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1、欧洲文化入门I. Choose the most appropriate one for the following blanks. (60 POINTS)1. Two major elements in European culture are _. A. the Greek and Roman B. the Judaism and ChristianityC. the Greco-Roman D. A and B抓住两条线索。一条是社会文化发展线索,那就是希腊和罗马文化历史。另一条则是精神宗教形成线索,即犹太教和基督教历史2. _ deals with the Trojan War (th

2、e Greek states led by Agamemnon in their war against the city of Troy ).A. The Odyssey B. The Iliad C. Prometheus Bound D. Persians 荷马史诗描述的正是希腊人与特洛伊人之间的战争(以利亚特和奥得赛)3. The play Prometheus Bound was written by _.A. Aeschylus B. Aristophanes C. Euripides D. Sophocles 4. The best writer of comedy of the

3、 ancient Greece was _ , who is Father of Comedy.A. Euripides B. Aristophanes C. Sophocles D. Aeschylus喜剧家:Aristophanes Comedy writer5. _ was one of the earliest exponents 解释者of the atomic theory.A. Home B. Heracleitue C. Democritus D. Socrates Democritus Materialist, one of the earliest exponents of

4、 the atomic theory6, _by Plato is a book about the ideal state ruled by a philosopher but barring poets.A. Dialogues B. The Apology C. The Republic D. Symposium讨论会7. Dante called _ the master of those who know.A, Aristotle B. Plato C. Socrates D. Archimedes 8. Euclid is even now well-known for his _

5、.A. Elements B. Poetics C. Ethics D. Politics Euclid a textbook of geometry Euclid-Elements9. _ has been a big subject for discussion among writers and artists.A, Discus Thrower B, Venus de Milo C, Laocoon group D, Parthenon 10. Herodotus, Father of History, wrote about the war between _ .A. Athens

6、and Sparta B. Athens and SyracuseC. Athens and Persians D. Greeks and Persians Herodotus wrote about wars between Greeks and Persians Father of history11. It is _ who was the founder of scientific mathematics.A. Heracleitus B. Aristotle C. Socrates D. Pythagoras Pythagoras All things were numbers fo

7、under of scientific mathematics12.Octavius took supreme power as emperor with the title of _ in 27 B. C.Rome B. Augustus C. The Roman Empire D. Pax Romana 公元前27年,元老院授予屋大维“奥古斯都”和“大元帅”的尊称13. The great epic史诗, The Aeneid, was written by _.A. Lucretius B. Virgil C. Julius Caesar D. Cicero 维吉尔 他是罗马文学中最重要

8、的作家。代表作品是阿尼德。14. The oldest and most important of the Old Testament of 39 books are the first five books, called _.A. Deuteronomy B. Exodus C. the Pentateuch D. Genesis Hebrew人的历史口头传送记入the old Testament,旧约包含39本书最重要的前五本是Pentateuch最重要的前五本是摩西五书15. In _ the Jews were carried away into the Babylonian Cap

9、tivity(巴比伦之囚).A. 169 B. C. B. 586 B. C. C. 536 B. C. D, 721 B.C. 16. The most important and influential of English Bible is _, first published in 1611.A. The Septuagint B. The Vulgate C. Wycliffs version D. Authorized version最重要的也是最具影响力的圣经译本是最初发表于1611年的官方版圣经或詹姆斯王圣经17. _ is the oldest extant Greek tr

10、anslation of the Old Testament. A. The Septuagint B. The Vulgate C. Wycliffs version D. Authorized version Greek Bible叫Septuagint18. It is generally accepted that _ and Shakespeare are two great reserviors of Modern English.A. the Bible B. the English Bible C. the New Testament D. the Old Testament

11、英语圣经和莎士比亚的作品被成为现代英语的两大源头。19. The Middle Ages is a period in which _ , _ and Gothic heritages merged. A. Greco-Roman, Christianity B. classical, ChristianC. Greek, Roman D. classical, Hebrew 5-11世纪a period in which classical, Hebrew and Gothic heritage merged 20. The centre of medieval life under feu

12、dalism was _.A. knighthood B. the manor领地C. the Church D. polis 当时最基本的经济组织是封建庄园(manor)21. In 1054, the Christian Church was divided into _ and the Eastern Orthodox东正教的Church.A. Christianity B. the Roman Church C. the Roman Catholic天主教徒Church D. the Western Catholic 1054,教堂分裂为the Roman Catholic Churc

13、h and the Eastern Orthodox Church22. _ by Aquinas forms an enormous system and sums up all the knowledge of medieval theology.A. Summa Theologica B. Summa Contra Gentiles C. Opus maius D. Beowulf St. Thomas Aquinas(Scholasticism)写了 Summa Theologica,这本书sums up all the knowledge of medieval theology神学

14、23. The Anglo-Saxon epic _ originated from the collective effort of oral literature.A. Song of Roland B. the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles历代记. C. Beowulf D. the Divine超人的Comedy 出现了长篇的史诗(Epic)。日耳曼人的一支盎格鲁 萨克逊人的史诗贝欧伍尔夫是流传至今的早期英雄史诗最完整的一部24. Generally speaking, Renaissance refers to the period between _.A. the

15、13th and 15th centuries B. the 14th and mid-17th centuryC. the 15th and 16th centuries D. the 14th and 16th centuries 14th and 17th Century Starting in Florence and Venice25. _ is the essence of the Renaissance.The revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman cultureAttempts to get rid of conservatismThe flowering of paintings, sculpture and architectureHumanism 人文主义提出人是宇宙的中心,对“人”的肯定,成了资产阶级思想的核心。26. Fracesco Petrarch, the author of _, is known as Father of Humanism.A. the Decameron B.Canzoniers C. David D. Sleeping


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