题解:作为历史的积淀,每个民族的特有文化反映出其在发展进程中所创造的精神和物质财富。随着全球化脚步的不断迈进,各国文化相互碰撞。现代国家应该如何看待外来文化鼓励文化多元化均衡发展,在继承并强调本民族文化精华的基础上兼容并包其他国家或民族的文化;还是鼓励文化相互融合,形成崭新的趋同式文化体系,强调共同价值?你对多文化社会作何理解?对中国的文化发展之路有何建议?What science is right and wrong?哥白尼洪秀全even though at last fai

2、l road he wrnt,but still brough us lots of ideasKarl Marx what is included?黑格尔,经济学,空想,哲学diversity+intergrationChristians in China: Is the country in spiritual crisis?By Tim GardamRadio 4s God in ChinaMore people go to church on Sunday in China than in the whole of Europe.Many of Chinas churches are

3、overflowing, as the number of Christians in the country multiplies. In the past, repression drove people to convert - is the cause now rampant capitalism?It is impossible to say how many Christians there are in China today, but no-one denies the numbers are exploding.The government says 25 million,

4、18 million Protestants and six million Catholics. Independent estimates all agree this is a vast underestimate. A conservative figure is 60 million. There are already more Chinese at church on a Sunday than in the whole of Europe.The new converts can be found from peasants in the remote rural villag

5、es to the sophisticated young middle class in the booming cities.Driven undergroundThere is a complexity in the structures of Chinese Christianity which is little understood in the West. To start with, Catholicism and Protestantism are designated by the state as two separate religions.、The Haidian C

6、hristian Church in Beijing was completely re-built to cope with rising numbersThroughout the 20th Century, Christianity was associated with Western imperialism. After the Communist victory in 1949, the missionaries were expelled, but Christianity was permitted in state-sanctioned churches, so long a

7、s they gave their primary allegiance to the Communist Party.Mao, on the other hand, described religion as poison, and the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 70s attempted to eradicate it. Driven underground, Christianity not only survived, but with its own Chinese martyrs, it grew in strength.Sinc

8、e the 1980s, when religious belief was again permitted, the official Churches have gradually created more space for themselves.They report to the State Administration for Religious Affairs. They are forbidden to take part in any religious activity outside their places of worship and sign up to the s

9、logan, Love the country - love your religion.In return the Party promotes atheism in schools but undertakes to protect and respect religion until such time as religion itself will disappear.House ChurchesProtestants and Catholics are both divided into official and unofficial Churches.“Start QuoteThe

10、 old have seen the old certainties of Marxism-Leninism transmute into the most visceral capitalist society on earth”The officially sanctioned Catholic Patriotic Association appoints its own bishops and is not allowed to have any dealings with the Vatican, though Catholics are allowed to recognise th

11、e spiritual authority of the Pope.There is a larger Catholic underground church, supported by the Vatican. Inch by inch, the Vatican and the government have been moving towards accommodation. Most bishops are now recognised by both, with neither side admitting the greater sovereignty of the other.Ye

12、t in the past few months, the Chinese government has again turned tough, ordaining its bishops in the teeth of opposition from the Vatican which has in turn excommunicated one of them.Even so, it would be wrong simply to dismiss the official church as a sham.In the mountains West of Beijing, I visit

13、ed the village of Hou Sangyu where a Catholic Church has stood since the 14th Century.Find Out More Tim Gardam is the Principal of St Annes College, Oxford. He is pictured here with the Catholic Sisters of Sangyu. God in China, Christianity and Catholicism will be on BBC Radio 4 at 8pm on Monday 12

14、September.The tough faith of these old people had withstood the Japanese invasion and the Cultural Revolution. The village clinic was run by nuns, one from Inner Mongolia, a Catholic stronghold.It is from such villages that the Catholic Church recruits its young ordinands, to undertake training for

15、the priesthood.The official Protestant Church is growing faster than Catholicism.On Easter morning, in downtown Beijing, I watched five services, each packed with over 1,500 worshippers. Sunday school was spilling on to the street.However, these numbers are dwarfed by the unofficial house churches, spreading across the country, at odds with the official Church which fears the house churches fervour may provoke a backlash.What the authorities consider non-negotiable is the house churches refusal to acknowledge any official authority over their organisation.The State fears the i



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