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1、初二英语署假作业初二暑假作业答案: Day 1 Revision - Module 1 Unit 1 I.单项填空 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. C II.完成句子 1. bought me a computer 2. dont want him to spend 4. make you successful but also 3. to help your parents do some housework 5. He has been interested in III.完形填空 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5

2、. B 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. D Day 2 Revision - Module 1 Unit 2 I.单项填空 1.A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C II.完成句子 1. makes / made you so interested in 2. Its very interesting to fly 3. made me think about 4. It has already brought him 5. to help their parents do the housework 6. spend

3、most of my free time playing volleyball. 7. to not only climb the mountain but also listen to III. 阅读理解 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A Day3 Revision - Module 2 Unit 1 I.单项填空 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. B II.完成句子 1. no one knew who I was 2. makes us very excited 3. was afraid to make friends wi

4、th others 4. began to talk with other classmates 5. whether I will be late for school III. 阅读理解 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A Day4 Revision - Module 2 Unit 2 I.单项填空 1.D 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9 A 10.C II.完成句子 1. is always afraid of speaking/to speak 2. can make you feel happy 3. I heard him playing

5、the guitar 4. remember smiling at me 5. no one knew how to answer it 6. Could I take a message 7. to make pen friends III.完形填空 1.D 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.D Day5 Revision - Module 3 Unit 1 I.单项填空 1.A 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.C 9 A 10.B II.完成句子 1. to call me back 2. what time the plane ta

6、kes off 3. Look out for 4. prepared for 5. travelling by air III.阅读理解 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D Day6 Revision - Module 3 Unit 2 I.单项填空 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9 C 10.B II.完成句子 1. At the age of nine, I asked for jobs in small radio station. 2. It seemed that they were speaking to me in person. 3. O

7、ne day I learnt about Internet radio. 4. its; to sleep; hours 5. become; newsreader III.完形填空 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10. C Day7 Revision - Module 4 Unit 1 I.单项填空 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.C II.完成句子 1. If you want to play back, press the green button. 2. If the red light doesnt come on, w

8、ait for thirty seconds. 3. If you want to send your recoding by e-mail, connect the recorder to your computer. 4. He lent me his CD recorder. III.阅读理解 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A Day8 Revision - Module 4 Unit 2 I.单项填空 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.C 9 B 10.B II.完成句子 1.This is the surprising advice of a Brit

9、ish cook. 2.He picked up a dish from the table, and suddenly a snake appearedand bit him on the hand. 3. Doctors couldnt say what was wrong because they didnt know what kind of snake it was. 4. “Take its photo first and then show the photo to the doctors,” suggests M. Jackson. 5. If; want III.完形填空 1

10、.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.A 8. D 9.A 10.B Day9 Revision - Module 5 Unit 1 I.单项填空 1.A 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.B 9 D 10.A II.完成句子 1.Ill have another chance on day. 2. And if she goes to a different school, I wont see my best friend. 3.Her parents have warned her about her schoolwork. 4. And if she be

11、comes a star, her parents will be proud of her, and they wont send her away. 5.Thats a shame. III.完形填空 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.D 6. B 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.A Day10 Revision - Module 5 Unit 2 I.单项填空 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.C 9 A 10.B II.完成句子 1. Last week, my friend Da Wei brought a new computer game and ask

12、ed to play it on my fathers computer. 2. Well, my dad was out, so we decided to try Da Weis game. 3. If you tell him the truth, he ll be angry with you, but at least youll prove how honest you are. 4. Should I offer to pay? 5. He thinks that if I play games on it, itll go wrong. III.阅读理解 ABAC Day11

13、Revision - Module 6 Unit 1 I. 单项选择 1-5 DACBA 6-10 ADACA II. 完成句子 1. Were you awake at 10 oclock yesterday evening? 2. I was too sleepy. 3. She knows that shes among friends. 4. We must look after her. 5. That was the end of the interview. 6. She said China was a very exciting place. III. 完形填空 答案: 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. C Day12 Revision - Module 6 Unit 2 I.单项选择 1-5 CBCAB 6-10 BCDBA II. 完成句子 1. Heres my culture report for today. 2. A new film starts tonight at the s



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